% TOPS-20 change file for PKtype by Tomas Rokicki. Send bug reports to % ROKICKI@SU-SCORE. The majority of these changes eliminate the sign-bit % manipulations necessary on 32-bit machines, but unnecessary on the 36-bit % TOPS-20. @x [1] \pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1 @y \pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1 \let\maybe=\iffalse \def\ttw{{\mc TOPS-20}} \def\title{PKtype changes for \ttw} @z @x [4] @d banner=='This is PKtype, Version 2.2' @y @d banner=='This is PKtype, Version 2.2' @d output==tty @z @x [6] @p program PKtype(input, output); @y @p program PKtype; @z @x [56] @p procedure open_typ_file; {prepares to write text data to the |typ_file|} begin rewrite(typ_file,typ_name); end; @# procedure open_pk_file; {prepares the input for reading} begin reset(pk_file,pk_name); pk_loc := 0 ; end; @y @p procedure open_typ_file; {prepares to write text data to the |typ_file|} begin rewrite(typ_file,typ_name,'/O'); end; @# procedure open_pk_file; {prepares the input for reading} begin reset(pk_file,pk_name,'/O/B:8'); pk_loc := 0 ; end; @z @x [92] @d get_line(#) == if eoln(input) then read_ln(input) ; i := 1 ; while not (eoln(input) or eof(input)) do begin #[i] := input^ ; incr(i) ; get(input) ; end ; #[i] := ' ' @y @d get_line(#) == if eoln(tty) then read_ln(tty) ; i := 1 ; while not (eoln(tty) or eof(tty)) do begin #[i] := tty^ ; incr(i) ; get(tty) ; end ; #[i] := ' ' @z