Subject: TeXhax Digest V90 #12 From: TeXhax Digest Errors-To: Maint-Path: To: TeXhax-Distribution-List:; Reply-To: TeXhax Digest Sunday, January 14, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 12 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: A continuation: Virtual fonts: More fun for Grand Wizards ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Moderators' note: The following contribution is continued from %%TeXhax Digest Issue 11. Virtual fonts: More fun for Grand Wizards %------------- and here's an extract from VPtoVF.web -------------------------- @* Property list description of font metric data. The idea behind \.{VPL} files is that precise details about fonts, i.e., the facts that are needed by typesetting routines like \TeX, sometimes have to be supplied by hand. The nested property-list format provides a reasonably convenient way to do this. A good deal of computation is necessary to parse and process a \.{VPL} file, so it would be inappropriate for \TeX\ itself to do this every time it loads a font. \TeX\ deals only with the compact descriptions of font metric data that appear in \.{TFM} files. Such data is so compact, however, it is almost impossible for anybody but a computer to read it. Device drivers also need a compact way to describe mappings from \TeX's idea of a font to the actual characters a device can produce. They can do this conveniently when given a packed sequence of bytes called a \.{VF} file. The purpose of \.{VPtoVF} is to convert from a human-oriented file of text to computer-oriented files of binary numbers. There's a companion program, \.{VFtoVP}, which goes the other way. @= @!vpl_file:text; @ @= reset(vpl_file); @ A \.{VPL} file is like a \.{PL} file with a few extra features, so we can begin to define it by reviewing the definition of \.{PL} files. The material in the next few sections is copied from the program \.{PLtoTF}. A \.{PL} file is a list of entries of the form $$\.{(PROPERTYNAME VALUE)}$$ where the property name is one of a finite set of names understood by this program, and the value may itself in turn be a property list. The idea is best understood by looking at an example, so let's consider a fragment of the \.{PL} file for a hypothetical font. $$\vbox{\halign{\.{#}\hfil\cr (FAMILY NOVA)\cr (FACE F MIE)\cr (CODINGSCHEME ASCII)\cr (DESIGNSIZE D 10)\cr (DESIGNUNITS D 18)\cr (COMMENT A COMMENT IS IGNORED)\cr (COMMENT (EXCEPT THIS ONE ISN'T))\cr (COMMENT (ACTUALLY IT IS, EVEN THOUGH\cr \qquad\qquad IT SAYS IT ISN'T))\cr (FONTDIMEN\cr \qquad (SLANT R -.25)\cr \qquad (SPACE D 6)\cr \qquad (SHRINK D 2)\cr \qquad (STRETCH D 3)\cr \qquad (XHEIGHT R 10.55)\cr \qquad (QUAD D 18)\cr \qquad )\cr (LIGTABLE\cr \qquad (LABEL C f)\cr \qquad (LIG C f O 200)\cr \qquad (SKIP D 1)\cr \qquad (LABEL O 200)\cr \qquad (LIG C i O 201)\cr \qquad (KRN O 51 R 1.5)\cr \qquad (/LIG C ? C f)\cr \qquad (STOP)\cr \qquad )\cr (CHARACTER C f\cr \qquad (CHARWD D 6)\cr \qquad (CHARHT R 13.5)\cr \qquad (CHARIC R 1.5)\cr \qquad )\cr}}$$ This example says that the font whose metric information is being described belongs to the hypothetical \.{NOVA} family; its face code is medium italic extended; and the characters appear in ASCII code positions. The design size is 10 points, and all other sizes in this \.{PL} file are given in units such that 18 units equals the design size. The font is slanted with a slope of $-.25$ (hence the letters actually slant backward---perhaps that is why the family name is \.{NOVA}). The normal space between words is 6 units (i.e., one third of the 18-unit design size), with glue that shrinks by 2 units or stretches by 3. The letters for which accents don't need to be raised or lowered are 10.55 units high, and one em equals 18 units. The example ligature table is a bit trickier. It specifies that the letter \.f followed by another \.f is changed to code @'200, while code @'200 followed by \.i is changed to @'201; presumably codes @'200 and @'201 represent the ligatures `ff' and `ffi'. Moreover, in both cases \.f and @'200, if the following character is the code @'51 (which is a right parenthesis), an additional 1.5 units of space should be inserted before the @'51. (The `\.{SKIP}~\.D~\.1' skips over one \.{LIG} or \.{KRN} command, which in this case is the second \.{LIG}; in this way two different ligature/kern programs can come together.) Finally, if either \.f or @'200 is followed by a question mark, the question mark is replaced by \.f and the ligature program is started over. (Thus, the character pair `\.{f?}' would actually become the ligature `ff', and `\.{ff?}' or `\.{f?f}' would become `fff'. To avoid this restart procedure, the \.{/LIG} command could be replaced by \.{/LIG>}; then `\.{f?} would become `f\kern0ptf' and `\.{f?f}' would become `f\kern0ptff'.) Character \.f itself is 6 units wide and 13.5 units tall, in this example. Its depth is zero (since \.{CHARDP} is not given), and its italic correction is 1.5 units. @ The example above illustrates most of the features found in \.{PL} files. Note that some property names, like \.{FAMILY} or \.{COMMENT}, take a string as their value; this string continues until the first unmatched right parenthesis. But most property names, like \.{DESIGNSIZE} and \.{SLANT} and \.{LABEL}, take a number as their value. This number can be expressed in a variety of ways, indicated by a prefixed code; \.D stands for decimal, \.H for hexadecimal, \.O for octal, \.R for real, \.C for character, and \.F for ``face.'' Other property names, like \.{LIG}, take two numbers as their value. And still other names, like \.{FONTDIMEN} and \.{LIGTABLE} and \.{CHARACTER}, have more complicated values that involve property lists. A property name is supposed to be used only in an appropriate property list. For example, \.{CHARWD} shouldn't occur on the outer level or within \.{FONTDIMEN}. The individual property-and-value pairs in a property list can appear in any order. For instance, `\.{SHRINK}' precedes `\.{STRETCH}' in the above example, although the \.{TFM} file always puts the stretch parameter first. One could even give the information about characters like `\.f' before specifying the number of units in the design size, or before specifying the ligature and kerning table. However, the \.{LIGTABLE} itself is an exception to this rule; the individual elements of the \.{LIGTABLE} property list can be reordered only to a certain extent without changing the meaning of that table. If property-and-value pairs are omitted, a default value is used. For example, we have already noted that the default for \.{CHARDP} is zero. The default for {\sl every\/} numeric value is, in fact, zero, unless otherwise stated below. If the same property name is used more than once, \.{VPtoVF} will not notice the discrepancy; it simply uses the final value given. Once again, however, the \.{LIGTABLE} is an exception to this rule; \.{VPtoVF} will complain if there is more than one label for some character. And of course many of the entries in the \.{LIGTABLE} property list have the same property name. @ A \.{VPL} file also includes information about how to create each character, by typesetting characters from other fonts and/or by drawing lines, etc. Such information is the value of the `\.{MAP}' property, which can be illustrated as follows: $$\vbox{\halign{\.{#}\hfil\cr (MAPFONT D 0 (FONTNAME Times-Roman))\cr (MAPFONT D 1 (FONTNAME Symbol))\cr (MAPFONT D 2 (FONTNAME cmr10)(FONTAT D 20))\cr (CHARACTER O 0 (MAP (SELECTFONT D 1)(SETCHAR C G)))\cr (CHARACTER O 76 (MAP (SETCHAR O 277)))\cr (CHARACTER D 197 (MAP\cr \qquad(PUSH)(SETCHAR C A)(POP)\cr \qquad(MOVEUP R 0.937)(MOVERIGHT R 1.5)(SETCHAR O 312)))\cr (CHARACTER O 200 (MAP (MOVEDOWN R 2.1)(SETRULE R 1 R 8)))\cr (CHARACTER O 201 (MAP\cr \qquad (SPECIAL ps: /SaveGray currentgray def .5 setgray)\cr \qquad (SELECTFONT D 2)(SETCHAR C A)\cr \qquad (SPECIAL SaveGray setgray)))\cr }}$$ (These specifications appear in addition to the conventional \.{PL} information. The \.{MAP} attribute can be mixed in with other attributes like \.{CHARWD} or it can be given separately.) In this example, the virtual font is composed of characters that can be fabricated from three actual fonts, `\.{Times-Roman}', `\.{Symbol}', and `\.{cmr10} \.{at} \.{20\\u}' (where \.{\\u} is the unit size in this \.{VPL} file). Character |@'0| is typeset as a `G' from the symbol font. Character |@'76| is typeset as character |@'277| from the ordinary Times font. (If no other font is selected, font number~0 is the default. If no \.{MAP} attribute is given, the default map is a character of the same number in the default font.) Character 197 (decimal) is more interesting: First an A is typeset (in the default font Times), and this is enclosed by \.{PUSH} and \.{POP} so that the original position is restored. Then the accent character |@'312| is typeset, after moving up .937 units and right 1.5 units. To typeset character |@'200| in this virtual font, we move down 2.1 units, then typeset a rule that is 1 unit high and 8 units wide. Finally, to typeset character |@'201|, we do something that requires a special ability to interpret PostScript commands; this example sets the PostScript ``color'' to 50\char`\%\ gray and typesets an `A' from \.{cmr10} in that color. In general, the \.{MAP} attribute of a virtual character can be any sequence of typesetting commands that might appear in a page of a \.{DVI} file. A single character might map into an entire page. @ But instead of relying on a hypothetical example, let's consider a complete grammar for \.{VPL} files, beginning with the (unchanged) grammatical rules for \.{PL} files. At the outer level, the following property names are valid in any \.{PL} file: \yskip\hang\.{CHECKSUM} (four-byte value). The value, which should be a nonnegative integer less than $2^{32}$, is used to identify a particular version of a font; it should match the check sum value stored with the font itself. An explicit check sum of zero is used to bypass check sum testing. If no checksum is specified in the \.{VPL} file, \.{VPtoVF} will compute the checksum that \MF\ would compute from the same data. \yskip\hang\.{DESIGNSIZE} (numeric value, default is 10). The value, which should be a real number in the range |1.0<=x<2048|, represents the default amount by which all quantities will be scaled if the font is not loaded with an `\.{at}' specification. For example, if one says `\.{\\font\\A=cmr10 at 15pt}' in \TeX\ language, the design size in the \.{TFM} file is ignored and effectively replaced by 15 points; but if one simply says `\.{\\font\\A=cmr10}' the stated design size is used. This quantity is always in units of printer's points. \yskip\hang\.{DESIGNUNITS} (numeric value, default is 1). The value should be a positive real number; it says how many units equals the design size (or the eventual `\.{at}' size, if the font is being scaled). For example, suppose you have a font that has been digitized with 600 pixels per em, and the design size is one em; then you could say `\.{(DESIGNUNITS R 600)}' if you wanted to give all of your measurements in units of pixels. \yskip\hang\.{CODINGSCHEME} (string value, default is `\.{UNSPECIFIED}'). The string should not contain parentheses, and its length must be less than 40. It identifies the correspondence between the numeric codes and font characters. (\TeX\ ignores this information, but other software programs make use of it.) \yskip\hang\.{FAMILY} (string value, default is `\.{UNSPECIFIED}'). The string should not contain parentheses, and its length must be less than 20. It identifies the name of the family to which this font belongs, e.g., `\.{HELVETICA}'. (\TeX\ ignores this information; but it is needed, for example, when converting \.{DVI} files to \.{PRESS} files for Xerox equipment.) \yskip\hang\.{FACE} (one-byte value). This number, which must lie between 0 and 255 inclusive, is a subsidiary ident\-ifi\-ca\-tion of the font within its family. For example, bold italic condensed fonts might have the same family name as light roman extended fonts, differing only in their face byte. (\TeX\ ignores this information; but it is needed, for example, when converting \.{DVI} files to \.{PRESS} files for Xerox equipment.) \yskip\hang\.{SEVENBITSAFEFLAG} (string value, default is `\.{FALSE}'). The value should start with either `\.T' (true) or `\.F' (false). If true, character codes less than 128 cannot lead to codes of 128 or more via ligatures or charlists or extensible characters. (\TeX82 ignores this flag, but older versions of \TeX\ would only accept \.{TFM} files that were seven-bit safe.) \.{VPtoVF} computes the correct value of this flag and gives an error message only if a claimed ``true'' value is incorrect. \yskip\hang\.{HEADER} (a one-byte value followed by a four-byte value). The one-byte value should be between 18 and a maximum limit that can be raised or lowered depending on the compile-time setting of |max_header_bytes|. The four-byte value goes into the header word whose index is the one-byte value; for example, to set |header[18]:=1|, one may write `\.{(HEADER D 18 O 1)}'. This notation is used for header information that is presently unnamed. (\TeX\ ignores it.) \yskip\hang\.{FONTDIMEN} (property list value). See below for the names allowed in this property list. \yskip\hang\.{LIGTABLE} (property list value). See below for the rules about this special kind of property list. \yskip\hang\.{BOUNDARYCHAR} (one-byte value). If this character appears in a \.{LIGTABLE} command, it matches ``end of word'' as well as itself. If no boundary character is given and no \.{LABEL} \.{BOUNDARYCHAR} occurs within \.{LIGTABLE}, word boundaries will not affect ligatures or kerning. \yskip\hang\.{CHARACTER}. The value is a one-byte integer followed by a property list. The integer represents the number of a character that is present in the font; the property list of a character is defined below. The default is an empty property list. @ Numeric property list values can be given in various forms identified by a prefixed letter. \yskip\hang\.C denotes an ASCII character, which should be a standard visible character that is not a parenthesis. The numeric value will therefore be between @'41 and @'176 but not @'50 or @'51. \yskip\hang\.D denotes an unsigned decimal integer, which must be less than $2^{32}$, i.e., at most `\.{D 4294967295}'. \yskip\hang\.F denotes a three-letter Xerox face code; the admissible codes are \.{MRR}, \.{MIR}, \.{BRR}, \.{BIR}, \.{LRR}, \.{LIR}, \.{MRC}, \.{MIC}, \.{BRC}, \.{BIC}, \.{LRC}, \.{LIC}, \.{MRE}, \.{MIE}, \.{BRE}, \.{BIE}, \.{LRE}, and \.{LIE}, denoting the integers 0 to 17, respectively. \yskip\hang\.O denotes an unsigned octal integer, which must be less than $2^{32}$, i.e., at most `\.{O 37777777777}'. \yskip\hang\.H denotes an unsigned hexadecimal integer, which must be less than $2^{32}$, i.e., at most `\.{H FFFFFFFF}'. \yskip\hang\.R denotes a real number in decimal notation, optionally preceded by a `\.+' or `\.-' sign, and optionally including a decimal point. The absolute value must be less than 2048. @ The property names allowed in a \.{FONTDIMEN} property list correspond to various \TeX\ parameters, each of which has a (real) numeric value. All of the parameters except \.{SLANT} are in design units. The admissible names are \.{SLANT}, \.{SPACE}, \.{STRETCH}, \.{SHRINK}, \.{XHEIGHT}, \.{QUAD}, \.{EXTRASPACE}, \.{NUM1}, \.{NUM2}, \.{NUM3}, \.{DENOM1}, \.{DENOM2}, \.{SUP1}, \.{SUP2}, \.{SUP3}, \.{SUB1}, \.{SUB2}, \.{SUPDROP}, \.{SUBDROP}, \.{DELIM1}, \.{DELIM2}, and \.{AXISHEIGHT}, for parameters 1~to~22. The alternate names \.{DEFAULTRULETHICKNESS}, \.{BIGOPSPACING1}, \.{BIGOPSPACING2}, \.{BIGOPSPACING3}, \.{BIGOPSPACING4}, and \.{BIGOPSPACING5}, may also be used for parameters 8 to 13. The notation `\.{PARAMETER} $n$' provides another way to specify the $n$th parameter; for example, `\.{(PARAMETER} \.{D 1 R -.25)}' is another way to specify that the \.{SLANT} is $-0.25$. The value of $n$ must be positive and less than |max_param_words|. @ The elements of a \.{CHARACTER} property list can be of six different types. \yskip\hang\.{CHARWD} (real value) denotes the character's width in design units. \yskip\hang\.{CHARHT} (real value) denotes the character's height in design units. \yskip\hang\.{CHARDP} (real value) denotes the character's depth in design units. \yskip\hang\.{CHARIC} (real value) denotes the character's italic correction in design units. \yskip\hang\.{NEXTLARGER} (one-byte value), specifies the character that follows the present one in a ``charlist.'' The value must be the number of a character in the font, and there must be no infinite cycles of supposedly larger and larger characters. \yskip\hang\.{VARCHAR} (property list value), specifies an extensible character. This option and \.{NEXTLARGER} are mutually exclusive; i.e., they cannot both be used within the same \.{CHARACTER} list. \yskip\noindent The elements of a \.{VARCHAR} property list are either \.{TOP}, \.{MID}, \.{BOT} or \.{REP}; the values are integers, which must be zero or the number or a character in the font. A zero value for \.{TOP}, \.{MID}, or \.{BOT} means that the corresponding piece of the extensible character is absent. A nonzero value, or a \.{REP} value of zero, denotes the character code used to make up the top, middle, bottom, or replicated piece of an extensible character. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% %%% All submissions to: %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------