Subject: TeXhax Digest V89 #74 From: TeXhax Digest Errors-To: Maint-Path: To: TeXhax-Distribution-List:; Reply-To: TeXhax Digest Friday, August 11, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 74 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: %% A special note from the moderators concerning the huge mailing list... TGRIND? Needed: general information regarding graphics Needed: a way to display the sign for per thousand DVI to Postscript (HELP!) Re: TeXhax Digest V89 # 71 (IBM 3820, dviware) Bug in MacKay's "mode special" routines Bug in MacKay's "mode special" routines--a fix Problem with LaTeX tabular -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% A special note from the moderators concerning the huge mailing list... %% %% Regarding the consolidation of the mailing list, pleas to individuals have %% produced few results, so we are resorting to a public appeal in the %% TeXhax Digest. What follows is a portion of our mailing list. PLEASE %% review it, and IF IT IS AT ALL POSSIBLE, access the Digest from one %% of the following redistribution sites. If no address looks %% convenient, don`t worry; TeXhax #77 will contain another batch of sites. %% After ensuring that your new routing works, please unsubscribe your %% direct address from the list. %% %% Ideally, we would like the list to consist only of redistribution sites, %% in the interest of saving net space. If you don`t see a listing for %% your organization and would like to set one up, we would appreciate %% it greatly.,,, TEX-L%DHDURZ1.BITNET@UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "harvard!adelie!TeXhax",,,,,, "mirror!otto!TeXhax-distribution",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, UICTEX-L@UICVM.UIC.EDU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TEXAMPLE%VUVAXCOM.BITNET@UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU,,, TEXHAX@UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU,,,,, texhax@RELAY.UBC.CA,,,,,, texhax-local@DECWRL.DEC.COM, texhax-inbox@MCC.COM,,, texhax-dist@ai.SRI.COM, XeroxTeXhax^.x@XEROX.COM, Interest_Group_server@IBM.COM,,, post-texhax@nrtc.northrop.COM, post-texhax@potomac.ADS.COM, texhax@ADS.COM, texhax@vax01.AMS.COM, TeXhax%Arisia.decnet@CRD.GE.COM,,, texhax-hp@HPLABS.HP.COM, texhax@intellicorp.COM, texhax-dist@LUCID.COM, texhax@cadillac.SIEMENS.COM, incoming-texhax@prc.UNISYS.COM,, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 6 Aug 89 10:53 EST From: Henning Schulzrinne Subject: TGRIND? Keywords: TGRIND, information Somewhere, I have heard about a program called TGRIND that converts C-program files into their typeset (TeX/LaTeX) equivalents. I have looked in all the standard repositories (Clarkson, Washington, Score,), but found no trace of it. I would appreciate if someone could direct me to the proper place or a utility that serves a similar purpose. Henning Schulzrinne (HGSCHULZ@CS.UMASS.EDU) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Massachusetts at Amherst Amherst, MA 01003 - USA phone: (413) 545-3179 (EST) FAX: (413) 545-0724 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 09 Aug 89 13:49:41 PDT From: Nachum Shacham Subject: Needed: general information regarding graphics Keywords: graphics, information Let me describe to you what I'm looking for. Today, when I write a paper using LaTex, I leave empty space in the file for the figures (using \figure environment), generate the figures by other means, and integrate the graphics by hard-copy cut-and-paste approach. UC Berkeley has a nice software package, Gremlin, by which they can create free-drawing figures and XY graphs, and integrate them with the text, using TROFF, though. What I'm looking for is an equivalent package for TeX or LaTeX. The picture environment in LaTeX is of course too restrictive, and I thought that since this is such a common requirement (after all, EVERYONE in academia generates papers), someone, somewhere must have done it right, maybe as an M.Sc. thesis or something. Do you know of any such software package that upgrade LaTex or Tex to have graphic drawing and integration capability? An alternate approach I am willing to take (see, I'm flexible) is to generate drawings on line by using UNIX commands graph/plot, and free drawing software such as interleaf. What I would like to know is, how to integrate these graphics files with a TeX file. Looking at it in a different way: if I generate PostScript or dvi files independently of TeX, how do I include those files in the Tex output so that the laser printer will issue the complete version of the paper including the text and graphics. Nachum Shacham -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 3 Jul 89 10:07:11 MET From: WMH@DERRZE0 Subject: Needed: a way to display the sign for per thousand Keywords: TeX, percentage %% He is looking for a way to display the sign for per thousand (just like the %% percent sign, only with two zeros at the bottom). Hallo TeX-Gemeinde, hat sich schon jemand am Promille-Zeichen versucht ? Wenn irgendwo ein LaTeX-Makro oder eine elegantere Loesung existiert, waere ich sehr an einer Kopie oder einem entsprechenden Hinweis interessiert. Viele Gruesse Werner Werner Heinrich Bitnet: WMH@DERRZE0 Lehrstuhl f. Elektrische Energieversorgung Universitaet Erlangen Egerlandstr. 9 8520 Erlangen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 7 Aug 89 16:49:06 PDT From: tcipro!ramu@Sun.COM (Ramu Iyer) Subject: DVI to Postscript (HELP!) Keywords: dviware, PostScript I encountered the following problems while creating drivers in my TeX installation: I am running on an Apollo DN3000 under SR10.0. I am installing Unix TeX it under BSD4.3. Problem A: ~~~~~~~~~~ While creating the driver for my Imagen printer, I encountered the following break while 'make'ing /TeX/DVIware/laser-setters/umd-dvi/dev/Makefile.local The break that I encountered was " ../lib/lib.a -- not found --". I checked to see that TeX/DVIware/laser-setters/umd-dvi/lib has no file called lib.a. Any clues or ideas? I did run $make before doing the make on Makefile.local. Problem B: ~~~~~~~~~~ I also tried to create dvi2ps for my Postscript printer [since my Imagen driver had problems because of Problem A]. I did the following before doing the make on /TeX/DVIware/laser-setters/dvi-to-ps/Makefile :- Put in /usr/local/lib/tex $ mkdir /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/gf300 $ cd /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/gf300 $ make -f /TeX/DVIware/laser-setters/SUBDIRmakefile /* to install the hierarchy of fonts*/ However, after all this, when I run dvi2ps foo.dvi >, then it gives me the following error message: $ dvi2ps foo.dvi > [usr/local/lib/tex/] dvi2ps : FATAL -- no font cmbx10.300 My FONTAREA = /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/gf300 in the Makefile for dvi2ps. I also find that cmbx10.300pk is present under ../fonts/gf300/cmbx. Any suggestions will be gratefully acknowledged. Thanks in advance. Ramu Email: ...rutgers!sri-unix!tcipro!ramu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 04 Aug 89 08:36:36 PLT From: Dean Guenther Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V89 # 71 (IBM 3820, dviware) Keywords: IBM 3820, dviware > Does anyone know where I can get an DVI to IBM3820 program? > > I would prefer that it run on VAX/VMS so I can ship the file > to the IBM for printing. Otherwise, I will be satified with > it running under MVS...(ug!) > > Louis McDonald > Craig Platt at the University of Manitoba (PLATT@UOFMCC) has the MVS 3820 drivers. I don't know of anyone as yet who have done the conversion to VMS. Dean Guenther TeX IBM VM/CMS Site Coordinator Washington State University Pullman, Wa. 99164-1220 phone: 509-335-0411 BITnet: GUENTHER@WSUVM1 Internet: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 04 Aug 89 14:08:12 CDT From: Don Hosek Subject: Bug in MacKay's "mode special" routines Keywords: bug, mode special I recently encountered a bug in Pierre MacKay's routines for producing specials in the GF file indicating the mode used to generate the font: if one runs MF using MF \smode="something"; input file, then there is an error when the macro nmode_setup attempts to write the name of the mode to the GF file. This is due to the attempt to read the string mode_name[mode] while mode has a string value itself. I corrected the code to omit writing the name of the mode when smode is used since a mode indicated by smode is generally temporary anyway and the only important part of it is the actual values for the various parameters. Here is my revised nmode_setup routine: def nmode_setup = p_p_i=pixels_per_inch/mag; if fontmaking > 0: begingroup; save d,s,p; save pixels_per_inch; string p; pixels_per_inch:=p_p_i; special jobname; mode_special(mag); if not string mode: p:=substring(0,length(mode_name[mode])-1) of mode_name[mode]; special "mode:="&p&";"; fi mode_special(pixels_per_inch); mode_special(blacker); mode_special(fillin); mode_special(o_correction); endgroup; fi enddef; dh Don Hosek | Internet: U12921@UICVM.UIC.EDU Platt Campus Center | Bitnet: DHOSEK@HMCVAX.BITNET Harvey Mudd College* | DHOSEK@YMIR.BITNET Claremont, CA 91711 | * Despite the address, I am actually at Pitzer College ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 4 Aug 89 15:40:19 PDT From: mackay (Pierre MacKay) Subject: Bug in MacKay's "mode special" routines--a fix Keywords: bug, mode special You must have an old version. I got that fixed a while ago while working with Doug Henderson. My fix is very like yours. if string mode: p:=mode; else: p:=substring(0,length(mode_name[mode])-1) of mode_name[mode]; fi special "mode:="&p&";"; I will claim that my correction is a little better, since the mode name special always gets written. I just used it, so it is definitely working. Pierre ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 04 Aug 89 18:23:40 -0700 From: Subject: Problem with LaTeX tabular Keywords: LaTeX, matrix, tabular Dear LaTeX/TeX Experts, I have a problem with the last few versions of LaTeX. I have been maintaining a matrix using the tabular mode of LaTeX for several years. Each entry consists of 5 fields, each with varying numbers of words in it, and the format for each field is a different fractional number of inches, such as p{1.70in}. When I first started using LaTeX for this matrix (about 1986), it worked fine. Then another version was released that sometimes produced unexpectedly long gaps between words to fill a box in the matrix, when there was clearly enough space to put more words on each line and avoid this large gap. This large gap produces a somewhat ragged-looking effect, and takes up more lines, too. The matrix is published regularly and I want it to look neat, so what I have been doing till now is using the old version of LaTeX, because one group was kind enough to maintain that version for me on their system. But that machine has been taken down now, so I need a way to get current and future versions of LaTeX to fill the fields the way the older versions did, not the way the last few versions do. Samples of the problem follow. Thanks in advance for any help. I can be reached at: or trwarcadia! Judy Kerner. P.S. For a sample of the whole matrix, the last published matrix appeared in the May-June 1989 issue of ACM SIGAda's Ada Letters, beginning on Page 31. %================================================================= Samples: %=================================================================== Sample LaTeX input fragment (note: I have included only one entry, but all of the stuff at the top and bottom of the document; the material itself is copyright ACM): \sloppy \documentstyle{article} \setlength{\textwidth}{8.0in} \setlength{\textheight}{6.5in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.0in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.0in} \setlength{\topmargin}{0.0in} \newcommand{\br}{\hfill\break} \begin{document} \small \pagestyle{myheadings} \newpage \flushright{3/17/89} \center{\underline{Commercially Available Ada Design Language Products}} \vspace{.25in} \begin{tabular}{p{1.025in}p{1.225in}p{1.70in}p{2.825in}p{1.225in}} \underline{Organization} & \underline{Contact} & \underline{Resemblance of language to Ada} & \underline{Scope of tool development effort} & \underline{Availability} \\[.25in] Harris \br Computer Systems & Georgeanne Chitwood 305-977-5573 & Full Ada with analyzable structured English comments and program unit templates. & Users Guide, template editor, prettyprinter, PDL analyzer, cross-referencer, requirements traceability analyzer, documentation generator, and testing assistant in use; other tools TBD. All software runs under HAPSE. Tools are written in C. & Available through Harris Corp. Computer Systems Division. \\[.25in] \end{tabular} \end{document} %======================================================================== Sample output as I prefer it to appear, also as it is produced by the old version of LaTeX (Note 1: I have put ... for the 2nd field and the long 4th field. They both came out identically in both versions. Note 2: Obviously the following is at best an approximation; in the actual output, the lines in all fields except the first field were neatly justified both right and left, with neat fractional adjustments between the letters as well as between the words, and there appear to be some differences in the size of the page margins.): Harris ...Full Ada with analyzable struc-...Available through Har- Computer Systems tured English comments and ris Corp. Computer program unit templates. Systems Division. %=========================================================================== Sample output as it is produced by the latest version of LaTeX (same notes as above): Harris ...Full Ada...Available through Computer with analyzable structured En- Harris Systems glish comments and program Corp. Computer Sys- unit templates. tems Division. %======================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% %%% All submissions to: %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------