Subject: TeXhax Digest V89 #67 From: TeXhax Digest Errors-To: Maint-Path: To: TeXhax-Distribution-List:; Reply-To: TeXhax Digest Friday, July 14, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 67 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: Fixing the response of TeX to end-of-file conditions Fax output from TeX (FaX?) Re: underlining in LaTeX Syntax diagrams in LaTeX or TeX Horizontally truncated text 8th Annual Meeting of German TeX Users Re: Mkf shell script to generate standard fonts Weekday macro ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 06 Jul 89 19:10:21 GMT From: PEB%DM0MPI11.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: Fixing the response of TeX to end-of-file conditions Keywords: TeX, EOF conditions We do exactly that. Our preloaded format includes an \everyjob{\input tex.setup } When a job is run interactively the (CMS) EXEC which really executes TeX creates a temporary file named TEX.SETUP which contains just one line: \errorstopmode \def\userid{xxxxx} \input yyyyy where xxxxx is the user's USERID and yyyyy is our analogue of your myphyx.tex. If the job is executed in a batch worker machine (disconnected), the file TEX.SETUP contains: \let\errorstopmode\batchmode {this prevents \TeX from entering \errorstopmode} \errorstopmode \def\userid{xxxxx} \input yyyyy In either case the EXEC then does something equivalent to: virtex &zzzzz aaaaa.tex and the the jobname will be "aaaaa". One more detail: our yyyyy is in fact "\fmtname.texuptd" and \fmtname is defined in each format package. Thus different format packages (plain, ....) get different yyyyy's. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 6 Jul 89 15:16 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC Subject: Fax output from TeX (FaX?) Keywords: TeX, fax output Has anyone ever developed a DVI2FAX with a set of fonts to print on a fax machine? I know it sounds unlikely, but it would be very nice to be able to fax someone TeX output without having to print 300dpi and then feed it into the fax by hand. What is (and where do I get) the formal defs for a fax format binary file? And are those defs manufacturer-specific or global? Peter Flynn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: 4 Jul 89 19:29 -0600 From: Jim Walker Subject: Re: underlining in LaTeX Keywords: LaTeX, underlining Vivian Harrington writes (TeXhax Digest V89 #58): A collegue here wishes to underline several continuous lines in a document. The \underline command is fragile and does not work when more than one line is to be underlined. Is there any simple way around this difficulty ? thanks in advance It is well known that only freaks and perverts want to underline printed text, which (I suppose) is the reason that I have had this problem too. I have three variants on a macro that underline paragraphs of text. They are: \underraggedpar{The text} --- Produces a raggedright underlined paragraph, \undercentrepar{The text} --- Produces a centred underlined paragraph, and \underflushpar{The text} --- Produces a flush underlined paragraph. The macros work fairly well, but they do have a couple of problems: 1) They do not know about hyphenation, so paragraphs produced using \underraggedpar and (particularly) \underflushpar can sometimes look a bit strange. 2) They don't know where to add inter-sentence space. I have found that a kludge of the form: ...end of a sentence. $\:$Beginning of another sentence... works reasonably well. I hope that these macros are of some use. If anybody has any better ones, I'd be glad to receive a copy. Dr. Jim Walker, Materials & Mechanics Branch, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment, Pinawa, Manitoba R0E 1L0, CANADA. Phone : (204) 753-2311 ext. 2491 Telex : 07-57553 Fax1 : (204) 753-2455 [Verification : (204) 753-2311 ext. 2300] Fax2 : (204) 753-8404 [Verification : (204) 753-2311 ext. 3162] email : walkerj@wnre.aecl.cdn %---------------------------------------CUT HERE------------------------- % % Underlined (raggedright) paragraph macro % Jim Walker, Whiteshell Research, Pinawa, Manitoba R0E 1L0, CANADA % % Usage: \underraggedpar{The text} % % Note: This macro does not allow hyphenation. % Also, it doesn't identify end-of-sentence periods - % although this can be kludged fairly well by: % ...end of a sentence. $\:$Beginning of another sentence... % \def\underraggedpar#1{\def\lindent{\hskip\parindent}\newdimen\lwidth \lwidth=\hsize\advance\lwidth by -\parindent\underpar #1 &} \def\underpar#1 {\vskip \parskip\newbox\temboxa\setbox\temboxa=\hbox{#1} \newbox\temboxb\underp} \def\underp#1 { \ifx\let\next=\relax \hbox to\hsize{\lindent\underline{\box\temboxa}} \else\let\next=\underp \setbox\temboxb=\hbox{\copy\temboxa{ #1}} \ifdim \wd\temboxb >\lwidth \hbox to\hsize{\lindent\underline{\box\temboxa}} \def\lindent{\hskip 0pt} \lwidth=\hsize \setbox\temboxa=\hbox{#1} \setbox\temboxb=\hbox{#1} \else \setbox\temboxa=\hbox{\box\temboxb} \fi \fi\next} % % End of underlined (raggedright) paragraph macro %---------------------------------------------------- % % Underlined (flushright) paragraph macro % Jim Walker, Whiteshell Research, Pinawa, Manitoba R0E 1L0, CANADA % % Usage: \underflushpar{The text} % % Note: This macro does not allow hyphenation. % Also, it doesn't identify end-of-sentence periods - % although this can be kludged fairly well by: % ...end of a sentence. $\:$Beginning of another sentence... % \def\underflushpar#1{\def\lindent{\hskip\parindent}\newdimen\lwidth \lwidth=\hsize\advance\lwidth by -\parindent\underflu #1 &} \def\underflu#1 {\vskip \parskip\newbox\temboxa\setbox\temboxa=\hbox{#1} \newbox\temboxb\underf} \def\underf#1 { \ifx\let\next=\relax \hbox to\hsize{\lindent\underline{\box\temboxa}\hfil} \else\let\next=\underf \setbox\temboxb=\hbox{\unhcopy\temboxa{ #1}} \ifdim \wd\temboxb >\lwidth \hbox to\hsize{\lindent\underline{\hbox to\lwidth{\unhbox\temboxa}}} \def\lindent{\hskip 0pt} \lwidth=\hsize \setbox\temboxa=\hbox{#1} \setbox\temboxb=\hbox{#1} \else \setbox\temboxa=\hbox{\unhbox\temboxb} \fi \fi\next} % End of underlined (flushright) paragraph macro %---------------------------------------------------- % % Underlined and centred paragraph macro % Jim Walker, Whiteshell Research, Pinawa, Manitoba R0E 1L0, CANADA % % Usage: \undercentrepar{The text} % % Note: This macro does not allow hyphenation. % Also, it doesn't identify end-of-sentence periods - % although this can be kludged fairly well by: % ...end of a sentence. $\:$Beginning of another sentence... % \def\undercentrepar#1{\undercentre #1 &} \def\undercentre#1 {\vskip \parskip\newbox\temboxa\setbox\temboxa=\hbox{#1} \newbox\temboxb\undercen} \def\undercen#1 { \ifx\let\next=\relax \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\underline{\box\temboxa}\hfil} \else\let\next=\undercen \setbox\temboxb=\hbox{\copy\temboxa{ #1}} \ifdim \wd\temboxb >\hsize \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\underline{\box\temboxa}\hfil} \setbox\temboxa=\hbox{#1} \setbox\temboxb=\hbox{#1} \else \setbox\temboxa=\hbox{\box\temboxb} \fi \fi\next} % % End of underlined and centred paragraph macro %---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 3-JUL-1989 18:39:46 GMT From: SHW_X%LEICESTER.AC.UK@UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU Subject: Syntax diagrams in LaTeX or TeX Keywords: TeX, LaTeX, syntax diagrams In a back issue of TUGboat (v2,n3) there was an article "Charting your Grammar With TeX" by Michael Plass. A set of macros called synchart.tex were discribed and listed for making syntax diagrams. Has anyone a copy of these or similar macros for use with LaTeX or TeX. Hugo Korwaser ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 29 Jun 89 23:17 PDT From: Subject: Horizontally truncated text Keywords: TeX, LaTeX Karl Tombre asked for a macro that would truncate a line of text. Too bad there is no \hsplit command! My solution is to constrct a paragraph of the appropriate width and print only the first line. This will not trncate at an arbitrary position, but only where a line-break is possible: between words and at hyphens (although hyphens are suppressed here by using a non-existent hyphen character--Woe to those with 256 character fonts!) \newdimen\trimwidth \newbox\scratchbox % use \@tempboxa in LaTeX \newbox\dispbox % used globally, so can't use \trimline recursively \def\trimline#1{% #1 is the text. The width to show is given by \trimwidth % but it could be parameter #2 for this macro. \setbox\scratchbox=\vbox{\hsize\trimwidth \tolerance10000 \hyphenpenalty 10 \hyphenchar\the\font 200 % split words but use no hyphens \leftskip0pt \rightskip0pt \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil \noindent #1\par\siftboxes \unskip\unpenalty\unskip}\box\dispbox} \def\siftboxes{% Go through boxex of paragraph, back up to the first. \unskip \unpenalty \unskip \unpenalty \setbox\scratchbox\lastbox \ifvoid\scratchbox\else \global\setbox\dispbox\box\scratchbox \siftboxes \fi} % ---------------------------- Tests \trimwidth=3in Try \trimline{Jabberwocky}. and \trimline{T'was brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe}. \bye % Donald Arseneau % asnd@triumfcl (.bitnet) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Mon, 03 Jul 89 00:40:13 CET From: Joachim Lammarsch Subject: 8th Annual Meeting of German TeX Users Keywords: TeX, meeting First Announcement and Call for Papers 8th Annual Meeting of German TeX Users October 11--13, 1989, Eichstaett, FRG %============================================================================= This year's Annual Meeting of German TeX Users will take place at the Catholic University of Eichstaett from Wednesday, October 11, to Friday, October 13, 1989. The conference will be organized by the Computing Center of the Catholic University of Eichstaett and the recently founded German TeX Users Group DANTE e.V. Starting with the general meeting of DANTE on Wednesday afternoon, several tutorials on TeX, LaTeX, and Metafont will be organized on Thursday; finally, papers and discussion groups on all TeX-related problems will be scheduled on Thursday and Friday. If you are interested in participating in this conference and/or if you plan to present a paper, please send the attached pre-registration form to the address given below. Further questions or suggestions for this meeting should be directed to Joachim Lammarsch (rz92@dhdurz1.bitnet), the Chairman of DANTE, or to Dr. Wolfgang A. Slaby ( Please give copies of this form to your colleagues, as the mailing list is incomplete. %============================================================================= 8. Annual Meeting of German TeX Users Pre-Registration Form %============================================================================= Name _______________________________________________________________________ Affiliation ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Telephone __________________________________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________________________________ Please tick where appropriate: _ 3_3 I plan to participate in the 8. Annual Meeting of German TeX Users _ 3_3 I should like to present a paper; preliminary title: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ (abstract of ca. 1 page is enclosed) _ 3_3 I am interested in discussion groups on: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _ 3_3 I intend to participate in the exhibition with these products: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ (exhibition area required: ..... qm) Send to: Dr. Wolfgang A. Slaby Catholic University Eichstaett Computing Center Ostenstr. 24 D-8078 Eichstaett, F.R. Germany Telephone: (08421) 20-214 e-mail: (DFN X.400) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Montag, 3. Juli 1989, 19.30 Uhr und 04 Sekunden MSZ From: XITIJSCH%DDATHD21.BITNET@UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU Subject: Re: Mkf shell script to generate standard fonts Keywords: fonts, shell script Harold G. Waters ( has presented a shell script for generating ``complete'' font sets in TeXhax #56. Please note: 1. The font set is not complete, many fonts in higher magnifications are missing. There have been articles in TUGboat by Bart Childs and by me (Vol, 9, No. 2 and 3) about ``what constitutes a complete font set.'' 2. The line and the circle fonts MUST NOT be made with the cmbase preloaded. This will result in invalid values in the gf/pk files. This problem has been reported by Klaus Guntermann and me two or three years ago and has been discussed again more recently in TeXhax. The correct base ist plain.base. 3. If you use the names lcircle* for the circle fonts these names must be changed in lfonts.tex, too. The last UNIX tape I have seen (ok, it's about one year old :-) has inconsistencies in these namings: circle* in lfonts.tex, but lcircle* as the names of the MF files. Please incorporate these changes in your scripts. Joachim Joachim Schrod c/o TH Darmstadt Institut f\"ur Theoretische Informatik Alexanderstr. 10 Bitnet: XITIJSCH@DDATHD21 D-6100 Darmstadt (Please try again if I don't answer --- West Germany our Bitnet connection is very instable...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 2 Jul 89 20:08 EST From: Subject: Weekday macro Keywords: macro I needed a 1-time macro to compute the weekday, and I wrote one, blindly translating the C expression: s=1461*a2/4+764*m/25+d+ ( (m>2) ? 3 : ( (a2&&(a2%4))||((!a2)&&(a1%4)) ? 5 : 4) ); s%=7; Then I thought, maybe someone else might find it useful, so I sent it to the digest. If you plan to use it more than once, you may want to clean it up. Ack: the algorithm is due to M. Lenoirs. \catcode`\@=11\relax \newcount\wwwy \newcount\wwwm \newcount\wwwd \newcount\wwwc \newcount\wwwt \newcount\wwws \def\weekday@{ \wwwc=\wwwy \divide\wwwc100\relax \wwwt=-\wwwc \multiply\wwwt100\relax \advance\wwwy\wwwt \wwws=\wwwy \multiply\wwws1461\relax \divide\wwws4\relax \wwwt=\wwwm \multiply\wwwt764\relax \divide\wwwt25\relax \advance\wwws\wwwt \advance\wwws\wwwd \ifnum\wwwm>\tw@\advance\wwws\thr@@\else \weekday@@ \fi \wwwt=-\wwws \divide\wwwt7\relax \multiply\wwwt7\relax \advance\wwws\wwwt } % By the year 2000 we ought to examine \wwwc as well \def\weekday@@{ \wwwt=\wwwy \divide\wwwt4\relax \multiply\wwwt4\relax \advance\wwwt-\wwwy \ifnum\wwwt=\z@\advance\wwws4 \else \advance\wwws5 \fi } \def\weekday#1#2#3{ % year, month 1--12, day 1--31 \wwwy=#1\relax\wwwm=#2\relax\wwwd=#3\relax \weekday@ \ifcase\wwws Sunday\or Monday\or Tuesday\or Wednesday\or Thursday\or Friday\or Saturday\fi} %%% For example, notable weekdays include \weekday{\year}{\month}{\day}, \weekday{1776}{7}{4}, \weekday{1918}{11}{11}, and \weekday{1964}{12}{29}. Dimitri Vulis Department of Mathematics CUNY GC ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% %%% All submissions to: %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------