TeXhax Digest Tuesday, January 19, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 06 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX06.88 This weeks Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: mode_specials in GF files My date in LaTeX Letter style Large common bibliography: BibTeX or Tib? Latex, PostScript and Interpress question: TeX on the Linotron300 LaTeX Source Formatter? Pascal in LaTeX LaTeX-15Sep_to_3Jan.diffs LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #05) \itemitemitem LaTeX Headers Wider than Text Style Hack Wanted Dropped Initial (TeXhax Digest V88 #05) QMS Software Now Available \parskip in LaTeX footnotes archive server users - stop using wiscwm as a bitnet gateway Tex for VMS & DVI for DEC LN03Plus texpic ams fonts TeX redistribution for other networks. tex on Pyramids ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1988 14:15:46 CST From: Glenn Vanderburg , Subject: mode_specials in GF files In TeXhax v88 n4, Pierre MacKay suggests (for the second time) that specials be included in GF files to describe the mode settings that were used to generate the font. We would like to voice our enthusiastic support for the idea. An additional attraction is that such specials will get copied into a PK file produced by GFtoPK. The suggestion comes as we are making plans to re-generate all of the fonts for our large Xerox printers. Research into mode settings has shown us that different mode settings are required for different types of font; i.e., the settings which make cmr10 look good do not work well for cmtt10. It would be extremely helpful to have the settings encoded in the bitmap files. One statement in MacKay's recent message stands out: "... anyone who receives them can discover years later what the assumptions were when the file was built." This is much the same philosophy that we had when we wrote "\special issues" (TUGboat v8 n3). We suggested that TeX users use specials to encode printing options in the DVI file. Many times we have tried to print new copies of a paper from a DVI file (or even a TeX file) which was created months before, only to get a bad printout because we had forgotten some important option (the file was formatted for printing on both sides of the page, or in landscape). Whenever device-dependent assumptions are made in the creation of a binary file, it is wise to encode those assumptions explicitly in the file for future reference. MacKay's idea is an excellent one. Regards, Glenn Vanderburg Thomas Reid ------------------------------ From: kpierce@cs-gw.D.UMN.EDU (Keith Pierce) Date: Thu, 14 Jan 88 15:44:00 CST Subject: My date in LaTeX Letter style Steve Samuels: Concerning your inquiry in texhax 88-1: You can change the date in LaTeX's letter style by redefining \today: \renewcommand{\today}{new date} There may be a more elegant way, but this works... Keith Pierce, Professor | csnet: kpierce@cs-gw.d.umn.edu Department of Computer Science | arpa: kpierce@cs-gw.d.umn.edu University of Minnesota, Duluth | uucp: ...!ihnp4!rosevax!umnd-ub!kpierce Duluth, MN 55812-2496 ------------------------------ Subject: Large common bibliography: BibTeX or Tib? Date: Thu, 14 Jan 88 19:58:11 PST From: Jeffrey Goldberg I am looking for comments about Tib and BibTeX. In particular I would like to here from people who have attemped to set up large bibliographic databases to be used by a large number of users using either of these systems, but any other comments about either of these will be most welcome. I will summerize if there is demand. Jeff Goldberg goldberg@russell.stanford.edu ------------------------------ From: Robert Dale Date: Fri, 15 Jan 88 10:05:31 GMT Subject: Latex, PostScript and Interpress Hi. I'm a fairly novice LaTeX user, who has decided that it's the bees knees and definitely the medium for my thesis. However, I'd like to include some graphics created on a Xerox D-machine, which are therefore in Interpress. We use dvi2ps to create PostScript output from .dvi files. Does anyone know of a way of (a) Converting Interpress to PostScript (b) Including additional PostScript files in the process of going from .dvi to PostScript? Any pointers much appreciated. Thanks Robert Dale University of Edinburgh, Centre for Cognitive Science, 2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9LW, Scotland. UUCP: ...!uunet!mcvax!ukc!its63b!epistemi!rda ARPA: rda%epistemi.ed.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk JANET: rda@uk.ac.ed.epistemi ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Jan 88 15:46 N From: (Th.A.G.M. Gerards, Open University Heerl...) Subject: question: TeX on the Linotron300 I'm looking (desperate) for a way to typeset TeX on a linotron 300. Are there outline cm-fonts available? Any information on other drivers for a Typesetter is welcome. For your information we have TeX (VAX/VMS) en Micro-TeX (MS-DOS) and drivers for Xerox3700, HPlaser-series-II and Metafont (VAX/VMS). Hope to receive lots of e-mails. Bye Ad Gerards ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Jan 88 15:23:21 +0100 (Central European Time) From: XGRUMAHR%DDATHD21.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu (Christian Mahr) Subject: LaTeX Source Formatter? Hi everyone, A short question: Is there any program around that 'formats' a LaTeX source file like the 'pretty printers' for C or PASCAL ? I'd like to have indentations according to brace levels for an easier control on missings \end{} or braces or \endgroups... Christian Mahr TH Darmstadt/ W.-Germany XGRUMAHR @ DDATHD21 . bitnet ------------------------------ Date: 14-JAN-1988 12:43:42 GMT -01:00 From: THOWARD%graphics.computer-science.manchester.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK Subject: Pascal in LaTeX Can anyone help me typeset fragments of Pascal nicely in LaTeX? (Without using web). I have macros to do procedure headings, and simple types and constants, but especially awkward are complicated records, like this type a = record f1 : t1; case c of c1 : (x : y); c2 : (zzzzzzz : p); c3 : (array[1..ExtremelyLongIdentifierThatsLikely ToCauseTheDeclarationToGoOverSeveralLines] of real end; I'm thinking of something like \begin{record}{a} \field{f1}{t1} \variant{c} \variantfield{c1}{x}{y} % ...etc \end{record} Thanks for any help, Toby Howard Computer Graphics Unit, Department of Computer Science, Manchester University, Oxford Road, Manchester, England, M13 9PL. Phone: +44 61 275 6224 Janet: toby@uk.ac.man.cs.cgu ARPA: toby%cgu.cs.man.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Jan 88 12:25:47 PST From: mackay@june.cs.washington.edu (Pierre MacKay) Subject: LaTeX-15Sep_to_3Jan.diffs The file is on june.cs.washington.edu in directory ~ftp/pub. It is a shar file, and covers all the changes found on SCORE since the last import of latex files. Note also tex-patches.sh which will get you from 2.1 to 2.7 and TeX-2.7_to_2.9.diff which will take you up the last step. Pierre A. MacKay TUG Site Coordinator for Unix-flavored TeX ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Jan 88 16:29:46 pst From: lamport@src.dec.com (Leslie Lamport) Subject: LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #05) Mike Hannon writes: I have tried without success to make the LaTeX command "\arraystretch" work... I would greatly appreciate receiving working examples showing the use of this command. \documentstyle{article} \begin{document} $\begin{array}{c} 1 \\ 2 \\ 3 \end{array}$ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} $\begin{array}{c} 1 \\ 2 \\ 3 \end{array}$ \end{document} I would greatly appreciate receiving examples that didn't work to find out what the problem was. Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Jan 88 17:50:19 PST From: GFA001K%CALSTATE.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu Subject: \itemitemitem I am having trouble with something that I thought would be simple. Anyone have a macro for \itemitemitem? None of my 10 tries worked quite right, although I did get many interesting (but not perfect) alternatives. Thanks Brad Finney gfa001k@calstate.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 16 Jan 88 11:08 PST From: Subject: LaTeX Headers Wider than Text Style Hack Wanted Has anyone written a hack to the LaTeX book.sty file that creates headers that are wider than normal textwidth, and have an underline in them? The form I'm thinking of conforms exactly to how Leslie Lamport's LaTeX book looks. Here's an illustration: Even pages: |--------------------------------------------------------| | PgNo Normal Chapter Header | | ----------------------------------------------------- | | | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | \ \ Odd pages: |--------------------------------------------------------| | Normal Section Header PgNo | | ----------------------------------------------------- | | | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | \ \ Direct responses are best; I'll summarize for the Digest. Thanks. David J. Buerger Santa Clara University dbuerger@scu.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 16 Jan 88 17:35:05 PST From: mackay@june.cs.washington.edu (Pierre MacKay) Subject: Dropped Initial (TeXhax Digest V88 #05) Here is what we use for the Near East Publications series. It does not compensate for L A and V, but it is used so rarely, that we feel that hand-picking is acceptable for such cases. \dropinitial{T}{HIS IS HOW} a paragraph with a dropped initial begins. ------------------------------------------------------------------ % font \sc is whatever you use for small caps. You don't % really want to use the Computer Modern small caps here, they % are too broad. We have our own Washington Modern Small Caps Condensed. % \font\huge=cmr17 scaled \magstep2 \def\dropinitial#1#2{\def\biginitial#1{{\huge#1}}% \def\makeinitial#1{\setbox8\hbox{\strut\vbox to 1.3ex {\hbox{\biginitial#1}\vskip -4pc plus 3.5pc minus 3.5pc}}}% \makeinitial#1% \ifdim\parindent>1.3\wd8\dimen8=\parindent \else\dimen8=1.3\wd8\fi \hangindent=\dimen8\hangafter=-2 \noindent \strut\hskip-1\dimen8\box8{\sc#2}}% % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look at any of the articles in the Middle East Studies Bulletin for the past three years to see the effect. Pierre A. MacKay TUG Site Coordinator for Unix-flavored TeX ------------------------------ From: trwrb!simpson@trwind.TRW.COM (Scott Simpson) Subject: QMS Software Now Available Date: Fri, 15 Jan 88 20:59:08 PST My initial release of my Unix QMS software is now available. This software provides TeX, otroff and ditroff support for the non-postscript line of QMS printers. It works with the 4.2 BSD queuing system. I have given the software to Pierre Mackay for distribution on the Unix TeX tape. I will not distribute it. Please give him a few weeks to get it into the distribution. You will need a working version of METAFONT to use the distribution since you will need to create the troff fonts. I am looking at adding tpic and TeXtyl support in the future. Other people who do not use QMS printers may be interested in the software also. The troff fonts can be used by other drivers if the drivers are modified to use PK or GF fonts. The order of the character positions is the same as the table in the Berkeley Font Catalog. Also, there are conversion programs from TFM files to otroff and ditroff width tables. Lastly, there is a file containing PK font reading routines, in case you don't wish to write your own. There are still a lot of programs out there that use PXL files and they should convert to PK fonts. Hopefully, these routines will provide a catalyst. Scott Simpson TRW Space and Defense Sector ...{decvax,ihnp4,ucbvax}!trwrb!simpson (UUCP) trwrb!simpson@trwind.trw.com (ARPA) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 88 15:52:19 EST From: dow@wjh12.harvard.edu (Dominik Wujastyk) Subject: \parskip in LaTeX footnotes I have just set up all the latest LaTeX files (including the January 3rd issue of LATEX.TEX). I am using the book style, at 12pt. It appears to me that if you make a footnote from within the quote environment, LaTeX does not reset the \parskip value within the footnote. It is the same value (scaled to \footnotesize) as within the quote environment, which looks too much for a footnote, especially since footnotes have indentations at the start of new paragraphs, unlike quotes. Dominik Wujastyk dow@harvunxw.bitnet dow@wjh12.harvard.edu ------------------------------ Subject: archive server users - stop using wiscwm as a bitnet gateway Date: Sun, 17 Jan 88 22:20:31 -0500 From: Ken Yap Bitnet users of the archive server: please use cunyvm.cuny.edu instead of wiscvm.wisc.edu. I don't think the former path works anymore. I will post a full status report to this list as soon as I regain my breath. Ken ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 88 21:38:20 CST From: "Rich Winkel UMC Math Department" Subject: Tex for VMS & DVI for DEC LN03Plus I'm new to the list .. I hope this hasn't been asked TOO many times already: I'm looking for an implementation of Tex for VMS or Ultrix, along with a driver for a DEC LN03 Plus laser printer. Does anyone know where I might find such a beast? Thanks, Rich Winkel (MATHPG1@UMCVMB.BITNET) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 88 11:39:43 O From: Ben Pashkoff Subject: texpic Can someone please tell me where I can get a copy of Texpic? Texpic was the object of an article in the latest Tugboat written by Adrian Clark. Unfortunately, net address for Mr. Clark was not included. | \ / | | Ben Pashkoff \ | /| / Email:BEN@VMSA.TECHNION.AC.IL | | VAX/VMS Systems \ |__| / or | | Computer Centre \ / BEN@TECHMAX.BITNET | | Technion IIT \ / | | Haifa, Israel \ / Phone:(972)-4-292176 | | 32000 " | ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jan 88 06:43:00 EST From: "DARREN STALDER" Subject: ams fonts Has anyone successfully transmitted the AMS fonts lately from score and gotten 300gf files that worked out fine? If so, I will know it is the transmission. The problem is that I have received many other files of both binary and tenex form and they work fine. Thanks, Torin/Wolf/Darren Stalder Internet: DSTALDER@GMUVAX.GMU.EDU Bitnet: DSTALDER@GMUVAX ATTNet: 1-703-323-3569 UUCP: (dolqci | uunet!pyrdc)!gmu90x!dstalder SNAIL: PO Box 405/Fairfax, VA 22030/USA ------------------------------ Date: Mon 18 Jan 88 06:54:18-PDT From: BELL%KUPHSX.SPAN@STAR.STANFORD.EDU (Did someone need a Subject: TeX redistribution for other networks. I heartily agree with Rainer Sch\"opf (TeXhax V88 #5) about redistribution of source code for TeX and associated software. My problem is compounded by the fact that I am on several networks and yet am still unable to find anyone with a TeX version higher than 2.0 and METAFONT higher than 1.3. I work for a state university and it is quite difficult to coerce them to spend money for something that isn't broken and "you already have a copy of it anyway". It is possible for us to hook into ARPANET around here, but our problem has been that the time necessary to transfer the WEB source for TeX and METAFONT *FAR* exceeds the amount of time that the intermediate routers stay up. In the meantime, many other pieces of TeX- and METAFONT-ware have also had changes. It would be *SO* much easier to make the upgrades in a piecewise fashion. I would like to hear from anyone on SPAN/HEPNET/THEnet/European DECnet and/or BITnet as to how we might accomplish this redistribution and whether or not anyone is able to volunteer their time/resources to such an effort. I have no doubt that I can act as a repository source on SPAN, since I am the resident TeXnician on our system. BITnet is another problem for me, though. Anyone else want to volunteer? Ed Bell Dept. of Physics \& Astronomy The University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045-2151 (913)864-3610 Reply to (in order of preference for each net): ARPANET: Bell%KUPHSX.SPAN@STAR.STANFORD.EDU or Bell%KUPHSX.SPAN@JPL-VLSI.ARPA or Bell%KUPHSX.SPAN@ BITnet: Bell%KUPHSX.SPAN@SU-STAR.ARPA or Bell@UKANVAX SPAN/HEPnet/ European Decnet: KUPHSX::Bell (7.220) or 7388::Bell THEnet: UTADNX::UTSPAN::KUPHSX::Bell ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 88 10:57:50 MST From: hartzell@boulder.Colorado.EDU (George Hartzell) Subject: tex on Pyramids I have made Tim Morgans Tex-to-c package compile on a Pyramid 90x under OSx 4.0 with two changes. In ctex/tex.h there is a #define for addr(x), which conflicts with the name addr in /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h. Since the definition didn't seem to be used anywhere I just ifdef'ed it out. The other change was in tex-to-c/fixwrites.c. The definition of the array addr[50] caused a segmentation error. I redefined the array to be addr[80] and everything worked fine. I ran triptex on the resulting version and it passed (I think). The only differences between it and the SAVE* files that were distributed with unixtex2.7 seem to be rounding differences. The resulting plain tex has performed satifactorily so far. I picked up some changes from Scott Simpson at TRW that were supposed to allow tex to compile under OSx4.0. This worked as advertised for tex, but compiling tangle produced the error: "nested procedure or function threats for variable". I see this error when I try to compile many of the utilities. Does anyone have any thoughts? Enclosed are context diffs for the two changes that I made for the tex-to-c package. George Hartzell (303) 492-4535 MCD Biology, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 hartzell@Boulder.Colorado.EDU ..!{hao,nbires}!boulder!hartzell ******************************************************* *** tex.h Mon Jan 18 10:34:47 1988 --- tex.h.dist Mon Jan 18 10:30:10 1988 *************** *** 23,30 * override with an environment variable or a rooted path */ ! #define TEXFORMATS ".:/usr/local/lib/tex/macros" ! #define TEXINPUTS ".:/usr/local/lib/tex/macros" ! #define TEXFONTS ".:/usr/local/lib/tex/fonts" ! #define TEXPOOL ".:/usr/local/lib/tex/" /* These are used in TeX.web, the change files, and tex.h-defined macros */ --- 23,30 ----- * override with an environment variable or a rooted path */ ! #define TEXFORMATS ".:/usr/uci/lib/tex82" ! #define TEXINPUTS ".:/usr/uci/lib/tex82" ! #define TEXFONTS ".:/usr/uci/lib/fonts/tfm" ! #define TEXPOOL ".:/usr/uci/lib/tex82" /* These are used in TeX.web, the change files, and tex.h-defined macros */ *************** *** 82,91 #define bclose(f) (void) fclose(f) #define wclose(f) (void) fclose(f) ! ! #ifndef pyr /* pyramids use the name addr in */ ! /* addr(x) doesn't seem to be used anywhere. gh. */ ! #define addr(x) ((char *) &(x)) ! #endif ! #define read(f, c) (c = getc(f)) #define input stdin --- 82,86 ----- #define bclose(f) (void) fclose(f) #define wclose(f) (void) fclose(f) ! #define addr(x) ((char *) &(x)) #define read(f, c) (c = getc(f)) #define input stdin *************************************************************** *** fixwrites.c Mon Jan 18 10:07:55 1988 --- fixwrites.c.dist Mon Jan 18 10:07:07 1988 *************** *** 13,19 #define Puts(s) fputs(s, stdout) - #ifdef pyr - char buf[BUFSIZ], filename[50], *file, *argp, args[80], *as, *cmd; - #else char buf[BUFSIZ], filename[50], *file, *argp, args[50], *as, *cmd; #endif --- 13,16 ----- #define Puts(s) fputs(s, stdout) char buf[BUFSIZ], filename[50], *file, *argp, args[50], *as, *cmd; *************** *** 17,21 #else char buf[BUFSIZ], filename[50], *file, *argp, args[50], *as, *cmd; - #endif extern char *index(), *strcpy(); --- 14,17 ----- char buf[BUFSIZ], filename[50], *file, *argp, args[50], *as, *cmd; extern char *index(), *strcpy(); **************************************************************** ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% please send a valid arpanet address!! %%% %%% BITNET distribution: subscribe by sending the following %%% line to LISTSERV@TAMVM1.BITNET: %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------