Date: Thu 26 Mar 87 07:47:06 PST Subject: TeXhax Digest V87 #23 From: TeXhax Digest Errors-to: TeXhax-request@Score.Stanford.EDU Maint-Path: TeXhax-request@Score.Stanford.EDU To: TeXhax Distribution List: ; Reply-to: TeXhax Digest Thursday, March 26, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 23 TEXHAX23.87@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: PS Upper Case Greek Device drivers Re: Mailing List Handling filter for TEK 4014-->IMPRESS for VMS numbering in the appendix Headline & footline Re: WYSIWYG TeX pxl font editor mf upgrade error. changing the pitch [beaune!fixin!anderson@CS.UCLA.EDU: Re:TeX problems] Telaris printer with Macintosh TeXtures??? Problems using TeXtures 0.9 (Mac) Random s--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 20-Mar-87 10:29:59-PST,1015;000000000000 Date: Fri, 20 Mar 87 12:58:53 est From: (G. D. Buzzard) To: Subject: PS Upper Case Greek Arbor Text (aka TextSet) is aware of the problem of the upper case Greek letters not being mapped correctly in their present version of dvips. I understand they now have a fix for this, I'm still waiting for the tape. In the interim, I've just been using \mit inside of math mode when I want UC Greeks. You get italic uppercase Greeks, but at least you get them with minimal hassle. Greg Buzzard ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Mar 87 11:13 PST From: Subject: Device drivers To: TeXHAX@SU-Score.ARPA X-VMS-To: IN%"TeXHAX@SU-Score.Arpa" I am working on putting together a conclusive list of device drivers and previewers for TeX. I would like people to send me the following information, (if they know it) about the drivers and previewers used at their institution: Name of program System that it runs on. Availablility (i.e., where can it be obtained, how much does it cost) Licensing agreements (if any) Service & support available. A brief description of the features available with the driver. Comments on limitations of the driver. Anything else that might be of interest. Thanks, -Don Hosek Editor, TeXMaG (Internet) (BITNET) <(714) 621-8000 x.3590> (Hearnet) (Slownet) <> (No net) ------------------------------ Mail-From: BEETON created at 20-Mar-87 18:32:01 Date: Fri 20 Mar 87 18:32:01-PST From: TEX Guests Subject: Re: Mailing List Handling To: ERS2F%UOTTAWA.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU In-Reply-To: Message from "Eric Skinner " of Thu 19 Mar 87 18:38:20-PST in tugboat 8#1, now at the printer, and due to be mailed by the end of march, there are several responses to an earlier query seeking form letter/mailing list macros. at least one of these will be posted to latex-sty@rochester as soon as i get time to clean it up (i'm leaving town tomorrow and won't be back until april; the author has no network access). and all are pretty straightforward, so copying them from the pages of tugboat wouldn't be too terrible a job. of course, someone on the net might come up with another offering sooner ... -- barbara beeton ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Mar 87 09:09:27 PST From: To: Subject: filter for TEK 4014-->IMPRESS for VMS Date: Wed, 18 Mar 87 09:05 PST From: (NAME NIK ZAPANTIS) Subject: filter for TEK 4014-->IMPRESS for VMS To: X-Original-To: txdi, SYSTEM I need a filter or postprocessor, to convert TEK 4010/4014 files to Impress. The filter should convert the TEK ESC sequences to Impress commands, I do not need something that only puts a @document header at the beginning of the TEK file instructing the IMAGEN to use the TEK emulation mode. Thank you in advance, Nik Zapantis University of Victoria, Physics Victoria, B.C. Canada (604) 721-7729 (system@uvphys.bitnet) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Mar 87 17:36 O From: (Benjamin Pashkoff) Subject: numbering in the appendix To: TEXHAX@SU-SCORE.ARPA X-Original-To: texhax Is there a quick and ez method of restarting a counter in LaTeX for an appendix for formulae. The only way I have found is to find the counter for the general paper and restart it. In addition we would like the numbers in the appendix to follow a form such as: ------- (A1.0) ------- (A2.0 WHERE the A IS an indication of which appendix and the number is the formula number. |Ben Pashkoff xx xxxxxxxx | |System Engineer xx xxxxxx | |Biomedical Engineering xx xx | |Technion, IIT xx xx | |Haifa, Israel 32000 xxxx | |BEN@TECHMAX.BITNET xx | ------------------------------ Posted-Date: Sun, 22 Mar 87 21:36 EST From: Lixin Tao Subject: Headline & footline To: Date: Sun, 22 Mar 87 21:36 EST I'd like to produce documents with each page carrying its headline and footline. I want to put in the headline and footline informations such as current section name, current subsection name, page #, etc., at my designed font and order. Can any people tell me how to do these things in LaTeX? I mean what command can be used to set headlines and footlines, how to get the information about current section name, page #, etc. THanks very much for your help. Lixin Tao University of Pennsylvania ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 87 13:40:34 est From: (Mark A. Roth) To:, Subject: Re: WYSIWYG TeX I have found out something about the WYSIWYG TeX product. Textset is now Arbortext. They will be releasing a product this Spring for the Sun workstation called The Publisher. Arbortext is on the arpanet and can be reached by contacting Bruce Baker at or write or call ArborText, Inc. 416 Fourth Street P.O. Box 7993 Ann Arbor, MI 48107 (313) 996-3566 Other info follows: The Publisher is of course not yet released. Our PostScript driver, or another driver of your choice, is bundled with the product. You would be able to continue using public domain drivers if you wish. We are working on a compatible product for the IBM PC/AT. It will not, due to the limitations of the architecture, actually be a port of the Publisher, but our intent is to provide equivalent functionality and file transportability. The Publisher will be in limited beta-release this summer. The general release will be this fall. I am unable to divulge any release dates for for the PC/AT product at this time. Keep in touch and I'll let you know more as I can. ArborText demonstrated an early version of The Publisher at the SUN Users Group meeting in October. The product was formally introduced at the Seybold Seminar in Los Angeles on March 9. The first-release system is based on a structured editor with WYSIWYG mathematics and tables. We announced a 50% discount offer for people interested in an early-release version in late spring who are registered customers for *any* Textset/ArborText product. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Mar 87 23:19:36 EST From: John Robert LoVerso To: texhax@buffalo.csnet Subject: pxl font editor I have a pxl font editor for sun workstations; its called pxtool. Its source is in ~loverso/o/ftp/pxtool on gort. John ------------------------------ Date: Tue 24 Mar 87 08:17:55-PST From: Pierre MacKay Subject: mf upgrade error. To: texhax@SU-SCORE.ARPA A recent recipient of the Unix TeX distribution tells me that I missed a change in the file dist_to_vir, line 82, where the word false has been changed in the new mf.web file to pascal coded |false| in the text portion. This will cause tangle to choke. line 82 of dist_to_vir should read: instead of |false|, the other routines will simply log the fact and not: instead of false, the other routines will simply log the fact Ap@ologies for the inconvenience to those of you who got the bad change file. Pierre A. MacKay TUG Site Coordinator for Unix-flavored TeX ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Mar 87 16:21:49 est From: (Mark A. Roth) To: Subject: changing the pitch I am trying to simulate a typewriter using TeX. The tt font is fine except that it prints about 14 characters to the inch. Is there a way to change to 10 or 12 characters per inch (10 pitch or 12 pitch)? Mark Roth ------------------------------ Date: Wed 25 Mar 87 06:20:14-PST From: Pierre MacKay Subject: [beaune!fixin!anderson@CS.UCLA.EDU: Re:TeX problems] To: texhax@SU-SCORE.ARPA I don't have enough access to anything running SUN OS3.2 to find out. Can anyone else help? Pierre A. MacKay TUG Site Coordinator for Unix-flavored TeX Return-Path: Received: from SPHINX.CS.UCLA.EDU (LOCUS.UCLA.EDU.#Internet) by WARD.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU with TCP; Tue 24 Mar 87 22:34:14-PST From: beaune!fixin!anderson@CS.UCLA.EDU Received: from fixin.beaune.uucp by beaune.uucp (3.2/SMI-3.2) id AA00415; Tue, 24 Mar 87 17:09:28 PST Received: from localhost by fixin.beaune.uucp (3.2/SMI-3.2) id AA00800; Tue, 24 Mar 87 17:09:23 PST Message-Id: <8703250109.AA00800@fixin.beaune.uucp> To: Pierre MacKay Subject: Re:TeX problems In-Reply-To: Your message of Mon 23 Mar 87 17:53:23-PST. <12288807072.10.MACKAY@WARD.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU> Date: 24 Mar 87 17:09:20 PST (Tue) Pierre- The new TeX, LaTeX, and Metafont on the tape I received last week were built and seem to run fine, except for one thing: MetaFont does not deal with the Sun Graphics window. I compiled it with the SUN value for 'graphics device' in the configuration script, but when it is supposed to write to the graphics subwindow, what it actually does is (the first time) write white across a small rectangle in the upper left corner of the subwindow and then write nothing more. The old MetaFont I had before worked fine with the old Sun OS (2.2). The new one doesn't work on version 3.2 (on a Sun 2). Metafont runs fine, and makes fonts all right, but it doesn't seem to know how to handle the windows. In a way, that's fine: it means I won't waste my time designing characters instead of doing linguistics. But still, I'd like a few more phonetic symbols... Have you heard of anyone else having problems with MetaFont's control of SunWindows under 3.2, given the massive changes in Sun's window system between V2 and V3? If not, who can I contact to inquire further? Sorry to bother you again. Steve Anderson ------------------------------ Date: 25 Mar 87 09:46:00 EST From: Subject: Telaris printer with Macintosh TeXtures??? To: "texhax" Reply-To: I am running the "TeXtures" implementation of TeX on a Macintosh. I also use a VAX (VMS) 780 with a Telaris laserprinter which only understands Quic files. Does anyone know of a postscript to Quic converter so that I can print my postscript files generated on the Mac on the VAX laserprinter. I know that I can upload .tex or .dvi files and they work just fine, BUT when I past in Macintosh graphics in the .dvi, they go in as postscript. Help appreciated. I am BOULDIN@CEEE-SED.ARPA ------------------------------ To: Subject: Problems using TeXtures 0.9 (Mac) Date: Wed, 25 Mar 87 16:51:01 -0800 From: mbb@portia.Stanford.EDU I've encountered two major problems using TeXtures, and was wondering if anyone has run into them and/or has devised a way to work around them. 1. On certain pages, TeXtures places a very large squarish block of black near the bottom of the page. The block can be as large as one-quarter of the total page area. I've not been able to determine a pattern, and hence am not sure as to the cause. Apparently the folks at Addison-W are well aware of this, although I haven't heard back from them as yet. 2. My group recently switched to the new versions of the LaserPrep and LaserWriter files (version 3.3). Now, on pages that contain bit maps (such as MacPaint pictures), I'm getting PostScript error message "dictfull; Offending Command: def", which leads one to wonder if TeXtures is attempting to add something to Apple's PostScript dictionary. If anyone can offer any insights, I'd be quite grateful. Please send to me ( and I'll summarize the responses to the digest thanks Malcolm Brown ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Mar 87 18:47:29 PST From: To: Subject: Random s--- Date: Wed, 25 Mar 87 18:44 PST From: DHOSEK@HMCVAX.BITNET Subject: Random s--- To: TEXHAX@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"TEXHAX@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU" 1) Just for informational purposes, it's ``Don'' as in duck. 2) There is a resume macro in issue 3 of TeXMaG. I will send a copy to anyone interested. It's in plain TeX, but a LaTeX version is forthcoming. 3) There is no number three. G'day -Don Hosek Editor, TeXMaG ``Yeah!'' ---Grant Nebel ------------------------------ %% %%\bye %% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------