Date: Fri 29 May 87 03:48:48-PDT From: Barbara Beeton Subject: Re: Increasing TeX's Memory Capacity? To: cc: texhax@Score.Stanford.EDU a web version of tex is very easily modified using the "change file" technique; i don't know how to modify a c version. however, there's been great general need to increase the memory values, especially if latex is being used heavily. memory values for various implementations of tex were published in tugboat 7#1, pp 68-69. the k&s vax/vms settings were intended to support latex in particular; i can vouch for the fact that these settings work on both vms and tops-20 (dec-20) systems with greatly reduced memory problems (although it's still possible to overstress them, the cause is usually some silly error rather than a real design problem). all segments of memory are set within the same block of code in the web source. it's probably worth looking in the c source for a similar initialization block, then using larger values as suggested by the settings published in the cited table. comments in the web source (published in "tex: the program") give valuable hints as to what parameters are related to or dependent on others, so that suitable relationships can be maintained. by the way, there have been some changes in some of the values as published (the standard dec-20 implementation has been enlarged, for example, to better accommodate latex), and there are certainly more implementations out there in the world than are shown in the chart. if authoritative sources will send me up-to-date information, i will update the chart for publication in the fall issue of tugboat. -- barbara beeton editor, tugboat ( ------- Date: Fri, 29 May 87 17:05 EDT From: Laurent@MIT-Multics.ARPA Subject: Permil character? To: TexHax-Request@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU One of my users has need of a permil symbol (like percent, but with an extra little 0 in the denominator) for use in several chemistry related papers. Has anybody done the symbol already, perhaps as a modification to PUNCT.MF? If so, please let me know. I guess I could do it myself but why reinvent the wheel, right? Kevin Laurent -------