0.99: tex * now available (texhax000) 0.99: re: bibtex * for ibm pc (texhax # 92) (texhax097) 0.99: texbib in bibtex * (texhax102) 0.99b: bibtex * (texhax014) 0.99c: wanted: gnu emacs bibtex mode; bibtex * (texhax030) 0.99c: bibtex * for vax/vms (texhax042) 0.99c: vms changes for bibtex * (texhax044) 0.99c: bibtex * change file for web2c (texhax047) 0.99c: bibtex * is a big win! (texhax049) 0.99c: bibtex * change file for web2c (texhax digest v88 #47) (texhax050) 0.99c: re: bibtex * change file for web2c (texhax050) 0.99c: inbook and bibtex * (texhax052) 0.99c: re: inbook and bibtex * (texhax053) 0.99c: bibtex * (a criticism addressed to its author) (texhax106) 0.99c: re: bibtex * (a response to the above message) (texhax106) 1-25: index to issues * of texhax for '88 (texhax075) 1.0: eepic *, fig2epic and a bug in epic (texhax081) 1.21: compiling c tex with gcc version * (texhax073) 1.3: error in metafont *.. (texhax016) 1.4: transfig version * available (texhax049) 1.4: announcement: fig 1.4.fs and transfig * release 3 (texhax076) 1.4.fs: announcement: fig * and transfig 1.4 release 3 (texhax076) 11pt: * fonts query (texhax095) 11pt: * fonts query (texhax digest v88 #95) (texhax100) 12pt: \longleftarrow and \longrightarrow at * fails (texhax065) 12pt: re: \longleftarrow and \longrightarrow at * fails (texhax068) 17pt: design-size fonts--12 and *, (texhax digest v88 #49) (texhax051) 1st: latex style and indented * paras (texhax020) 1st: contents of the latex style collection, july * 1988 (texhax064) 2.0: is there a tpic based on dwb * pic ? (texhax095) 2.0: tex * -- how outdated is it? (texhax100) 2.2: bug in ctex.ch (web2c *)? (texhax088) 2.2: re: bug in ctex.ch (web2c *)? (texhax091) 2.2.0: bug in k&s pktopx version * (texhax007) 2.2.0: bug in k&s pktopx version * (texhax008) 2.2.0: bug in kellerman & smith version * of pxtopx (texhax024) 2.3: where's pxtopk {\bf version *}?? (texhax028) 2.7: common tex patch * (texhax024) 2.7: re: common tex patch * (texhax024) 2.9: tex version * (texhax005) 2.9: common tex * and sun os 3.5 (texhax037) 2.9: commontex * patches (non-official) (texhax071) 2.94: tex * for vms (texhax106) 21st: contents of latex style collection, * january 1988 (texhax008) 220/230--lear-siegler: envision * 7105/7107 driver for dvitovdu (texhax003) 24-pin: * lq driver needed (texhax097) 256-char: (1) colour (2) * tex (texhax097) 256-char: vms(+others) tex(+others) bug (was: * tex) (texhax100) 256-character: * fonts and arbortext's dvilaser (texhax042) 2nd: tex and genealogy (* try) (texhax083) 3.5: common tex 2.9 and sun os * (texhax037) 300dpi: cm font conversion from 88dpi -> * ? (texhax047) 386i: dvi2ps on a sun * (and a previewer for that matter) (texhax099) 3b1: tex for at&t *. (texhax030) 3b1: tex on the * (texhax035) 3b2/400's: !tex on * (texhax030) 3b2/400's: re: !tex on * (texhax030) 3b2/400: problem installing tex on a * (texhax080) 3b2/400: re: problem installing tex on a * (texhax083) 3b2/400: problem installing tex on a * (texhax digest v88 #80) (texhax084) 4.3: web2c works on ibm rt/pc running aos * (texhax089) 4/29: latex style server breakdown on * (texhax043) 4010/4014: previewer for tektronix * wanted (texhax106) 4050/9700: xerox * font file formats (texhax022) 4081-r1: dvi to ricoh * ? (texhax045) 41,#43: re: zero tfm checksums (texhax #*) (texhax046) 41,#43: zero tfm checksums (texhax #*) (texhax047) 41xx: wanted: tektronix * preview for vax/vms (texhax030) 471-5548: latex figure placement (512) * (texhax015) 4th: contents of the latex style collection, april * 1988 (texhax036) 5.0: tex and vax/vms * (texhax080) 6/7/8/9: cmss/i/bx at magsteps * (texhax038) 6/7/8/9: re: cmss/i/bx at magsteps * (texhax040) 7105/7107: envision 220/230--lear-siegler * driver for dvitovdu (texhax003) 8#3: hyphenation exceptions from tugboat * (texhax004) 85,#89: re: footnote numbering per page (texhax #*) (texhax092) 88#59: unending \bf; texhax * (texhax061) 88.78: re: book design (texhax * and 81) (texhax084) 88dpi: cm font conversion from * -> 300dpi ? (texhax047) 9#2: contents of tugboat * (texhax065) 99c: vms change file for bibtex version .* (texhax044) \addtocontents: "*" doesn't work when there are \include files (texhax007) \answer: modifying the * macro (neophyte needs help) (texhax089) \arraystretch: * command in latex (texhax005) \baselineskip: * command in \halign (texhax057) \begindoublecolumns: * (texhax037) \begindoublecolumns: re: * (texhax037) \beginpicture: \begin{picture} or * in slitex? (texhax110) \begin{picture: *} or \beginpicture in slitex? (texhax110) \bf: where's pxtopk {* version 2.3}?? (texhax028) \bf: unending *; texhax 88#59 (texhax061) \bf{bold: *} (texhax061) \botinsert: inquiry about a * for plain tex (texhax003) \boxit: generalizing * with \leaders type construction for border (texhax020) \break: \hbox causes a * (texhax104) \catcode: some * changing macros should be \outer (texhax079) \chapter: * command & availability of baskerville or garamond fonts (texhax023) \chemical: * macro (texhax076) \cite: latex--\includeonly with * (texhax104) \clearpage: latex, * (texhax043) \clearpage: interaction of * and fullpage (texhax056) \clearpage: interaction of * and fullpage (texhax068) \dotfill: help needed: * in \halign (texhax012) \dotfill: re: help needed: * in \halign (texhax012) \dotfill: * in \halign (texhax014) \dotfill: re: * in \halign (texhax017) \dotfill: * again (texhax018) \dotfill: re: * in \halign (texhax018) \dotfill: * in tabular mode in latex (texhax089) \edef: * expanding its first argument. (texhax040) \extracolsep: latex problem with * (texhax045) \folio: \proclaim & * (texhax070) \folio: re: \proclaim & * (texhax070) \global: implicit * in tex (texhax023) \halign: help needed: \dotfill in * (texhax012) \halign: re: help needed: \dotfill in * (texhax012) \halign: \dotfill in * (texhax014) \halign: re: \dotfill in * (texhax017) \halign: re: \dotfill in * (texhax018) \halign: width of columns in * (texhax036) \halign: \baselineskip command in * (texhax057) \halign: * question (texhax063) \halign: problems combining \tt, \obeyspaces, and * (texhax067) \halign: *, \valign in tex (texhax069) \halign: re: problems combining \tt, \obeyspaces, and * (texhax070) \halign: re: problems combining \tt, \obeyspaces, and * (texhax071) \halign: * and \obeyspaces (texhax073) \hbox: \leaders and * question (texhax048) \hbox: re: \leaders and * question (texhax050) \hbox: re: \leaders and * question (texhax050) \hbox: re: \leaders and * question (texhax 88 #48) (texhax052) \hbox: * causes a \break (texhax104) \ht\boxno: how high is this box (* seems to be wrong) (texhax071) \immediate: a problem with * and \write in tex (texhax022) \immediate: re: a problem with * and \write in tex (texhax028) \immediate: re: a problem with * and \write (texhax029) \immediate: re: * \write problem (texhax #22) (texhax031) \immediate\write: * problem (texhax029) \immediate\write: rere: * problem (texhax038) \include: "\addtocontents" doesn't work when there are * files (texhax007) \index: using latex * in a \newcommand (texhax054) \index: \tt, \ptt, and * (texhax057) \input: * (texhax044) \insertplot: * graphics macro for arbortext's dvips postscript driver (texhax068) \itemitemitem: * (texhax006) \itemitemitem: * (texhax009) \large: a problem with dvitovdu and slitex usin * fonts (texhax058) \leaders: generalizing \boxit with * type construction for border (texhax020) \leaders: * and \hbox question (texhax048) \leaders: re: * and \hbox question (texhax050) \leaders: re: * and \hbox question (texhax050) \leaders: re: * and \hbox question (texhax 88 #48) (texhax052) \left: neat use of * and \right delimiters (texhax066) \leftarrow: need reference to metafont fix for *, \rightarrow (texhax061) \line: no latex warning about illegal arguments to * (texhax053) \longleftarrow: * and \longrightarrow at 12pt fails (texhax065) \longleftarrow: re: * and \longrightarrow at 12pt fails (texhax068) \longrightarrow: \longleftarrow and * at 12pt fails (texhax065) \longrightarrow: re: \longleftarrow and * at 12pt fails (texhax068) \makelabels: * (texhax048) \marginpar: mysterious latex problem with * (texhax009) \mathcode: ams-tex and * (texhax014) \mathcode: re: ams-tex and * (texhax014) \midinsert: \midspace and * (texhax083) \midinsert: re: \midspace and * (texhax083) \midinsert: * (texhax102) \midspace: * and \midinsert (texhax083) \midspace: re: * and \midinsert (texhax083) \mydate: using * with latex letterstyle (texhax001) \myheadings: processing .idx files / * bug ? (texhax084) \new: the * family (texhax046) \newcommand: using latex \index in a * (texhax054) \newread: * and reading and writing the same file. (texhax042) \newread: re: * and reading and writing the same file. (texhax043) \obeylines: * and mpsx input files (texhax036) \obeylines: re: * and mpsx input files (texhax039) \obeyspaces: problems combining \tt, *, and \halign (texhax067) \obeyspaces: re: problems combining \tt, *, and \halign (texhax070) \obeyspaces: re: problems combining \tt, *, and \halign (texhax071) \obeyspaces: \halign and * (texhax073) \outer: some \catcode changing macros should be * (texhax079) \oval's: latex's * (texhax066) \oval's: latex's * (texhax070) \parskip: * in latex footnotes (texhax006) \parskip: dynamic * computation (texhax017) \proclaim: * & \folio (texhax070) \proclaim: re: * & \folio (texhax070) \ptt: \tt, *, and \index (texhax057) \raggedright: funnies with * (texhax050) \raggedright: latex and * (texhax101) \right: neat use of \left and * delimiters (texhax066) \rightarrow: need reference to metafont fix for \leftarrow, * (texhax061) \smc: *? (texhax064) \special: needed: a * for dvi2ps that will invert text (texhax104) \specials: * in gf files (texhax005) \stackrel: latex * for chemical equations (texhax105) \tableofcontents: problems: * command and [titlepage] option (texhax042) \tableofcontents: problems: * command and [titlepage] option (texhax048) \tex: *\ output on dec lps-40 (texhax012) \tex\--$\mu$\tex: pc-based implementation of *\ (texhax102) \textheight: resetting * in latex style-option files (texhax030) \textheight: re: latex question (*) (texhax070) \topinsert: * without new paragraph (texhax #98) (texhax099) \tt: *, \ptt, and \index (texhax057) \tt: problems combining *, \obeyspaces, and \halign (texhax067) \tt: re: problems combining *, \obeyspaces, and \halign (texhax070) \tt: re: problems combining *, \obeyspaces, and \halign (texhax071) \tt: hyphenation in * font (texhax110) \tt\obeyspaces: uneven spacing in * (texhax080) \twocolumn: figures and tables with * (texhax008) \unhbox: * and discretionary breaks (texhax018) \unhbox: re: * and discretionary breaks (texhax021) \unhbox: re: * and discretionary breaks (texhax021) \vadjust: * in a box (texhax011) \vadjust: re: * in a box (texhax011) \valign: \halign, * in tex (texhax069) \vcenter...\ialign: urgent * help needed (texhax031) \write: a problem with \immediate and * in tex (texhax022) \write: re: a problem with \immediate and * in tex (texhax028) \write: re: a problem with \immediate and * (texhax029) \write: re: \immediate * problem (texhax #22) (texhax031) a-problem-with-\immediate-and-\write-in-tex: * (texhax digest v88 #22) (texhax026) a/ux: tex under * (texhax057) aaai-88: * styles (texhax039) above: re: bibtex 0.99c (a response to the * message) (texhax106) absolute: * positioning in tex and latex (texhax109) accent: dot-under * in math mode? (texhax002) accent: czech * (texhax110) accents: * in tabbing environment in latex (texhax015) accept: journals that * tex (flame) (texhax087) accept: re: journals that * tex (flame) (texhax090) accept: re: problems with journals that * tex (texhax091) accept/request/require: journals that * tex input (bucket of water) (texhax093) accept/request/require: re: journals that * tex input (v88 #93) (texhax098) access: * to tex-related stuff by anonymous ftp from yale (texhax083) access: * to various tex-related files at yale (texhax095) access: request for e-mail * on behalf of third-party (texhax102) acm: * style file (texhax010) across: transferring dvi files * systems (texhax018) ada: web for * (texhax000) adapter: dview * compatibility. (texhax090) added: tpic support * to qms driver (texhax013) addendum: footnotes on captions - * (texhax034) addison-wesley's: * micro-tex (texhax096) addison-wesley: * and microtex (texhax022) addison-wesley: * and microtex and textures (texhax026) addison-wesley: erratic behavior of * tex on pc's (texhax096) additional: tex question re: alignment of * text in eqnarray (texhax107) additions: * to texfont.memo (texhax026) addressed: bibtex 0.99c (a criticism * to its author) (texhax106) addresses: re: merge.sty & multiline *, texhax digest v88 #77 (texhax080) adobe's: tfm file for * lucida math font (texhax090) adobe: * font metric to tex font metric converters? (texhax002) adobe: printer resident * fonts with tex (texhax056) adobe: standardizing (naming) tfms derived from * afms (texhax071) advice: chemistry tex: request for * and suggestions. (texhax064) advice: tex novice needs installation * (texhax075) afm: * to tfm (texhax digest v88 #11) (texhax013) afm-files: * needed please (texhax099) afms: standardizing (naming) tfms derived from adobe * (texhax071) after: no indent * section header (texhax012) after: no indent * section header (texhax014) after: no indent * section header (texhax015) after: indentation * a section heading (texhax055) after: style option macro for indentation * section heads (texhax058) after: no hyphenation * a hyphen (texhax061) after: latex: indentation * sectioning (texhax072) after: re: latex: indenting * sectioning (texhax076) aftopl: * (texhax015) aftopl: new version of * now available (texhax042) again: \dotfill * (texhax018) again: immoderate notes: texhax to "pause" * (texhax034) again: problems (*) with ln03 printer on vax/vms (texhax078) again: merge.sty and letter.sty * (texhax089) again...(not: the ln03a fonts strike * enough) (texhax079) aid: fig-like drawing * for x (texhax092) ala: ibm * print train via tex? (texhax005) algorithm: problem with table lookup * in tex (texhax036) algorithm: problem with table lookup * in tex (texhax036) algorithm: problem with table lookup * in tex (texhax037) aligning: * eqnarray terms - solution (texhax010) alignment: latex question - vertical *. (texhax062) alignment: * in in plain (question) (texhax089) alignment: re: * in plain (question) (texhax092) alignment: tex question re: * of additional text in eqnarray (texhax107) alignments: paragraphs in horizontal * (texhax031) alive: wanted (*): gary mcclelland (texhax077) all: making * displayed equations numbered in latex (texhax098) all: ***bug in * versions of dvitovdu and psprint*** (texhax110) allocated: not enough * memory ? (texhax053) allocating: tex inputs declare.tex (* registers locally) (texhax102) allowed: /magsteps * (texhax038) allowed: re: /magsteps * (texhax039) allowed: no numbers * in latex commands (texhax088) allowed: re: no numbers * in latex commands (texhax093) allowing: * broken lines within citations (texhax010) allows: a macro that * you to define your own characters (sprite.sty) (texhax106) alltt: verbatim and * (texhax059) alphabet: extending tex's * from 128 to 256 characters (texhax091) alphabet: re: extending tex's * from 128 to 256 characters (texhax095) alphabet: re: extending tex's * from 128 to 256 characters (texhax096) alphabetic: bug in bibtex * styles? (texhax011) alphabetic: re: bug in bibtex * styles? (texhax014) already: has this latex maybe-bug been fixed *? (texhax081) alternate: * bibliography styles (texhax000) alternate: * page numbering style in latex (texhax030) alternate: * hyphenation patterns for ctex (texhax065) alternative: * equation numberings in latex (texhax053) alternative: * styles to "article" (texhax058) amcsc: * & cmcsc (texhax051) amcsc10: * in lfonts.tex (texhax048) amiga: looking for tex for the *... (texhax045) amiga: tex for * wanted (texhax081) amiga: tex for the * (texhax084) among: tex compatibility * macintosh, vax and ibm (texhax005) ams: * fonts (texhax006) ams: * fonts for higher resolution printers (texhax087) ams: * font metafont sources wanted... (texhax092) ams-fonts: * in latex (texhax096) ams-tex: * and \mathcode (texhax014) ams-tex: re: * and \mathcode (texhax014) ams-tex: looking for * style files (texhax015) amssmc40: what is * ? (texhax013) amssmc40: * (texhax017) amssmc40: re: what is *? (texhax017) amssmc40: * and cmssdc10 x 4 (texhax021) amstex: * style files available (texhax038) amstex: putting a qed at the end of a proof in *. (texhax052) amstex: re: putting a qed at the end of a proof in *. (texhax053) amstex: * documentation (texhax054) amstex: re: * documentation (texhax054) animals: * (texhax043) annotated: ? bibtex style file (.bst) wanted for * bibliographies ? (texhax049) announcement: psdvi * (was: linotron 300) (texhax015) announcement: * in texhax of start of dutch users group (texhax049) announcement: *: fig 1.4.fs and transfig 1.4 release 3 (texhax076) annoyance: common tex * bug (texhax022) anonymous: availability of textyl by * ftp (texhax001) anonymous: access to tex-related stuff by * ftp from yale (texhax083) another: oh no!!! * tex-to-c!!! (texhax023) another: oh no!!! * tex-to-c!!! (texhax digest v88 #23) (texhax027) another: yaffb (yet * format for bibtex) (texhax080) another: re: yaffb (yet * format for bibtex) (texhax083) another: yet * latex bug? (texhax104) answer: v88#36 (* macro) (texhax039) answer: question and * (texhax072) answer: * and question (texhax087) answer: * to changebar query(texhax 88 #108) (texhax111) answers: some * to peter flynn's recent questions. (texhax035) answers: lamport's recent * (texhax047) answers: re: lamport's recent * (texhax050) answers: re: lamport's recent * (texhax050) answers: metafont * (texhax073) answers: * to my metafont question (texhax076) any: * trip tested versions of tex running under xenix (texhax059) any: doing a newsletter in tex & full page calendar (* samples?) (texhax068) any: pd implementation for dos, * available via ftp? (texhax076) anybody: mft: does * use it? (texhax056) anyone: does * have a good ln03 mode definition? (texhax018) anyone: hyphenation patterns for hungarian, *? (texhax025) anyone: ?has * compiled gftopk using web2c? (texhax064) anyone: suggestions, *? (texhax099) aos: web2c works on ibm rt/pc running * 4.3 (texhax089) apa: * reference style (texhax041) apa: * style (texhax084) apl: * font for tex (texhax025) apollo: tex on * workstations (texhax000) apollo: tex users on * (texhax000) apollo: tex on the * (texhax007) apollo: tex users on * (texhax digest v88 #33) (texhax035) apollo: tex on * workstations (texhax060) apollo: looking for tex on * (texhax098) apollo: re: looking for tex on * (texhax099) apparatus: line numbers and critical * (texhax092) appendix: problem with vskip in * (latex) (texhax002) appendix: help for * (texhax015) apple: * laserwriter .tfm files available? (texhax005) apple: re: vms and * laserwriters (texhax030) apple: * laserwriter modedefs (texhax053) apple: latex style files for * lw built-in fonts (texhax053) apple: dvi driver for * laserwriter (under ms-dos) wanted. (texhax101) applelaserwriters: vms and * (texhax016) april: contents of the latex style collection, * 4th 1988 (texhax036) aps: * is considering latex for their journals (texhax044) aps: computer modern for * typesetter (texhax091) aps: re: computer modern for * typesetter. (texhax094) arabic: an * latex? (texhax002) arbor: bug in * text tex (texhax052) arbortext's: 256-character fonts and * dvilaser (texhax042) arbortext's: * tex fixed (texhax054) arbortext's: \insertplot graphics macro for * dvips postscript driver (texhax068) arbortext: * tex is fixed (texhax054) arbortext: manualfeed with * dvilaser (texhax110) archimedes: tex for the *? (texhax054) archive: * server users - stop using wiscwm as a bitnet gateway (texhax006) archives: rochester latex * (texhax089) aren't: titlepage and footnotetext * unnumbered (texhax055) argument: \edef expanding its first *. (texhax040) argument: rest of line as macro * (texhax065) argument: re: rest of line as macro * (texhax067) argument: re: rest of line as macro * (texhax069) arguments: no latex warning about illegal * to \line (texhax053) arguments: token-by-token processing of macro * (texhax073) arizona: latex style for * state univ. thesis wanted (texhax077) around: space * operator in eqnarray (solution) (texhax057) arrow: * lines in tabular environment (texhax056) arrowheads: latex * and vectors (texhax050) article: alternative styles to "*" (texhax058) ascii: re: latex display on an * terminal (texhax102) ascii: a public domain dvi to * (texhax106) assistant: research * sought (texhax000) assorted: * questions about problems with latex (texhax111) ast: beware of * turbolaser/ps (texhax009) asymmetrical: * i dot in cmr12.300gf (texhax110) at&t: tex for * 3b1. (texhax030) atari: tex-to-c on * st? (texhax038) atari: tex on * st (texhax089) atari: vaxstation 2000 previewer/ * laser printer driver (texhax092) attributes: font * (re: texhax digest v88 #88 (latex notes)) (texhax094) attributes: re: font * (re: texhax digest v88 #88 (latex notes)) (texhax096) author: bibtex 0.99c (a criticism addressed to its *) (texhax106) automated: wanted: info on 'idxtex', * index generation for latex (texhax049) automated: wanted: info on 'idxtex', * index generation for latex (texhax049) automatic: plain tex question: * italic corrections (texhax004) availability: * of textyl by anonymous ftp (texhax001) availability: * of latest vms tex distribution via bitnet???? (texhax012) availability: dvitovdu * (texhax016) availability: \chapter command & * of baskerville or garamond fonts (texhax023) availability: * of tex for unix system v (texhax052) availability: * of pictex manuals (texhax106) availability: * of sbtex and cdvi (texhax110) awarded: don knuth * the franklin medal (texhax023) back: immoderate notes: texhax is * (texhax021) back: immoderate notes/we're *! (texhax079) back: texhax '86 * issues (texhax080) bad: cmtt10 gets * pos at magstep2 (metafont) (texhax010) bad: * hyphen in tex (texhax052) bad: unixtex * files. (texhax095) based: is there a tpic * on dwb 2.0 pic ? (texhax095) baskerville: \chapter command & availability of * or garamond fonts (texhax023) become: how to * a technical writer (texhax061) become: re: how to * a technical writer (texhax066) beebe's: * dvieps.c on the pc/at (texhax061) beebe's: hercules driver using * stuff? (texhax077) been: has this latex maybe-bug * fixed already? (texhax081) beginners: * question: how to change the textwidth on the fly (texhax057) beginners: * question: how to change textwidth within a document (texhax065) behalf: request for e-mail access on * of third-party (texhax102) behavior: erratic * of addison-wesley tex on pc's (texhax096) bell: tolling the * on theses double spacing (texhax060) benchmarks: more common tex vs. tex-to-c * (texhax020) bend: something similar to the dangerous * (texhax014) bend: something similar to the dangerous * (texhax018) beta: * test dvi2ps with psfig support. (texhax047) better: dvi2ps : how can i get a * version?? (texhax054) better: re: dvi2ps : how can i get a * version?? (texhax060) between: ftp tenex vs binary mode * tops-20 and unix (texhax050) between: blank lines * footnotes (texhax082) between: checksum errors * tfm/pk files (texhax092) beware: * of ast turbolaser/ps (texhax009) bib: convert from bibtex or scribe .* files to tib databases (texhax004) bib: shell scripts for .* files (texhax008) bib: need a * style file (texhax025) bib: style files for * (texhax027) bib: * stuff: r2bib & keys (texhax062) bib: re: * stuff: keys (texhax065) bibitem: preventing * from printing [ ] in latex (texhax037) bibitem: re: preventing * from printing [ ] in latex (texhax040) bibliographies: ? bibtex style file (.bst) wanted for annotated * ? (texhax049) bibliographies: separate chapter * with latex and bibtex (texhax104) bibliographies: separate chapter * with latex & bibtex (texhax107) bibliography: alternate * styles (texhax000) bibliography: large common *: bibtex or tib? (texhax006) bibliography: day field in *? (texhax012) bibliography: re: day field in *? (texhax014) bibliography: re: day field in * (texhax016) bibliography: * in letters (texhax089) bibliography: * converter (texhax107) bibtex's: * selection of "widest label" (texhax070) bibtex's: re: * selection of "widest label" (texhax070) bibtex: * "management" utilities? (texhax000) bibtex: convert from * or scribe .bib files to tib databases (texhax004) bibtex: large common bibliography: * or tib? (texhax006) bibtex: * in c bug (texhax008) bibtex: bug in * alphabetic styles? (texhax011) bibtex: bug in *: doesn't like umlauts (texhax011) bibtex: new * (texhax011) bibtex: getting * (texhax012) bibtex: re: updated * styles (texhax012) bibtex: * 0.99b (texhax014) bibtex: re: bug in * alphabetic styles? (texhax014) bibtex: * for macintosh (texhax015) bibtex: new * (texhax015) bibtex: new * (texhax015) bibtex: * for textures (texhax016) bibtex: *, previewer, slitex (texhax016) bibtex: new * (texhax016) bibtex: * change files for unix (vax,sun) (texhax018) bibtex: where and how to get new * (texhax023) bibtex: new * (texhax024) bibtex: * .99 in c (texhax025) bibtex: re: new * (texhax028) bibtex: * deleting files (texhax029) bibtex: chemistry journal * style (texhax029) bibtex: wanted: gnu emacs * mode; bibtex 0.99c (texhax030) bibtex: wanted: gnu emacs bibtex mode; * 0.99c (texhax030) bibtex: * chem journal style (texhax035) bibtex: two * questions/requests (texhax039) bibtex: c preprocessor for * style files (texhax041) bibtex: * 0.99c for vax/vms (texhax042) bibtex: vms change file for * version .99c (texhax044) bibtex: vms changes for * 0.99c (texhax044) bibtex: * questions: summary of response (texhax045) bibtex: * 0.99c change file for web2c (texhax047) bibtex: subject cross-referencing * databases (texhax047) bibtex: how to get latest *? (texhax048) bibtex: * 0.99c is a big win! (texhax049) bibtex: ? * style file (.bst) wanted for annotated bibliographies ? (texhax049) bibtex: cms changes for * (texhax049) bibtex: * 0.99c change file for web2c (texhax digest v88 #47) (texhax050) bibtex: re: * 0.99c change file for web2c (texhax050) bibtex: inbook and * 0.99c (texhax052) bibtex: re: inbook and * 0.99c (texhax053) bibtex: * for cms (texhax059) bibtex: new * styles (texhax059) bibtex: * (texhax064) bibtex: re: new * styles (texhax064) bibtex: * and preview requests (texhax066) bibtex: * 98 vs. bibtex 99 (texhax070) bibtex: bibtex 98 vs. * 99 (texhax070) bibtex: re: * 98 vs. bibtex .99 (texhax072) bibtex: re: bibtex 98 vs. * .99 (texhax072) bibtex: wide labels and * (texhax073) bibtex: bug in web2c's change file for * (texhax078) bibtex: refer to * conversion (texhax079) bibtex: yaffb (yet another format for *) (texhax080) bibtex: * citation format (texhax082) bibtex: * (texhax083) bibtex: re: yaffb (yet another format for *) (texhax083) bibtex: refer to * conversion (texhax083) bibtex: re: * documentation (texhax086) bibtex: * sorting (texhax088) bibtex: re: * sorting (texhax091) bibtex: * for ibm pc? (texhax092) bibtex: * for ibm pc (texhax92.88) (texhax095) bibtex: refer -> * conversion (texhax095) bibtex: * for mac available (texhax096) bibtex: re: * 0.99 for ibm pc (texhax # 92) (texhax097) bibtex: error regard * in texhax #98, 1988 (texhax099) bibtex: texbib in * 0.99 (texhax102) bibtex: separate chapter bibliographies with latex and * (texhax104) bibtex: * 0.99c (a criticism addressed to its author) (texhax106) bibtex: re: * 0.99c (a response to the above message) (texhax106) bibtex: sharing a * database (texhax106) bibtex: separate chapter bibliographies with latex & * (texhax107) bibtex.web: new * (texhax026) bibtex.web.1: * (texhax048) big: * tex/latex for vax/vms systems. (texhax044) big: bibtex 0.99c is a * win! (texhax049) big: tex in the * world (texhax057) bigtex: * (texhax090) bilingual: * poems / poemes bilingues (texhax096) bilingues: bilingual poems / poemes * (texhax096) binary: ftp tenex vs * mode between tops-20 and unix (texhax050) bitmap: previewer * output to a file ? (texhax088) bitmap: full page * of dvi file (texhax091) bitmaps: metafont and * (texhax084) bitnet: texhax on * (texhax003) bitnet: tex sources for * users (texhax005) bitnet: archive server users - stop using wiscwm as a * gateway (texhax006) bitnet: immoderate notes/texhax on * (texhax007) bitnet: availability of latest vms tex distribution via *???? (texhax012) bitnet: * miseries (texhax027) bitnet: immoderate notes: forced migration of * subscribers (texhax036) bitnet: * blues (texhax092) bitstream: * fonts on ln03 (texhax060) bizarre: * latex problem with \{ \} in section names and such (texhax052) blank: reserving two * pages? (texhax041) blank: * lines between footnotes (texhax082) blanks: keeping extraneous * out of macro definitions (texhax085) blocking: pk file * on cms (texhax042) blues: i got the latex *. . . . (texhax059) blues: bitnet * (texhax092) blutex: * discussion list (texhax105) board: tex files on boston bulletin * (texhax065) bold: lowercase greek letters in * (texhax025) bold: lowercase greek letters in * (texhax029) bold: response to * math symbols (texhax029) bold: re: lowercase greek character in * (texhax v88#25) (texhax030) bold: a little more on * math (texhax034) bold: re: * greek letters (texhax034) bold: needed: * math symbols in script style (texhax104) bold: re: * math symbols obtained (texhax104) book: * marks (texhax004) book: chapter # - page # numbering for * style (texhax031) book: re: chapter # - page # numbering for * style (texhax035) book: latex style for ieee cs *? (texhax071) book: latex meets a different * designer (texhax075) book: form letters using letter macros in tex * (texhax081) book: re: * design (texhax 88.78 and 81) (texhax084) book: looking for a good * on typography (texhax111) book.sty: looking for latex * w/mcgraw-hill specs (texhax085) border: generalizing \boxit with \leaders type construction for * (texhax020) boston: tex files on * bulletin board (texhax065) box: \vadjust in a * (texhax011) box: re: \vadjust in a * (texhax011) box: how high is this * (\ht\boxno seems to be wrong) (texhax071) box: putting a qed * at the end of a proof (texhax073) box: printing out * coordinates (texhax093) boxed: * tables (texhax071) boxed: re: * tables (texhax075) boxed: * math in latex (texhax099) boxes: * in latex (texhax080) boxes: * within boxes within boxes (texhax081) boxes: boxes within * within boxes (texhax081) boxes: boxes within boxes within * (texhax081) boxes: * in latex (texhax084) boxes: help please with creating a number of * (latex/tex) (texhax088) braces: nested * in latex (texhax066) brackets: displaying text within large * (texhax045) brackets: square * (texhax045) brackets: re: displaying text within large square * (texhax049) break: preventing line * and line feed (texhax065) breakdown: latex style server * on 4/29 (texhax043) breaking: line * in programs. (texhax042) breaks: \unhbox and discretionary * (texhax018) breaks: re: \unhbox and discretionary * (texhax021) breaks: re: \unhbox and discretionary * (texhax021) breaks: question about page * (texhax092) brian: latex vs theses--for * mork (texhax056) brief: immoderate notes: * pause in texhax; issue 17 sliced up (texhax018) brief: * pause in texhax publication (texhax078) broken: allowing * lines within citations (texhax010) bst: new .* files in latex style collection (texhax018) bst: ? bibtex style file (.*) wanted for annotated bibliographies ? (texhax049) bucket: journals that accept/request/require tex input (* of water) (texhax093) buffer: latex figure captions vs line * size (texhax061) buffer: re: latex figure captions vs. * size (texhax064) bug: * in k&s pktopx version 2.2.0 (texhax007) bug: * in k&s pktopx version 2.2.0 (texhax008) bug: bibtex in c * (texhax008) bug: plain * (feature?) (texhax010) bug: * in bibtex alphabetic styles? (texhax011) bug: * in bibtex: doesn't like umlauts (texhax011) bug: re: * in bibtex alphabetic styles? (texhax014) bug: common tex annoyance * (texhax022) bug: * in kellerman & smith version 2.2.0 of pxtopx (texhax024) bug: re: dostex * (texhax037) bug: pictex * (texhax039) bug: tex-c * or feature? (texhax043) bug: dvialw patch to workaround ultrascript * (texhax045) bug: * fix for ctex device drivers (texhax046) bug: re: tex-c * or feature? (texhax046) bug: * in arbor text tex (texhax052) bug: latex * (texhax052) bug: latex "*" (texhax053) bug: re: latex * (texhax 1988 #52) (texhax053) bug: re: texhax digest v88 #52 latex * (texhax057) bug: gfread * (texhax058) bug: * in tex (texhax059) bug: * in common tex (texhax064) bug: latex table of contents *? (texhax064) bug: * in some versions of dvi2ps/dvips? (texhax066) bug: fig2tex * fix (texhax066) bug: * in web2c's change file for bibtex (texhax078) bug: dostex * (texhax079) bug: eepic 1.0, fig2epic and a * in epic (texhax081) bug: processing .idx files / \myheadings * ? (texhax084) bug: latex * (texhax085) bug: * in good.top and good.bot? (texhax086) bug: * in ctex.ch (web2c 2.2)? (texhax088) bug: latex * (?) (texhax090) bug: more on * in tex (texhax090) bug: re: * in ctex.ch (web2c 2.2)? (texhax091) bug: possible * in doublespace.sty (texhax096) bug: makeindex * (texhax097) bug: possible latex *?? (texhax099) bug: vms(+others) tex(+others) * (was: 256-char tex) (texhax100) bug: vms gftopxl * (texhax102) bug: possible latex *??? (texhax104) bug: yet another latex *? (texhax104) bug: re: texhax digest v88 #104 (possible latex *) (texhax107) bug: **** in all versions of dvitovdu and psprint*** (texhax110) bugfixes: * for vms dvitype (texhax010) built-in: latex style files for apple lw * fonts (texhax053) bulletin: tex files on boston * board (texhax065) c-tex: * update (texhax004) c/web: tex to * to c (texhax067) c1-xp: tex and dvi2ps on a convex * (texhax009) c1-xp: fix for dvi2ps on a convex * (texhax017) calculator: typographical * (texhax094) calendar: doing a newsletter in tex & full page * (any samples?) (texhax068) calendar: one page * (texhax072) call: what people * ``small capitals'' (texhax082) camera-ready: * wars (texhax023) canon: problems with * lbp8ii dr (texhax049) canon: driver for * lbp (texhax081) capital: dropped * letter macro (texhax005) capital: re: dropped * letter macro (texhax005) capital: dropped * macro (texhax024) capitalists: re: texhax digest v88 #82 (``small *'') (texhax084) capitals: what people call ``small *'' (texhax082) capitals: small * (texhax84.88) (texhax087) caps: oldstyle numerals for small * (texhax058) caps: small * (texhax digest v88 #84) (texhax086) caps: latex--the small * command (texhax104) caps-and-small-caps: looking for 8 pt * font (texhax016) caption: problem with * in latex (texhax063) captions: double-spaced document with single-spaced *. (texhax034) captions: footnotes on * (texhax034) captions: footnotes on * - addendum (texhax034) captions: re: v88 #37 problem w/figure and table * using latex (texhax040) captions: colon in figure * (texhax053) captions: figure * (texhax053) captions: latex figure * vs line buffer size (texhax061) captions: re: latex figure * vs. buffer size (texhax064) cat'codes: look at * while defining a macro (texhax070) causes: \hbox * a \break (texhax104) causing: latex * tex save space error (texhax009) cdc's: tex running on * nos/ve (texhax110) cdvi: * previewer, tex changes (texhax065) cdvi: * files (texhax069) cdvi: * previewer (texhax080) cdvi: availability of sbtex and * (texhax110) cellular.tex: tex inputs * (table-generating macros) (texhax103) centered: underlined and * text in latex macro (texhax045) centred: underlined and * text in latex (revisited) (texhax055) cga: previewers for ibm rt pc and for * screens (texhax083) chalenge: page make-up * (texhax086) challenge: a * for tex macro wizards (texhax023) challenge: re: page make-up * (texhax090) challenge: re:page make-up * (texhax097) chance: tex88 european conference and courses --- last *!! (texhax059) change: gftopk is the a * file for vax/vms? (texhax008) change: bibtex * files for unix (vax,sun) (texhax018) change: * the default font (texhax029) change: * the default font (texhax034) change: tex vms * files (texhax036) change: vms * file for bibtex version .99c (texhax044) change: bibtex 0.99c * file for web2c (texhax047) change: request for vms * file for dvidoc (texhax048) change: bibtex 0.99c * file for web2c (texhax digest v88 #47) (texhax050) change: re: bibtex 0.99c * file for web2c (texhax050) change: cms * files wanted (texhax052) change: beginners question: how to * the textwidth on the fly (texhax057) change: beginners question: how to * textwidth within a document (texhax065) change: software for multiple * files (texhax073) change: gftopk * file for vms (texhax077) change: bug in web2c's * file for bibtex (texhax078) change: metafont * #536 and fillin=0 (texhax079) change: pxtopk or pxtogf * file for vax/vms wanted. (texhax095) change-file: web differences -> * ? (texhax102) changebar: answer to * query(texhax 88 #108) (texhax111) changes: pxtopk * for vax/vms (texhax024) changes: * to mssymb.tex at score (texhax035) changes: unix sites: * for multiple copies in "iptex" (texhax040) changes: vms * for bibtex 0.99c (texhax044) changes: cms * for bibtex (texhax049) changes: crudetype * for nos/ve (texhax063) changes: cdvi previewer, tex * (texhax065) changing: * tex$input under vms (texhax061) changing: some \catcode * macros should be \outer (texhax079) changing: retaining font style when * size (texhax095) chaos: the mailer * (texhax106) chapter: * # - page # numbering for book style (texhax031) chapter: re: * # - page # numbering for book style (texhax035) chapter: separate * bibliographies with latex and bibtex (texhax104) chapter: separate * bibliographies with latex & bibtex (texhax107) char: complaint * conv (texhax004) character: getting at * codes. (texhax008) character: re: lowercase greek * in bold (texhax v88#25) (texhax030) character: chinese * set (texhax040) character: * codes of implicit characters (texhax057) characters: wrong * printed (texhax009) characters: special * and mf in cms (texhax055) characters: character codes of implicit * (texhax057) characters: extending tex's alphabet from 128 to 256 * (texhax091) characters: re: extending tex's alphabet from 128 to 256 * (texhax095) characters: re: extending tex's alphabet from 128 to 256 * (texhax096) characters: use of metafont to design chinese *? (texhax097) characters: a macro that allows you to define your own * (sprite.sty) (texhax106) chardx: extraordinary * values in cm fonts (texhax101) charts: pert * (texhax040) charts: flow * (texhax094) charts: re: flow * in latex (texhax096) check: * sums (texhax050) check: re: * sums (texhax051) checksum: * errors between tfm/pk files (texhax092) checksums: tfm * may not be a tex-to-c problem. (texhax digest v88 #39) (texhax041) checksums: re: tfm * may not be a tex-to-c problem (texhax042) checksums: re: zero tfm * (texhax v88 #41) (texhax043) checksums: re: zero tfm * (texhax #41,#43) (texhax046) checksums: zero tfm * (texhax #41,#43) (texhax047) checksun: textoc - * problem (texhax039) chem: bibtex * journal style (texhax035) chemical: update on macros for producing * structural formulae (texhax022) chemical: * formulae macros (repeat) (texhax079) chemical: latex \stackrel for * equations (texhax105) chemistry: * journal bibtex style (texhax029) chemistry: * tex: request for advice and suggestions. (texhax064) chinese: * character set (texhax040) chinese: use of metafont to design * characters? (texhax097) circle: * and line fonts for tex - help me find them (texhax089) circle: query: how do you get the czech long u (* over a u)? (texhax107) circuit: tex/latex * diagrams (texhax045) citation: * format (texhax023) citation: superscripted * format (texhax027) citation: overfull * labels (texhax043) citation: overfull * labels (texhax047) citation: re: overfull * labels (texhax047) citation: bibtex * format (texhax082) citations: allowing broken lines within * (texhax010) citations: superscripted * in latex (texhax028) clan: tex/metafont on icl * 7 (texhax076) clarification: postscript emulation for common printers (*) (texhax078) clatex: * vs. latex (texhax018) cleared: vortex delays * up (texhax088) clubs: widows and * in latex (texhax024) cmbase/mf: * (texhax030) cmcsc: amcsc & * (texhax051) cmfont: info in * raster files. (texhax004) cmnaro: *? (texhax020) cmr: large * fonts (texhax009) cmr: low resolution * fonts (texhax078) cmr12.300gf: asymmetrical i dot in * (texhax110) cms: pk file blocking on * (texhax042) cms: * changes for bibtex (texhax049) cms: * change files wanted (texhax052) cms: special characters and mf in * (texhax055) cms: bibtex for * (texhax059) cms: gftopxl on * (texhax059) cms: dvi to postscript for * (texhax063) cmss/i/bx: * at magsteps 6/7/8/9 (texhax038) cmss/i/bx: re: * at magsteps 6/7/8/9 (texhax040) cmssdc10: amssmc40 and * x 4 (texhax021) cmsy: height of the minus sign in * fonts (texhax106) cmtt10: * gets bad pos at magstep2 (metafont) (texhax010) cmxx: using postscript fonts instead of * (texhax048) cnaf: * txmapper (texhax042) code: fig * to latex picture environment translator (texhax055) code/stanford: maria * tex tape distribution (texhax013) codes: getting at character *. (texhax008) codes: character * of implicit characters (texhax057) collection: contents of latex style *, 21st january 1988 (texhax008) collection: new .bst files in latex style * (texhax018) collection: contents of the latex style *, april 4th 1988 (texhax036) collection: "standard" * of cm fonts (texhax044) collection: re: "standard" * of cm fonts [long message] (texhax047) collection: contents of the latex style *, july 1st 1988 (texhax064) collection: contents of the latex style *, sep 23 1988 (texhax085) colon: * in figure captions (texhax053) colour: (1) * (2) 256-char tex (texhax097) column: three * output in latex or tex. (texhax005) column: three * style for latex (texhax059) column: lining up a * of numbers, and re: hypenation (texhax062) column: a) lw ii ntx modes b) two * latex (texhax073) column: four * page (texhax093) column-headings: multi-page tables with * on each page? (texhax100) columns: re: very narrow * in plain tex (texhax024) columns: very narrow * in plain tex (texhax024) columns: width of * in \halign (texhax036) com-put-er: ``word hy-phen-a-tion by *'' (texhax30.88) (texhax034) combining: problems * \tt, \obeyspaces, and \halign (texhax067) combining: re: problems * \tt, \obeyspaces, and \halign (texhax070) combining: re: problems * \tt, \obeyspaces, and \halign (texhax071) combining: * the functions of metafont and postscript (texhax106) command: \arraystretch * in latex (texhax005) command: flame of the week: unix-style * interfaces (texhax017) command: \chapter * & availability of baskerville or garamond fonts (texhax023) command: problems: \tableofcontents * and [titlepage] option (texhax042) command: problems: \tableofcontents * and [titlepage] option (texhax048) command: \baselineskip * in \halign (texhax057) command: latex--the small caps * (texhax104) commands: no numbers allowed in latex * (texhax088) commands: no numbers in latex *, thanks for the help. (texhax092) commands: re: no numbers allowed in latex * (texhax093) comments: re: stripping * from .sty files (texhax020) comments: thanks and * (texhax051) common: large * bibliography: bibtex or tib? (texhax006) common: * tex, tex in c, core dumping for pre-loaded versions (texhax010) common: more * tex vs. tex-to-c benchmarks (texhax020) common: * tex annoyance bug (texhax022) common: * tex patch 2.7 (texhax024) common: how to get * tex? (texhax024) common: re: * tex patch 2.7 (texhax024) common: * tex 2.9 and sun os 3.5 (texhax037) common: * tex (texhax040) common: * tex on pcs? (texhax048) common: bug in * tex (texhax064) common: postscript emulators for * printers (texhax075) common: postscript emulation for * printers (clarification) (texhax078) common: postscript emulation for * printers (texhax080) common: most * macro error (texhax082) commontex: * patch (texhax056) commontex: * 2.9 patches (non-official) (texhax071) comparison: * shopping for workstations (texhax015) comparison: * of tex-to-c and web-to-c wanted (texhax070) compatibility: tex * among macintosh, vax and ibm (texhax005) compatibility: dview adapter *. (texhax090) compilations: 2 c * of tex (texhax018) compilations: 2 c * of tex (texhax021) compiled: ?has anyone * gftopk using web2c? (texhax064) compiler: re: problem installing tex (v88 #80): * limits (texhax086) compiling: * c tex with gcc version 1.21 (texhax073) complaint: * char conv (texhax004) complaints: random notes and * (texhax067) complaints: re: random notes and * (texhax069) compress: * utility & tex - a marriage... (texhax109) computation: dynamic \parskip * (texhax017) computer: * modern fonts in rom? (texhax048) computer: standard set of * modern. (texhax050) computer: re: standard set of * modern (texhax052) computer: a verbatim mode for * programs (texhax079) computer: * modern for aps typesetter (texhax091) computer: re: * modern for aps typesetter. (texhax094) computing: * sines in tex (texhax036) computing: re: * sines in tex (texhax039) concerning: last message * cross-referencing (texhax039) concerning: question * hershey fonts (texhax070) concerning: hard tex-hacking question * fitting figures on a page (texhax106) conference: ieee * proceedings style (texhax012) conference: re: ieee * proceedings style (texhax012) conference: tex88 european * and courses --- last chance!! (texhax059) considering: aps is * latex for their journals (texhax044) construction: generalizing \boxit with \leaders type * for border (texhax020) constructs: tex inputs loopy.tex (nested loop *) (texhax102) content: re: table of * macro in tex (texhax009) content: table of * macro in tex (texhax009) contents: * of latex style collection, 21st january 1988 (texhax008) contents: solution of "table of *" problem (texhax029) contents: * of the latex style collection, april 4th 1988 (texhax036) contents: * of the latex style collection, july 1st 1988 (texhax064) contents: latex table of * bug? (texhax064) contents: * of tugboat 9#2 (texhax065) contents: * of the latex style collection, sep 23 1988 (texhax085) conv: complaint char * (texhax004) conversion: scribe to tex * program? (texhax012) conversion: unix_dvi to vms_dvi * (texhax014) conversion: cm font * from 88dpi -> 300dpi ? (texhax047) conversion: refer to bibtex * (texhax079) conversion: refer to bibtex * (texhax083) conversion: * of refer database (texhax084) conversion: utility for * from smp format to tex/latex wanted. (texhax089) conversion: maple to tex *... (texhax092) conversion: utility for * from latex to troff wanted (texhax093) conversion: troff to latex * (texhax094) conversion: re: maple to tex *... (texhax095) conversion: refer -> bibtex * (texhax095) conversion: maple to tex *, texhax 95 note (texhax098) conversion: waterloo script * to latex or tex (texhax099) conversion: re: waterloo script * to latex or tex (texhax100) conversions: maple to tex * (texhax 92 query) (texhax097) convert: * from bibtex or scribe .bib files to tib databases (texhax004) converter: sgml to tex * (texhax082) converter: bibliography * (texhax107) converters: adobe font metric to tex font metric *? (texhax002) converting: * metafont fonts to macintosh format (texhax029) convex: tex and dvi2ps on a * c1-xp (texhax009) convex: fix for dvi2ps on a * c1-xp (texhax017) coordinates: printing out box * (texhax093) copies: unix sites: changes for multiple * in "iptex" (texhax040) copy: where can i find a * of ctex? (texhax007) copy: photoready *, moving forward? (texhax082) core: common tex, tex in c, * dumping for pre-loaded versions (texhax010) core: further on tex dumps * (texhax091) core: tex dumps *! (texhax091) correction: * to latex - letter.sty (texhax042) correction: a small idea for short name macros (with *) (texhax100) corrections: plain tex question: automatic italic * (texhax004) courier: using tt font or * ps font (texhax068) courses: tex88 european conference and * --- last chance!! (texhax059) creating: * pk fonts from px fonts for dvidis (texhax005) creating: problem * suitable tex fonts for ln03r on vms (texhax047) creating: problem * suitable tex fonts for ln03 on ultrix (texhax055) creating: * suitable tex fonts for ln03 (re: texhax 55) (texhax057) creating: re: problem * suitable tex fonts for ln03 on ultrix (texhax058) creating: help please with * a number of boxes (latex/tex) (texhax088) critical: line numbers and * apparatus (texhax092) criticism: bibtex 0.99c (a * addressed to its author) (texhax106) cross-references: displaying the latex keys for * (texhax048) cross-referencing: last message concerning * (texhax039) cross-referencing: subject * bibtex databases (texhax047) crudetype: * new version (texhax015) crudetype: * on unix (texhax041) crudetype: * changes for nos/ve (texhax063) cryptic: * names (texhax095) ctex: problem with * (texhax003) ctex: where can i find a copy of *? (texhax007) ctex: bug fix for * device drivers (texhax046) ctex: alternate hyphenation patterns for * (texhax065) ctex: request for * sources. (texhax096) ctex.ch: bug in * (web2c 2.2)? (texhax088) ctex.ch: re: bug in * (web2c 2.2)? (texhax091) ctos: tex for *... (texhax014) current: detecting * font (texhax028) curves: * in pictex (texhax001) cweb: * texhax digest v88 #11 (texhax013) cyrillic: * fonts for ln03 printer (texhax063) cyrillic: * fonts... (texhax070) cyrillic: re: * fonts... (texhax070) cyrillic: needed: metafile/pixel/style-files for * (texhax102) czech: query: how do you get the * long u (circle over a u)? (texhax107) czech: * accent (texhax110) dangerous: something similar to the * bend (texhax014) dangerous: something similar to the * bend (texhax018) danish: * letters in latex headings (texhax077) danish: re: * letters in latex headings (texhax v88 #77) (texhax079) danish: * letters (texhax081) database: conversion of refer * (texhax084) database: sharing a bibtex * (texhax106) databases: convert from bibtex or scribe .bib files to tib * (texhax004) databases: subject cross-referencing bibtex * (texhax047) dataproducts: metafont mode_def settings for * lzr-2665 (texhax020) date: my * in latex letter style (texhax006) date: * in letters (texhax077) date: re: * in letters (texhax079) date: re: * in letters (texhax084) dates: * in letters (texhax081) dates: re: * in letters (texhax084) david: hanging sectionhead macro of * f rogers, texhax 88(10) (texhax014) david: re: * f. rogers's message, v88 #47 (texhax049) day: * field in bibliography? (texhax012) day: re: * field in bibliography? (texhax014) day: re: * field in bibliography (texhax016) dec's: tex and * (postscript) printserver40 (lps40) (texhax010) dec: tex for vms & dvi for * ln03plus (texhax006) dec: \tex\ output on * lps-40 (texhax012) dec: postscript for * scriptwriter (texhax042) dec: re: postscript for * scriptwriter (texhax044) dec: metafont parameters for * lps40? (texhax046) declare.tex: tex inputs * (allocating registers locally) (texhax102) decnet: tex on *: errata (texhax000) decnet/span: update for tex on * (texhax016) decnet/span: vax/vms tex on * (texhax027) decnet/span: tex on *: remarks (texhax038) default: change the * font (texhax029) default: change the * font (texhax034) default: * filename gotcha (texhax096) define: a macro that allows you to * your own characters (sprite.sty) (texhax106) defining: look at cat'codes while * a macro (texhax070) definition: does anyone have a good ln03 mode *? (texhax018) definitions: mf * and idxtex/glotex for pc (texhax082) definitions: keeping extraneous blanks out of macro * (texhax085) degree: honorary * for donald knuth (texhax060) delatex: * (texhax020) delatex: re: * (texhax024) delays: vortex * cleared up (texhax088) deleting: bibtex * files (texhax029) delimited: end-of-line * macros in (plain) tex. (texhax068) delimiters: neat use of \left and \right * (texhax066) delivery: immoderate notes: texhax * (texhax000) department: modifying letter.sty for our * letterhead. (texhax072) depository: tex file * (texhax095) depth: finding the height and * of maths stuff (texhax075) derived: standardizing (naming) tfms * from adobe afms (texhax071) descriptors: warning: unix tex in c writes to file * > 2 (texhax038) descriptors: re: warning: unix tex in c writes to file * > 2 (texhax039) descriptors: warning: unix tex in c writes to file * > 2 (texhax039) design: re: book * (texhax 88.78 and 81) (texhax084) design: use of metafont to * chinese characters? (texhax097) design-size: * fonts--12 and 17pt, (texhax digest v88 #49) (texhax051) designed: for what paper-sizes are latex standard styles/options *? (texhax029) designed: latex: for what paper-sizes are standard styles/options *? (texhax063) designer: latex meets a different book * (texhax075) designers: a suggestion to font * present and future. (texhax037) deskjet: driver for hewlett packard * (texhax083) deskjet: dvi output on the hp * (why you probably don't want it) (texhax086) deskjet: driver for hp * (texhax087) deskjet: hp * (texhax089) deskjet: dvi-driver for hp * and hp paintjet (texhax094) detecting: * current font (texhax028) detex: a reasonable * (texhax104) device: bug fix for ctex * drivers (texhax046) diagrams: tex/latex circuit * (texhax045) did: metafonting at 78 dpi (or, where * my pixels go?) (texhax011) diff's: latex * (texhax058) difference: * files (texhax053) differences: web * -> change-file ? (texhax102) different: * file types for latex, etc. (texhax016) different: * fonts for ln03's (texhax029) different: latex meets a * book designer (texhax075) diffs: * to dvips (texhax091) digests: 86 * (texhax068) digital's: dutch hyphenation, xerox 8700 support, * document (texhax080) directory: 'miscellaneous' font * (texhax025) directory: re: 'miscellaneous' font * (texhax029) directory: * pointers? (texhax057) directory: re: * pointers? (texhax060) directory: * pointers (texhax061) directory: re: * pointers? [vms logical name search lists] (texhax061) directory: telephone * document style? (texhax099) dirty: * tricks wanted (texhax071) discretionary: \unhbox and * breaks (texhax018) discretionary: re: \unhbox and * breaks (texhax021) discretionary: re: \unhbox and * breaks (texhax021) discussion: new * list for xerox printers (texhax036) discussion: blutex * list (texhax105) disk: immoderate notes: score had some * problems (texhax039) disk: tex for a pc without hard * (texhax059) disk: tex for a pc without hard * (texhax063) display: re: latex * on an ascii terminal (texhax102) displayed: making all * equations numbered in latex (texhax098) displaying: * text within large brackets (texhax045) displaying: * the latex keys for cross-references (texhax048) displaying: re: * text within large square brackets (texhax049) distribution: latest vms tex * (texhax001) distribution: vms tex *? (texhax008) distribution: unix * and pascal (texhax009) distribution: availability of latest vms tex * via bitnet???? (texhax012) distribution: maria code/stanford tex tape * (texhax013) distribution: problem with vms * of metafont (texhax015) distribution: unix tex * (texhax018) distribution: * of texware (texhax029) distribution: makeindex * (texhax031) distribution: latex *? (texhax081) doc: .* vs .sty (texhax008) document: tex * (texhax001) document: double-spaced * with single-spaced captions. (texhax034) document: beginners question: how to change textwidth within a * (texhax065) document: reference work for * layout standards (texhax078) document: dutch hyphenation, xerox 8700 support, digital's * (texhax080) document: reference works for * layout (texhax081) document: re: reference works for * layout (texhax81.88) (texhax087) document: producing simple * for online viewing using latex(request) (texhax099) document: telephone directory * style? (texhax099) document: re: producing simple * for online viewing.... (texhax100) document: including a macdraw file in a latex * (texhax104) document: math fonts in a latex * (texhax104) documentation: dd form 1473, 84 mar: report * page (texhax035) documentation: amstex * (texhax054) documentation: re: amstex * (texhax054) documentation: re: bibtex * (texhax086) documentation: macro *: examples please (texhax110) documents: two-sided * in latex (texhax049) documents: legal * plus re: texhax digest v88 #46 (texhax051) documents: pentastich numbering (was: legal * plus ...) (texhax052) documents: including macdraw * in tex files (texhax098) does: * anyone have a good ln03 mode definition? (texhax018) does: mft: * anybody use it? (texhax056) does: * latex handle fonts incorrectly? (texhax088) doesn't: "\addtocontents" * work when there are \include files (texhax007) doesn't: bug in bibtex: * like umlauts (texhax011) doing: * a magazine in latex (texhax052) doing: * a newsletter in tex & full page calendar (any samples?) (texhax068) domain: public * previewer wanted/and a puzzle (texhax018) domain: needed: a public * dvi2ps (texhax104) domain: a public * dvi to ascii (texhax106) domain: needed: public * versions of tex and latex for ibm pc (texhax110) dominik: * wujastyk's footnote macros (texhax088) don't: * let latex grow in size! (re: latex for foreign languages) (texhax002) don't: dvi output on the hp deskjet (why you probably * want it) (texhax086) don: * knuth awarded the franklin medal (texhax023) don: * knuth's oration (texhax063) donald: honorary degree for * knuth (texhax060) dos: pd implementation for *, any available via ftp? (texhax076) dostex: new tex implementation for msdos: * (texhax001) dostex: re: * bug (texhax037) dostex: * (texhax071) dostex: * limitations (texhax071) dostex: * bug (texhax079) dostex: new version of * (texhax083) dostex: whence an ftpable *? (texhax090) dot: asymmetrical i * in cmr12.300gf (texhax110) dot-under: * accent in math mode? (texhax002) double: single and * spacing in figures (texhax023) double: reply: single and * spacing in figures (v88 n23) (texhax027) double: * spacing with latex (texhax058) double: tolling the bell on theses * spacing (texhax060) double: * spacing in theses (texhax062) double-spaced: * document with single-spaced captions. (texhax034) doublespace: * (texhax036) doublespace.sty: possible bug in * (texhax096) doublespacing: * and singlespacing (v.88, n.23,27,29) (texhax034) down: math mode is tieing me * (texhax072) downloadable: query re * fonts for linotronic 300 (texhax012) downloading: * textures fonts from a mac ii to a laserwriter plus. (texhax023) dpi: verityper vt600 (600 *) laser printer and tex (texhax010) dpi: metafonting at 78 * (or, where did my pixels go?) (texhax011) dpi: re: metafonting at 78 * ... (texhax013) drawing: fig-like * aid for x (texhax092) driver: envision 220/230--lear-siegler 7105/7107 * for dvitovdu (texhax003) driver: new ln03 * (texhax005) driver: tex on a linotron 300 / postscript dvi * (texhax011) driver: tpic support added to qms * (texhax013) driver: tex screen * for princeton graphic systems lm-300 with (texhax023) driver: hp * (texhax031) driver: screen * for tex for vax 8530 (texhax035) driver: dvi to ps * for primos (texhax038) driver: tex * for xerox 3700 in vms (texhax039) driver: dvi * news (texhax040) driver: * for ibm 4216 laser printer? (texhax046) driver: pc-writex * (texhax052) driver: wanted: web-source for dvi-canon * (texhax054) driver: dvi to postscript * (texhax055) driver: * for epson lq500, necp6 (texhax061) driver: * for a printronics p600? (texhax063) driver: wanted: dvi * for imagewriter ii (texhax065) driver: \insertplot graphics macro for arbortext's dvips postscript * (texhax068) driver: xerox 2700 ii dvi * (texhax072) driver: need of a tex previewer and * (texhax073) driver: hercules * using beebe's stuff? (texhax077) driver: need a dvi-ivd * for imagen (texhax078) driver: source for dvi * (texhax078) driver: * for canon lbp (texhax081) driver: x-10.4 screen *? (texhax082) driver: * for hewlett packard deskjet (texhax083) driver: * for hp deskjet (texhax087) driver: need a new (cm) version of dviqms * (texhax090) driver: vaxstation 2000 previewer/ atari laser printer * (texhax092) driver: tex * for nec/esnext/edit (texhax093) driver: 24-pin lq * needed (texhax097) driver: nec p6 * wanted (texhax097) driver: a new postscript * (texhax100) driver: dvi * for apple laserwriter (under ms-dos) wanted. (texhax101) driver: re: * for epson lq-500 printer (texhax101) driver: needed: dvi2proprinter * for the ibm proprinter(x24) family (texhax105) driver/fonts: looking for a dvi * for hp laserjet 2000 (texhax110) drivers: search paths (font files) for * (texhax008) drivers: imagen and sunview "gf" * (texhax015) drivers: tex for vms, xerox * (texhax023) drivers: dvitovdu terminal * (texhax039) drivers: mac tex? * for ibm ps/80? (texhax045) drivers: bug fix for ctex device * (texhax046) drivers: printer * that supports tpic specials (texhax071) drivers: dvi (with tpic specials) * -- summary (texhax077) drivers: wanted: dvi-to-ps * for vms (texhax080) drivers: dvi (w/ tpic specials) * update (texhax081) drivers: re: dvi-to-ps * for vms (texhax083) drivers: where are nec * dvineclq available ? (texhax098) dropinitial: somthing similar . . . == * (texhax digest v88 #14) (texhax017) dropped: * capital letter macro (texhax005) dropped: re: * capital letter macro (texhax005) dropped: * initial (texhax digest v88 #05) (texhax006) dropped: * capital macro (texhax024) dropping: macro for * and enlarging the first letters of a paragraph (texhax016) dumping: common tex, tex in c, core * for pre-loaded versions (texhax010) dumps: further on tex * core (texhax091) dumps: tex * core! (texhax091) dutch: * tex users group (texhax049) dutch: announcement in texhax of start of * users group (texhax049) dutch: * hyphenation, xerox 8700 support, digital's document (texhax080) dvi: tex for vms & * for dec ln03plus (texhax006) dvi: tex on a linotron 300 / postscript * driver (texhax011) dvi: vax station * previewer (texhax015) dvi: unix to vax vms * file transfer (texhax016) dvi: transferring * files across systems (texhax018) dvi: more on transferring * files to vax vms (texhax020) dvi: padding * files (texhax020) dvi: * to sun and hp laserjet series ii (texhax022) dvi: * previewers (texhax025) dvi: * to ps driver for primos (texhax038) dvi: ftp'ing * files to vaxen (texhax039) dvi: * driver news (texhax040) dvi: * -> postscript on vms (texhax042) dvi: * previewer for t40xx (texhax043) dvi: * to ricoh 4081-r1 ? (texhax045) dvi: * previewer for hds terminal or tek 4014 (texhax048) dvi: wanted: * re-ordering program for unix (texhax051) dvi: page imposition from .* files (texhax053) dvi: re: wanted: * re-ordering program for unix (texhax053) dvi: * to postscript driver (texhax055) dvi: page imposition for * files (texhax055) dvi: dview * previewer (texhax059) dvi: * -> qms/talaris (texhax060) dvi: * previewer for pc/ms-dos (texhax063) dvi: * to postscript for cms (texhax063) dvi: wanted: * driver for imagewriter ii (texhax065) dvi: * post processor for vax/vms - hplaserjet (texhax066) dvi: re: * previewers for vax/vms (dvi news no. 2) (texhax069) dvi: re: dvi previewers for vax/vms (* news no. 2) (texhax069) dvi: * previewer for ibm-pc's (texhax071) dvi: * previewer for vms (texhax071) dvi: hp laserjet ii * postprocessor for sun ? (texhax072) dvi: xerox 2700 ii * driver (texhax072) dvi: * (with tpic specials) drivers -- summary (texhax077) dvi: source for * driver (texhax078) dvi: * (w/ tpic specials) drivers update (texhax081) dvi: * output on the hp deskjet (why you probably don't want it) (texhax086) dvi: x11 * previewer (texhax088) dvi: full page bitmap of * file (texhax091) dvi: padding of * files (texhax093) dvi: re: unix, typesetter & * padding format (texhax093) dvi: re: unix, typesetter & * padding format (texhax093) dvi: * driver for apple laserwriter (under ms-dos) wanted. (texhax101) dvi: a public domain * to ascii (texhax106) dvi: * translators (texhax110) dvi: looking for a * driver/fonts for hp laserjet 2000 (texhax110) dvi-canon: wanted: web-source for * driver (texhax054) dvi-driver: * for hp deskjet and hp paintjet (texhax094) dvi-files: needed: include-facility for * (texhax047) dvi-files: include-facility for * (texhax digest v88 #47) (texhax050) dvi-ivd: need a * driver for imagen (texhax078) dvi-to-ps: wanted: * drivers for vms (texhax080) dvi-to-ps: re: * drivers for vms (texhax083) dvi-to-qms: * (texhax078) dvi-to-text: * and printers (texhax039) dvi-to-text: re: * and printers (texhax041) dvi2la75: * (texhax014) dvi2ln3: * v12.2 (texhax003) dvi2ln3: * garbling problem fixed thanks to texhax list. (texhax004) dvi2ln3: * v12.3 (texhax020) dvi2ln3: * query (texhax058) dvi2ln3: question on * (texhax066) dvi2ln3: pk-reading version of * (v13.0) (texhax068) dvi2ln3: question on * (texhax068) dvi2ln3: minor insect in * v13.0 (texhax077) dvi2proprinter: needed: * driver for the ibm proprinter(x24) family (texhax105) dvi2ps: tex and * on a convex c1-xp (texhax009) dvi2ps: fix for * on a convex c1-xp (texhax017) dvi2ps: standardizing * (texhax020) dvi2ps: * using pk files (texhax024) dvi2ps: *? (texhax038) dvi2ps: beta test * with psfig support. (texhax047) dvi2ps: * : how can i get a better version?? (texhax054) dvi2ps: re: * : how can i get a better version?? (texhax060) dvi2ps: * with ntx (texhax062) dvi2ps: need * v2.0 or newer for vax/vms (texhax065) dvi2ps: dvips and * (texhax088) dvi2ps: * on a sun 386i (and a previewer for that matter) (texhax099) dvi2ps: using macintosh figures in latex -> * (texhax102) dvi2ps: needed: a \special for * that will invert text (texhax104) dvi2ps: needed: a public domain * (texhax104) dvi2ps/dvips: bug in some versions of *? (texhax066) dvi3820: * & metafont questions (texhax065) dvialw: * patch to workaround ultrascript bug (texhax045) dvican: * for msdos? (texhax075) dvidis: creating pk fonts from px fonts for * (texhax005) dvidis: vaxinated * (texhax037) dvidoc: request for vms change file for * (texhax048) dvidoc: * for vms (texhax052) dvidoc: * for vms (texhax078) dvidvi: * (texhax054) dvieps.c: beebe's * on the pc/at (texhax061) dview: * dvi previewer (texhax059) dview: * (texhax061) dview: re: * previewer (texhax063) dview: * and dvist (texhax064) dview: professor ward's * for pcs: cm fonts are available. (texhax064) dview: * (texhax087) dview: how to get the pc previewer *? (texhax087) dview: * (texhax089) dview: * adapter compatibility. (texhax090) dviimp: * specials and plot on tops-20 (texhax003) dviimp: looking for * (texhax011) dviimp: * (texhax digest v88 #11) (texhax013) dvilaser: 256-character fonts and arbortext's * (texhax042) dvilaser: using * to print tex pages in random order (texhax056) dvilaser: manualfeed with arbortext * (texhax110) dvineclq: where are nec drivers * available ? (texhax098) dvips: * for vms (texhax012) dvips: \insertplot graphics macro for arbortext's * postscript driver (texhax068) dvips: * and dvi2ps (texhax088) dvips: diffs to * (texhax091) dviqms: wanted: * which uses pk format fonts (texhax003) dviqms: need a new (cm) version of * driver (texhax090) dvist: dview and * (texhax064) dvitovdu: envision 220/230--lear-siegler 7105/7107 driver for * (texhax003) dvitovdu: * and pk pixel files (texhax005) dvitovdu: * availability (texhax016) dvitovdu: * terminal drivers (texhax039) dvitovdu: latest * for vms ? (texhax055) dvitovdu: a problem with * and slitex usin \large fonts (texhax058) dvitovdu: re: psprint and * (texhax086) dvitovdu: ***bug in all versions of * and psprint*** (texhax110) dvitype: bugfixes for vms * (texhax010) dwb: is there a tpic based on * 2.0 pic ? (texhax095) dynamic: * \parskip computation (texhax017) e-mail: request for * access on behalf of third-party (texhax102) each: multi-page tables with column-headings on * page? (texhax100) each: re: multi-page tables with page headings on * page (texhax105) easter: * (texhax031) easter: re: * (texhax035) easter: re: * (texhax039) eaten: umlauts * by qms printer (texhax007) eaten: umlauts * by qms printer (texhax008) eaten: stephen page's "umlauts * by qms printer" (texhax011) editing: latex * support in gnu emacs (texhax028) editing: makeindex.arc @ science.utah needs * (texhax045) eel: * for tex (texhax084) eepic: * 1.0, fig2epic and a bug in epic (texhax081) electronic: * font for pictures (texhax070) elements: re: removing the rightmost * of a token-list (texhax078) emacs: gosling * macros for latex (texhax024) emacs: latex editing support in gnu * (texhax028) emacs: wanted: gnu * bibtex mode; bibtex 0.99c (texhax030) emulation: postscript * for common printers (clarification) (texhax078) emulation: postscript * for common printers (texhax080) emulators: postscript * for common printers (texhax075) encore: tex/latex on an * (texhax064) end: putting a qed at the * of a proof in amstex. (texhax052) end: re: putting a qed at the * of a proof in amstex. (texhax053) end: re: putting a qed at the * of a proof (texhax055) end: putting a qed box at the * of a proof (texhax073) end-of-line: * delimited macros in (plain) tex. (texhax068) endnotes: * (texhax066) endnotes: re: * (texhax070) engine: ricoh * shadowing (texhax012) english: olde * fonts (texhax079) enhancements: fig and tab *.. (texhax110) enlarging: * metafont (texhax002) enlarging: macro for dropping and * the first letters of a paragraph (texhax016) enough: not * allocated memory ? (texhax053) enough: the ln03a fonts strike again...(not *) (texhax079) enumerate: varying the numbering style in * environments. (texhax022) enumerate: varying the numbering style in * environments. (texhax026) enumerate: 1. * 2. script fonts (texhax027) enumerate: re: varying the numbering style in * environments. (texhax030) enumerate: re: 1. * 2. script fonts (texhax031) enumeration: left-justifying * labels (texhax031) enviroments: parbox in tabbing * (texhax057) environment: latex eqnarray * (texhax011) environment: accents in tabbing * in latex (texhax015) environment: site-specific * in latex (?) (texhax024) environment: help: need "proof" * (texhax030) environment: re: help: need "proof" * (texhax037) environment: macros for use with latex picture *. (texhax038) environment: latex tabbing * (texhax048) environment: fig code to latex picture * translator (texhax055) environment: arrow lines in tabular * (texhax056) environment: underline * (texhax058) environment: equationarray * (texhax069) environment: latex eqnarray * troubles (texhax080) environment: new latex *, subeqnarray (texhax104) environment: problems with latex picture * (texhax105) environment: request for tex/latex for ms-dos/pc * (texhax110) environments: varying the numbering style in enumerate *. (texhax022) environments: varying the numbering style in enumerate *. (texhax026) environments: re: varying the numbering style in enumerate *. (texhax030) environments: page-breaks in latex eqnarray *. (texhax073) environments: latex theorem-like * (texhax092) environments: re: latex theorem-like * v88.92 (texhax096) envision: * 220/230--lear-siegler 7105/7107 driver for dvitovdu (texhax003) epic: eepic 1.0, fig2epic and a bug in * (texhax081) epic/eepic: * trouble (texhax089) epic/eepic: re: * trouble (texhax092) epson: microtex * fonts (texhax017) epson: driver for * lq500, necp6 (texhax061) epson: re: driver for * lq-500 printer (texhax101) eqnarray: aligning * terms - solution (texhax010) eqnarray: latex * environment (texhax011) eqnarray: space around operator in * (solution) (texhax057) eqnarray: page-breaks in latex * environments. (texhax073) eqnarray: latex * environment troubles (texhax080) eqnarray: tex question re: alignment of additional text in * (texhax107) equation: alternative * numberings in latex (texhax053) equation: * labelling in latex (texhax061) equationarray: * environment (texhax069) equations: making all displayed * numbered in latex (texhax098) equations: latex \stackrel for chemical * (texhax105) equations: equations.sty -- macros for * in latex (texhax109) equations.sty: * -- macros for equations in latex (texhax109) errata: tex on decnet: * (texhax000) erratic: * behavior of addison-wesley tex on pc's (texhax096) error: latex causing tex save space * (texhax009) error: * in metafont 1.3.. (texhax016) error: * messages in tex and latex (texhax031) error: most common macro * (texhax082) error: * regard bibtex in texhax #98, 1988 (texhax099) errors: checksum * between tfm/pk files (texhax092) etc: different file types for latex, *. (texhax016) euler: * fonts question (texhax081) europe: ftping from score: here is *! (texhax092) europe: re: tex file repository for * (texhax093) european: tex88 * conference and courses --- last chance!! (texhax059) everything: painless way to typeset * in sans-serif (texhax000) everything: painless way to typeset * in sans-serif (texhax045) examples: macro documentation: * please (texhax110) exception: wanted: hyphenation * log from tugboat v next8 no 3 (texhax003) exceptions: hyphenation * from tugboat 8#3 (texhax004) exceptions: hyphenation * (texhax005) exceptions: hyphenation * (texhax031) exceptions: re: hyphenation * (texhax031) expanded: microtex, '386, and * memory problem & solution (texhax047) expanding: \edef * its first argument. (texhax040) expanding: * tex and latex memory (texhax049) explorer: tex for the ti * lx (texhax065) extending: * tex's alphabet from 128 to 256 characters (texhax091) extending: re: * tex's alphabet from 128 to 256 characters (texhax095) extending: re: * tex's alphabet from 128 to 256 characters (texhax096) extensions: file * (texhax007) extensions: file * (texhax008) extensions: re: file * (texhax014) extensions: file * (texhax015) extensions: file *, and having a single tex.exe (texhax016) extensions: re: file * (texhax016) extensions: more on * (texhax018) extra: a little * space ? (texhax050) extra: re: a little * space ? (texhax051) extraneous: keeping * blanks out of macro definitions (texhax085) extraordinary: * chardx values in cm fonts (texhax101) fails: \longleftarrow and \longrightarrow at 12pt * (texhax065) fails: re: \longleftarrow and \longrightarrow at 12pt * (texhax068) families: font * in latex? (texhax010) family: the \new * (texhax046) family: needed: dvi2proprinter driver for the ibm proprinter(x24) * (texhax105) famous: let's tolerate * men (texhax050) fax: tex on * (texhax084) feature: plain bug (*?) (texhax010) feature: tex-c bug or *? (texhax043) feature: re: tex-c bug or *? (texhax046) feed: preventing line break and line * (texhax065) female: * and male (texhax039) field: day * in bibliography? (texhax012) field: re: day * in bibliography? (texhax014) field: re: day * in bibliography (texhax016) fig: * (texhax010) fig: *, fig2tex, pictex (texhax012) fig: re: * (texhax013) fig: tex graphics - *, pic, fig2* (texhax015) fig: * code to latex picture environment translator (texhax055) fig: announcement: * 1.4.fs and transfig 1.4 release 3 (texhax076) fig: * mix-up fix-up (texhax090) fig: * and tab enhancements.. (texhax110) fig-like: * drawing aid for x (texhax092) fig2: tex graphics - fig, pic, ** (texhax015) fig2epic: eepic 1.0, * and a bug in epic (texhax081) fig2tex: fig, *, pictex (texhax012) fig2tex: * bug fix (texhax066) figure: latex * placement (512) 471-5548 (texhax015) figure: problems with * and table labels using latex (texhax037) figure: problems with * and table labels using latex (texhax040) figure: * captions (texhax053) figure: colon in * captions (texhax053) figure: latex * captions vs line buffer size (texhax061) figure: re: latex * captions vs. buffer size (texhax064) figure: * inserts, and tables (texhax089) figures: * and tables with \twocolumn (texhax008) figures: * in latex? (texhax016) figures: single and double spacing in * (texhax023) figures: transfig - portable * for tex (texhax023) figures: a question about * in latex (texhax025) figures: reply: single and double spacing in * (v88 n23) (texhax027) figures: postscript, *, and typesetters (texhax084) figures: re: postscript, *, and typesetters (texhax086) figures: re: postscript, *, and typesetters (texhax088) figures: re: postscript, *, and typesetters (texhax088) figures: full width * and tables in twocolumn.sty (texhax090) figures: using macintosh * in latex -> dvi2ps (texhax102) figures: hard tex-hacking question concerning fitting * on a page (texhax106) figures: floating right hand * (texhax110) file: * extensions (texhax007) file: * extensions (texhax008) file: @* request (texhax008) file: @* request rscsencode (texhax008) file: @* request uuencode (texhax008) file: gftopk is the a change * for vax/vms? (texhax008) file: acm style * (texhax010) file: re: * extensions (texhax014) file: * extensions (texhax015) file: * extensions, and having a single tex.exe (texhax016) file: different * types for latex, etc. (texhax016) file: re: * extensions (texhax016) file: unix to vax vms dvi * transfer (texhax016) file: xerox 4050/9700 font * formats (texhax022) file: need a bib style * (texhax025) file: @* request (texhax036) file: @* request rscsencode (texhax036) file: @* request uuencode (texhax036) file: warning: unix tex in c writes to * descriptors > 2 (texhax038) file: re: warning: unix tex in c writes to * descriptors > 2 (texhax039) file: warning: unix tex in c writes to * descriptors > 2 (texhax039) file: \newread and reading and writing the same *. (texhax042) file: pk * blocking on cms (texhax042) file: re: \newread and reading and writing the same *. (texhax043) file: vms change * for bibtex version .99c (texhax044) file: bibtex 0.99c change * for web2c (texhax047) file: request for vms change * for dvidoc (texhax048) file: ? bibtex style * (.bst) wanted for annotated bibliographies ? (texhax049) file: bibtex 0.99c change * for web2c (texhax digest v88 #47) (texhax050) file: re: bibtex 0.99c change * for web2c (texhax050) file: @* request (texhax064) file: @* request rscsencode (texhax064) file: @* request uuencode (texhax064) file: gftopk change * for vms (texhax077) file: bug in web2c's change * for bibtex (texhax078) file: letter style * (texhax084) file: previewer bitmap output to a * ? (texhax088) file: tfm * for adobe's lucida math font (texhax090) file: full page bitmap of dvi * (texhax091) file: re: tex * repository for europe (texhax093) file: pxtopk or pxtogf change * for vax/vms wanted. (texhax095) file: tex * depository (texhax095) file: including a macdraw * in a latex document (texhax104) filename: default * gotcha (texhax096) files: re mf misnaming gf * (texhax002) files: convert from bibtex or scribe .bib * to tib databases (texhax004) files: info in cmfont raster *. (texhax004) files: \specials in gf * (texhax005) files: apple laserwriter .tfm * available? (texhax005) files: dvitovdu and pk pixel * (texhax005) files: mode_specials in gf * (texhax006) files: "\addtocontents" doesn't work when there are \include * (texhax007) files: search paths (font *) for drivers (texhax008) files: shell scripts for .bib * (texhax008) files: inconsistency in score's latex * (texhax012) files: looking for ams-tex style * (texhax015) files: bibtex change * for unix (vax,sun) (texhax018) files: new .bst * in latex style collection (texhax018) files: transferring dvi * across systems (texhax018) files: more on transferring dvi * to vax vms (texhax020) files: padding dvi * (texhax020) files: re: stripping comments from .sty * (texhax020) files: .tfm * for hewlett-packard series ii laser printer (texhax023) files: dvi2ps using pk * (texhax024) files: style * for bib (texhax027) files: generating tfm * for hp fonts (texhax028) files: re: .tfm * for hewlett-packard series ii laser printer (texhax028) files: bibtex deleting * (texhax029) files: latex pages in log *. (texhax029) files: resetting \textheight in latex style-option * (texhax030) files: filter from tex * to wordperfect (texhax031) files: \obeylines and mpsx input * (texhax036) files: tex vms change * (texhax036) files: amstex style * available (texhax038) files: ftp'ing dvi * to vaxen (texhax039) files: re: \obeylines and mpsx input * (texhax039) files: c preprocessor for bibtex style * (texhax041) files: cms change * wanted (texhax052) files: difference * (texhax053) files: latex style * for apple lw built-in fonts (texhax053) files: page imposition from .dvi * (texhax053) files: updates to latex * for unix (texhax053) files: page imposition for dvi * (texhax055) files: init * (texhax058) files: reading * from vms sub-directories in latex (texhax060) files: wrap your flat *! (texhax062) files: tex * on boston bulletin board (texhax065) files: wanted: program to remove tex macros from *... (texhax065) files: metafont cm * (texhax067) files: cdvi * (texhax069) files: help with pk * on vms (texhax073) files: software for multiple change * (texhax073) files: making metafont read local.mf and write the right output * (texhax078) files: processing .idx * / \myheadings bug ? (texhax084) files: macros for printing words, lines and * verbatim (texhax085) files: .mf * (or perhaps .pk, .tfm) (texhax092) files: checksum errors between tfm/pk * (texhax092) files: padding of dvi * (texhax093) files: access to various tex-related * at yale (texhax095) files: re: .mf * (or perhaps .pk, .tfm) (texhax095) files: unixtex bad *. (texhax095) files: including macdraw documents in tex * (texhax098) files: latex * and journal submissions (texhax099) fill-in-the-blanks: * macro (texhax036) fillin=0: metafont change #536 and * (texhax079) filter: * from tex files to wordperfect (texhax031) filter: need psdf * for sun (texhax042) filter: refer(troff)-to-bibtex * wanted (texhax111) finally: *! (texhax000) find: where can i * a copy of ctex? (texhax007) find: circle and line fonts for tex - help me * them (texhax089) finding: * the height and depth of maths stuff (texhax075) first: * release of limited, reasonable, tex support for hebrew. (texhax007) first: macro for dropping and enlarging the * letters of a paragraph (texhax016) first: \edef expanding its * argument. (texhax040) first: indented * paragraphs for sections (re: v.88, n.72) (texhax075) first: the * northwest issue of texhax (texhax100) fitting: hard tex-hacking question concerning * figures on a page (texhax106) fix: * for dvi2ps on a convex c1-xp (texhax017) fix: possible * for vms metafont v1.3(?) (texhax020) fix: bug * for ctex device drivers (texhax046) fix: need reference to metafont * for \leftarrow, \rightarrow (texhax061) fix: fig2tex bug * (texhax066) fix-up: fig mix-up * (texhax090) fixed: dvi2ln3 garbling problem * thanks to texhax list. (texhax004) fixed: arbortext tex is * (texhax054) fixed: arbortext's tex * (texhax054) fixed: has this latex maybe-bug been * already? (texhax081) fixup: the "*" style option (texhax062) flame: *! (texhax000) flame: (*) re: latex notes (texhax017) flame: * of the week: unix-style command interfaces (texhax017) flame: re: *; latex notes indentation question (texhax020) flame: journals that accept tex (*) (texhax087) flame: re: journals that accept tex (*) (texhax090) flame: * on fonts (texhax098) flat: wrap your * files! (texhax062) flexible: how do i get * font runoff style literals in tex? (texhax048) floating: * right hand figures (texhax110) floats: troubles with * (texhax045) flogging: * tex (texhax042) floppy: * tex (texhax066) floppy: * tex: the whole story (texhax069) flow: * charts (texhax094) flow: re: * charts in latex (texhax096) fly: beginners question: how to change the textwidth on the * (texhax057) flynn's: some answers to peter * recent questions. (texhax035) font: * modes (texhax digest v87 #106) (texhax001) font: * substitution tables (texhax002) font: adobe * metric to tex font metric converters? (texhax002) font: adobe font metric to tex * metric converters? (texhax002) font: gf specials for * parameters (texhax digest v88 #06) (texhax008) font: search paths (* files) for drivers (texhax008) font: need help with metafont proof * (texhax009) font: * families in latex? (texhax010) font: looking for 8 pt caps-and-small-caps * (texhax016) font: xerox 4050/9700 * file formats (texhax022) font: 'miscellaneous' * directory (texhax025) font: * issues. (texhax025) font: * question (texhax025) font: apl * for tex (texhax025) font: re: * question (texhax025) font: detecting current * (texhax028) font: change the default * (texhax029) font: hyphenation in latex, tt * (texhax029) font: re: 'miscellaneous' * directory (texhax029) font: change the default * (texhax034) font: * in math mode (texhax035) font: a suggestion to * designers present and future. (texhax037) font: cm * conversion from 88dpi -> 300dpi ? (texhax047) font: how do i get flexible * runoff style literals in tex? (texhax048) font: latex * set (texhax049) font: slitex * problem (texhax052) font: using tt * or courier ps font (texhax068) font: using tt font or courier ps * (texhax068) font: electronic * for pictures (texhax070) font: * quest (repeat submission, mailer is iffy) (texhax079) font: tfm file for adobe's lucida math * (texhax090) font: ams * metafont sources wanted... (texhax092) font: ipa phonetic *? (texhax092) font: * attributes (re: texhax digest v88 #88 (latex notes)) (texhax094) font: re: ipa phonetic * (texhax095) font: retaining * style when changing size (texhax095) font: re: * attributes (re: texhax digest v88 #88 (latex notes)) (texhax096) font: * request (univers 65 and univers 55) (texhax110) font: hyphenation in \tt * (texhax110) fontmemo: immoderate notes: new version of the * available (texhax063) fonts: new metafont * available (texhax000) fonts: wanted: dviqms which uses pk format * (texhax003) fonts: creating pk * from px fonts for dvidis (texhax005) fonts: creating pk fonts from px * for dvidis (texhax005) fonts: ams * (texhax006) fonts: some questions about * (texhax007) fonts: large cmr * (texhax009) fonts: switch of * in verbatim (texhax011) fonts: memorandum on tex * (texhax012) fonts: query re downloadable * for linotronic 300 (texhax012) fonts: re: some questions about * (texhax014) fonts: microtex epson * (texhax017) fonts: a question about * (texhax021) fonts: making * for ln03 (texhax022) fonts: \chapter command & availability of baskerville or garamond * (texhax023) fonts: downloading textures * from a mac ii to a laserwriter plus. (texhax023) fonts: write-white * query (texhax023) fonts: using native * (texhax024) fonts: making * for ln03 (texhax026) fonts: 1. enumerate 2. script * (texhax027) fonts: vanishing pixels (or write-white *) texhax digest v88 #23 (texhax027) fonts: generating tfm files for hp * (texhax028) fonts: converting metafont * to macintosh format (texhax029) fonts: different * for ln03's (texhax029) fonts: latex and * (texhax029) fonts: re: 1. enumerate 2. script * (texhax031) fonts: survey of postscript * in tex (texhax035) fonts: standard * (texhax041) fonts: 256-character * and arbortext's dvilaser (texhax042) fonts: "standard" collection of cm * (texhax044) fonts: problem creating suitable tex * for ln03r on vms (texhax047) fonts: re: "standard" collection of cm * [long message] (texhax047) fonts: computer modern * in rom? (texhax048) fonts: using postscript * instead of cmxx (texhax048) fonts: re: using postscript * (texhax050) fonts: cm * in rom (texhax#48) (texhax052) fonts: latex style files for apple lw built-in * (texhax053) fonts: problem creating suitable tex * for ln03 on ultrix (texhax055) fonts: personal tex inc/bitstream * for microvax ii and lno3 (texhax056) fonts: printer resident adobe * with tex (texhax056) fonts: creating suitable tex * for ln03 (re: texhax 55) (texhax057) fonts: a problem with dvitovdu and slitex usin \large * (texhax058) fonts: re: problem creating suitable tex * for ln03 on ultrix (texhax058) fonts: mirror-image * (texhax059) fonts: bitstream * on ln03 (texhax060) fonts: re: usage of personal tex inc/bitstream * (texhax060) fonts: cyrillic * for ln03 printer (texhax063) fonts: professor ward's dview for pcs: cm * are available. (texhax064) fonts: mirror-image * (texhax065) fonts: mirror-image * (texhax067) fonts: cyrillic *... (texhax070) fonts: question concerning hershey * (texhax070) fonts: re: cyrillic *... (texhax070) fonts: low resolution cmr * (texhax078) fonts: olde english * (texhax079) fonts: the ln03a * strike again...(not enough) (texhax079) fonts: euler * question (texhax081) fonts: kampuchean * (texhax082) fonts: latex * (texhax082) fonts: ams * for higher resolution printers (texhax087) fonts: does latex handle * incorrectly? (texhax088) fonts: re: latex * (texhax #82) (texhax088) fonts: circle and line * for tex - help me find them (texhax089) fonts: hershey * (texhax090) fonts: svi2ps with lw * (texhax090) fonts: 11pt * query (texhax095) fonts: salvaging pxl * (texhax095) fonts: ipa * for tex (texhax096) fonts: flame on * (texhax098) fonts: re: salvaging pxl * (texhax098) fonts: 11pt * query (texhax digest v88 #95) (texhax100) fonts: extraordinary chardx values in cm * (texhax101) fonts: mixing landscape and regular * in a picture (texhax102) fonts: math * in a latex document (texhax104) fonts: height of the minus sign in cmsy * (texhax106) fonts: postscript outline * from metafont (texhax109) fonts--12: design-size * and 17pt, (texhax digest v88 #49) (texhax051) footers: two line *? (texhax018) footnote: latex * problem (texhax036) footnote: latex * macros (texhax082) footnote: murdered * macros (texhax084) footnote: * numbering per page (texhax085) footnote: dominik wujastyk's * macros (texhax088) footnote: re: * numbering per page (texhax #85) (texhax089) footnote: re: * numbering per page (texhax089) footnote: re: * numbering per page (texhax #85,#89) (texhax092) footnote: * numbering macros (texhax094) footnotes: \parskip in latex * (texhax006) footnotes: * on captions (texhax034) footnotes: * on captions - addendum (texhax034) footnotes: * in latex. (texhax045) footnotes: problem with nested * (texhax045) footnotes: re: underlining; problem with nested * (texhax049) footnotes: *, set like a paragraph (texhax056) footnotes: latex * (texhax058) footnotes: latex * (texhax063) footnotes: re: latex * (texhax065) footnotes: blank lines between * (texhax082) footnotes: paragraphed * (texhax082) footnotes: a problem with *... (texhax090) footnotetext: titlepage and * aren't unnumbered (texhax055) forced: immoderate notes: * migration of bitnet subscribers (texhax036) foreign: re: latex for * languages (texhax001) foreign: don't let latex grow in size! (re: latex for * languages) (texhax002) foreign: re: latex for * languages (texhax v88 #1) (texhax002) form: dd * 1473, 84 mar: report documentation page (texhax035) form: * letters using letter macros in tex book (texhax081) form: * letters (texhax086) form: tex users group membership information request *. (texhax110) format: microsoft rich text * (texhax000) format: wanted: dviqms which uses pk * fonts (texhax003) format: citation * (texhax023) format: superscripted citation * (texhax027) format: converting metafont fonts to macintosh * (texhax029) format: microsoft rich text * (texhax digest v88 #33) (texhax035) format: microsoft rich text *, rtf (texhax078) format: yaffb (yet another * for bibtex) (texhax080) format: bibtex citation * (texhax082) format: re: yaffb (yet another * for bibtex) (texhax083) format: ieee * (texhax088) format: utility for conversion from smp * to tex/latex wanted. (texhax089) format: re: unix, typesetter & dvi padding * (texhax093) format: re: unix, typesetter & dvi padding * (texhax093) formats: xerox 4050/9700 font file * (texhax022) formats: tex inputs and * paths (texhax071) formatter: latex source *? (texhax006) formatting: * problem (texhax064) formulae: update on macros for producing chemical structural * (texhax022) formulae: chemical * macros (repeat) (texhax079) forward: photoready copy, moving *? (texhax082) four: * topics with one submission (texhax004) four: * column page (texhax093) framebox: * (texhax035) franklin: don knuth awarded the * medal (texhax023) ftp'ing: * dvi files to vaxen (texhax039) ftp: availability of textyl by anonymous * (texhax001) ftp: * tenex vs binary mode between tops-20 and unix (texhax050) ftp: pd implementation for dos, any available via *? (texhax076) ftp: access to tex-related stuff by anonymous * from yale (texhax083) ftp: texware * locations (texhax085) ftpable: whence an * dostex? (texhax090) ftping: instructions for * tex from score (texhax075) ftping: instructions for * tex from score (texhax085) ftping: * tex from score / listserv (texhax089) ftping: * from score: here is europe! (texhax092) ftping: * tex from score (texhax v88 #89) (texhax092) full: doing a newsletter in tex & * page calendar (any samples?) (texhax068) full: * width figures and tables in twocolumn.sty (texhax090) full: * page bitmap of dvi file (texhax091) fullpage: interaction of \clearpage and * (texhax056) fullpage: interaction of \clearpage and * (texhax068) functions: combining the * of metafont and postscript (texhax106) funnies: * with \raggedright (texhax050) further: * on tex dumps core (texhax091) future: a suggestion to font designers present and *. (texhax037) fweb: *? (texhax017) garamond: \chapter command & availability of baskerville or * fonts (texhax023) garbling: dvi2ln3 * problem fixed thanks to texhax list. (texhax004) gargantuan: * metafont (texhax050) gargantuan.tex: * (texhax046) gary: wanted (alive): * mcclelland (texhax077) gateway: archive server users - stop using wiscwm as a bitnet * (texhax006) gcc: compiling c tex with * version 1.21 (texhax073) gemdrawings: including *: report (texhax014) genealogy: tex and * (2nd try) (texhax083) general: * information from tug (texhax109) generalizing: * \boxit with \leaders type construction for border (texhax020) generating: * tfm files for hp fonts (texhax028) generation: wanted: info on 'idxtex', automated index * for latex (texhax049) generation: wanted: info on 'idxtex', automated index * for latex (texhax049) generic: * pd tex for ms-dos (texhax021) gets: cmtt10 * bad pos at magstep2 (metafont) (texhax010) getting: * at character codes. (texhax008) getting: * bibtex (texhax012) getting: * tex up and running on sun-3 (texhax055) getting: * tex (texhax068) gfread: * bug (texhax058) gftopk: * is the a change file for vax/vms? (texhax008) gftopk: ?has anyone compiled * using web2c? (texhax064) gftopk: * change file for vms (texhax077) gftopk: * for vms (texhax079) gftopk.c: * (texhax073) gftopxl: * on cms (texhax059) gftopxl: vms * bug (texhax102) glue: * problem (texhax071) gnu: latex editing support in * emacs (texhax028) gnu: wanted: * emacs bibtex mode; bibtex 0.99c (texhax030) good: does anyone have a * ln03 mode definition? (texhax018) good: looking for a * book on typography (texhax111) good.bot: bug in good.top and *? (texhax086) good.top: bug in * and good.bot? (texhax086) gosling: * emacs macros for latex (texhax024) got: i * the latex blues. . . . (texhax059) gotcha: default filename * (texhax096) gould: tex/latex on a * powernode 9080 (texhax042) gould: tex/latex on a * powernode 9080 (texhax digest v88 #42) (texhax044) gould: tex/latex on a * powernode 9080 (texhax digest v88 #42) (texhax044) gould: tex/latex on a * powernode 9080 (texhax digest v88 #42) (texhax044) gould: how to make tex on * machines (texhax047) grammar-school: * math texts (texhax053) graphic: tex screen driver for princeton * systems lm-300 with (texhax023) graphics: tex * - fig, pic, fig2* (texhax015) graphics: \insertplot * macro for arbortext's dvips postscript driver (texhax068) graphuk: mailing list: * (texhax025) greek: lowercase * letters in bold (texhax025) greek: lowercase * letters in bold (texhax029) greek: re: lowercase * character in bold (texhax v88#25) (texhax030) greek: re: bold * letters (texhax034) greek: painless * letters? (texhax042) greek: typography, math, * (texhax110) group: announcement in texhax of start of dutch users * (texhax049) group: dutch tex users * (texhax049) group: tex users * meeting inquiry (texhax086) group: the tex users * (texhax100) group: tex users * membership information request form. (texhax110) grow: don't let latex * in size! (re: latex for foreign languages) (texhax002) gurus: lamport, *, thicker skin (texhax050) gutenberg: * meeting in paris in may 89 (texhax110) hack: latex headers wider than text style * wanted (texhax006) hacker: latex * wanted (texhax001) had: immoderate notes: score * some disk problems (texhax039) half-tone: * output using tex (texhax031) halfwords: signed * (texhax047) halign: tbl to tex * wanted (texhax020) hand: floating right * figures (texhax110) handle: does latex * fonts incorrectly? (texhax088) hanging: need help with * title macros (texhax009) hanging: * sectionhead macro (texhax010) hanging: * sectionhead macro of david f rogers, texhax 88(10) (texhax014) hanging: re: need help with * title macros (texhax015) hanging: * letters (texhax020) hard: tex for a pc without * disk (texhax059) hard: tex for a pc without * disk (texhax063) hard: * tex-hacking question concerning fitting figures on a page (texhax106) has: ?* anyone compiled gftopk using web2c? (texhax064) has: * this latex maybe-bug been fixed already? (texhax081) have: does anyone * a good ln03 mode definition? (texhax018) having: file extensions, and * a single tex.exe (texhax016) having: we are * trouble using pictex (texhax080) hboxes: overfull * and "nroff" (texhax026) hds: dvi previewer for * terminal or tek 4014 (texhax048) header: no indent after section * (texhax012) header: no indent after section * (texhax014) header: no indent after section * (texhax015) headers: rcs * in a title under latex? (texhax003) headers: latex * wider than text style hack wanted (texhax006) heading: section * placement... (texhax053) heading: indentation after a section * (texhax055) headings: danish letters in latex * (texhax077) headings: re: danish letters in latex * (texhax v88 #77) (texhax079) headings: re: multi-page tables with page * on each page (texhax105) headline: tex * (texhax054) headline: re: tex * (texhax057) heads: style option macro for indentation after section * (texhax058) hebrew: first release of limited, reasonable, tex support for *. (texhax007) height: finding the * and depth of maths stuff (texhax075) height: * of the minus sign in cmsy fonts (texhax106) hello: *! (texhax039) help: * for listserv (texhax000) help: need * with hanging title macros (texhax009) help: need * with metafont proof font (texhax009) help: * needed: \dotfill in \halign (texhax012) help: re: * needed: \dotfill in \halign (texhax012) help: * for appendix (texhax015) help: re: need * with hanging title macros (texhax015) help: *: need "proof" environment (texhax030) help: urgent \vcenter...\ialign * needed (texhax031) help: re: *: need "proof" environment (texhax037) help: need latex * - underlining (texhax045) help: need * about slide making. (texhax047) help: mf via web2 problem - *? (texhax058) help: * with pk files on vms (texhax073) help: index * for tex? (texhax083) help: * please with creating a number of boxes (latex/tex) (texhax088) help: circle and line fonts for tex - * me find them (texhax089) help: modifying the \answer macro (neophyte needs *) (texhax089) help: no numbers in latex commands, thanks for the *. (texhax092) hercules: * driver using beebe's stuff? (texhax077) here: web2c is *! (texhax043) here: nelson's not * now. (texhax058) here: ftping from score: * is europe! (texhax092) hershey: question concerning * fonts (texhax070) hershey: * fonts (texhax090) hewlett: driver for * packard deskjet (texhax083) hewlett-packard: .tfm files for * series ii laser printer (texhax023) hewlett-packard: re: .tfm files for * series ii laser printer (texhax028) hidden: where's the * space? (texhax095) high: how * is this box (\ht\boxno seems to be wrong) (texhax071) high-speed: * postscript printers (texhax039) higher: ams fonts for * resolution printers (texhax087) honorary: * degree for donald knuth (texhax060) horizontal: paragraphs in * alignments (texhax031) hp9000/300: web to c on * (texhax106) hplaserjet: dvi post processor for vax/vms - * (texhax066) huge: question about math in '*' size (texhax073) hung: * punctuation; index for texhax (texhax000) hungarian: hyphenation patterns for *, anyone? (texhax025) hy-phen-a-tion: ``word * by com-put-er'' (texhax30.88) (texhax034) hypenation: lining up a column of numbers, and re: * (texhax062) hyphen: bad * in tex (texhax052) hyphen: no hyphenation after a * (texhax061) hyphen_nederlands.tex: * (texhax084) hyphenation: wanted: * exception log from tugboat v next8 no 3 (texhax003) hyphenation: * exceptions from tugboat 8#3 (texhax004) hyphenation: * exceptions (texhax005) hyphenation: * patterns for hungarian, anyone? (texhax025) hyphenation: * in latex, tt font (texhax029) hyphenation: * exceptions (texhax031) hyphenation: re: * exceptions (texhax031) hyphenation: spanish * (texhax035) hyphenation: spanish * patterns (texhax049) hyphenation: * (texhax059) hyphenation: tex * tables (texhax060) hyphenation: no * after a hyphen (texhax061) hyphenation: * (texhax digest v88 #59) (texhax062) hyphenation: alternate * patterns for ctex (texhax065) hyphenation: dutch *, xerox 8700 support, digital's document (texhax080) hyphenation: * in \tt font (texhax110) hyphens: nonbreaking * (texhax045) i.p.sharp: tex at * inquiry (texhax087) ibm: * ala print train via tex? (texhax005) ibm: tex compatibility among macintosh, vax and * (texhax005) ibm: postscript - * - laserprinter (texhax025) ibm: mac tex? drivers for * ps/80? (texhax045) ibm: driver for * 4216 laser printer? (texhax046) ibm: makeindex on * pc (texhax061) ibm: previewers for * rt pc and for cga screens (texhax083) ibm: web2c works on * rt/pc running aos 4.3 (texhax089) ibm: bibtex for * pc? (texhax092) ibm: bibtex for * pc (texhax92.88) (texhax095) ibm: re: bibtex 0.99 for * pc (texhax # 92) (texhax097) ibm: needed: dvi2proprinter driver for the * proprinter(x24) family (texhax105) ibm: needed: public domain versions of tex and latex for * pc (texhax110) ibm-pc's: dvi previewer for * (texhax071) ibm3812: metafont & * (texhax030) icelandic: * tex (texhax017) icelandic: re: * tex (texhax#19) (texhax022) icl: tex/metafont on * clan 7 (texhax076) idea: a small * for short name macros (with correction) (texhax100) identifiers: re: underscore in * (texhax062) identifiers: underscore in * (texhax062) idx: processing .* files / \myheadings bug ? (texhax084) idxtex: wanted: info on '*', automated index generation for latex (texhax049) idxtex: wanted: info on '*', automated index generation for latex (texhax049) idxtex/glotex: mf definitions and * for pc (texhax082) ieee: * conference proceedings style (texhax012) ieee: re: * conference proceedings style (texhax012) ieee: latex style for * cs book? (texhax071) ieee: * format (texhax088) iffy: font quest (repeat submission, mailer is *) (texhax079) illegal: no latex warning about * arguments to \line (texhax053) illustrations: macintosh * and psfig (texhax100) imagen: * and sunview "gf" drivers (texhax015) imagen: need a dvi-ivd driver for * (texhax078) imagewriter: wanted: dvi driver for * ii (texhax065) immoderately: * noted (texhax085) implementation: new tex * for msdos: dostex (texhax001) implementation: pd * for dos, any available via ftp? (texhax076) implementation: re: tex * language zero (texhax080) implementation: pc-based * of \tex\--$\mu$\tex\ (texhax102) implicit: * \global in tex (texhax023) implicit: character codes of * characters (texhax057) imposition: page * from .dvi files (texhax053) imposition: page * for dvi files (texhax055) imposition: page * (texhax056) impressions: initial * of varityper vt600 (texhax011) impressions: initial * of varityper vt600 (texhax digest v88 #11) (texhax013) improved: * `page layout in latex' program (texhax070) improved: a new and * latex manual? (texhax104) inbook: * and bibtex 0.99c (texhax052) inbook: re: * and bibtex 0.99c (texhax053) inbook: texhax v.88, n.52 (re: * problem) (texhax053) inc/bitstream: personal tex * fonts for microvax ii and lno3 (texhax056) inc/bitstream: re: usage of personal tex * fonts (texhax060) include-facility: needed: * for dvi-files (texhax047) include-facility: * for dvi-files (texhax digest v88 #47) (texhax050) including: * gemdrawings: report (texhax014) including: * macdraw documents in tex files (texhax098) including: * a macdraw file in a latex document (texhax104) including: re: * macdraw and laserprep (texhax105) inconsistency: * in score's latex files (texhax012) inconsistency: latex naming * (texhax030) incorrectly: does latex handle fonts *? (texhax088) increasing: * tex memory for pictex with latex (texhax047) increasing: * tex's memory limits (texhax072) increasing: re: * tex's memory limits (texhax076) indent: no * after section header (texhax012) indent: no * after section header (texhax014) indent: no * after section header (texhax015) indentation: reversing * (texhax009) indentation: re: flame; latex notes * question (texhax020) indentation: * after a section heading (texhax055) indentation: style option macro for * after section heads (texhax058) indentation: latex: * after sectioning (texhax072) indented: latex style and * 1st paras (texhax020) indented: * first paragraphs for sections (re: v.88, n.72) (texhax075) indenting: re: latex: * after sectioning (texhax076) indents: multiple line * (texhax066) index: hung punctuation; * for texhax (texhax000) index: wanted: info on 'idxtex', automated * generation for latex (texhax049) index: wanted: info on 'idxtex', automated * generation for latex (texhax049) index: * for texhax (texhax065) index: texhax *: texhax digest 88, issues 1 - 25: (texhax074) index: * to issues 1-25 of texhax for '88 (texhax075) index: * help for tex? (texhax083) indexing: * the unix way -- revisited (texhax053) individual: tex on * workstations (texhax003) infinite: * looping in latex (texhax081) info: * in cmfont raster files. (texhax004) info: wanted: * on 'idxtex', automated index generation for latex (texhax049) info: wanted: * on 'idxtex', automated index generation for latex (texhax049) information: pktor--request for * (texhax022) information: request for * on phyzzx (texhax053) information: * wanted (texhax093) information: general * from tug (texhax109) information: tex users group membership * request form. (texhax110) init: * files (texhax058) initial: dropped * (texhax digest v88 #05) (texhax006) initial: * impressions of varityper vt600 (texhax011) initial: * impressions of varityper vt600 (texhax digest v88 #11) (texhax013) input: japanese kanji * problem--a review (texhax035) input: \obeylines and mpsx * files (texhax036) input: re: \obeylines and mpsx * files (texhax039) input: journals that accept/request/require tex * (bucket of water) (texhax093) input: re: journals that accept/request/require tex * (v88 #93) (texhax098) inputs: tex * and formats paths (texhax071) inputs: tex * declare.tex (allocating registers locally) (texhax102) inputs: tex * loopy.tex (nested loop constructs) (texhax102) inputs: tex * cellular.tex (table-generating macros) (texhax103) inquiry: * about a \botinsert for plain tex (texhax003) inquiry: tex users group meeting * (texhax086) inquiry: tex at i.p.sharp * (texhax087) insect: minor * in dvi2ln3 v13.0 (texhax077) inserts: figure *, and tables (texhax089) installation: plain tex and vms tex * problems (texhax000) installation: plain vs. latex (was: plain tex and vms tex * problems) (texhax037) installation: tex/vms * (texhax072) installation: tex novice needs * advice (texhax075) installation: tex/metafont vms * procedure (texhax107) installation: query regarding texsun * (texhax109) installing: * tex on a sun 3 (texhax060) installing: problem * tex on a 3b2/400 (texhax080) installing: re: problem * tex on a 3b2/400 (texhax083) installing: problem * tex on a 3b2/400 (texhax digest v88 #80) (texhax084) installing: re: problem * tex (v88 #80): compiler limits (texhax086) instead: using postscript fonts * of cmxx (texhax048) instructions: * for ftping tex from score (texhax075) instructions: * for ftping tex from score (texhax085) interaction: strange * in latex (texhax020) interaction: tib and latex * (texhax021) interaction: * of \clearpage and fullpage (texhax056) interaction: * of \clearpage and fullpage (texhax068) interesting: * note of the month (texhax014) interesting: an * puzzle. (texhax014) interesting: texhax14.88 an * puzzle (texhax017) interfaces: flame of the week: unix-style command * (texhax017) interpress: latex, postscript and * (texhax006) invert: needed: a \special for dvi2ps that will * text (texhax104) ipa: * phonetic font? (texhax092) ipa: re: * phonetic font (texhax095) ipa: * fonts for tex (texhax096) iptex: unix sites: changes for multiple copies in "*" (texhax040) issue: immoderate notes: brief pause in texhax; * 17 sliced up (texhax018) issue: this * is snakebit! (texhax045) issue: special * of texmag planned (texhax056) issue: immoderate notes: special * of texhax (texhax074) issue: remark on volume 88, * 92 (texhax094) issue: the first northwest * of texhax (texhax100) issues: font *. (texhax025) issues: texhax index: texhax digest 88, * 1 - 25: (texhax074) issues: index to * 1-25 of texhax for '88 (texhax075) issues: texhax '86 back * (texhax080) italic: plain tex question: automatic * corrections (texhax004) its: where can i get latex and * previewer for macintosh? (texhax004) its: \edef expanding * first argument. (texhax040) its: bibtex 0.99c (a criticism addressed to * author) (texhax106) january: contents of latex style collection, 21st * 1988 (texhax008) japanese: * kanji input problem--a review (texhax035) journal: chemistry * bibtex style (texhax029) journal: bibtex chem * style (texhax035) journal: latex files and * submissions (texhax099) journal: tex for * submissions (texhax099) journals: aps is considering latex for their * (texhax044) journals: * that accept tex (flame) (texhax087) journals: re: * that accept tex (flame) (texhax090) journals: re: problems with * that accept tex (texhax091) journals: * that accept/request/require tex input (bucket of water) (texhax093) journals: tex for * (texhax095) journals: re: * that accept/request/require tex input (v88 #93) (texhax098) journals: tex for * (texhax098) journals: tex for *. (texhax098) journals: re: tex for * (texhax099) jtex: * (texhax024) july: contents of the latex style collection, * 1st 1988 (texhax064) just: * a question... (texhax076) k&s: bug in * pktopx version 2.2.0 (texhax007) k&s: bug in * pktopx version 2.2.0 (texhax008) kampuchean: * fonts (texhax082) kanji: japanese * input problem--a review (texhax035) keeping: * extraneous blanks out of macro definitions (texhax085) kellerman: bug in * & smith version 2.2.0 of pxtopx (texhax024) key: a test with * (texhax083) keys: displaying the latex * for cross-references (texhax048) keys: bib stuff: r2bib & * (texhax062) keys: re: bib stuff: * (texhax065) kludge: * (texhax036) knuth's: don * oration (texhax063) knuth: don * awarded the franklin medal (texhax023) knuth: honorary degree for donald * (texhax060) l300: tex on linotronic * (texhax034) la)tex: three problems with (* (texhax013) la)tex: looking for (* styles to typeset music (texhax015) label: bibtex's selection of "widest *" (texhax070) label: re: bibtex's selection of "widest *" (texhax070) labelling: equation * in latex (texhax061) labels: part * in latex (texhax007) labels: left-justifying enumeration * (texhax031) labels: problems with figure and table * using latex (texhax037) labels: problems with figure and table * using latex (texhax040) labels: overfull citation * (texhax043) labels: overfull citation * (texhax047) labels: re: overfull citation * (texhax047) labels: * for tex (texhax052) labels: re: * in tex (texhax053) labels: wide * and bibtex (texhax073) lamport's: * recent answers (texhax047) lamport's: * role (texhax050) lamport's: re: * recent answers (texhax050) lamport's: re: * recent answers (texhax050) lamport: *, gurus, thicker skin (texhax050) lamport.sty: * (texhax021) landscape: mixing * and regular fonts in a picture (texhax102) landscaped: * table (texhax099) language: re: tex implementation * zero (texhax080) languages: re: latex for foreign * (texhax001) languages: don't let latex grow in size! (re: latex for foreign *) (texhax002) languages: re: latex for foreign * (texhax v88 #1) (texhax002) languages: problem of representing oriental * (texhax038) large: * common bibliography: bibtex or tib? (texhax006) large: * cmr fonts (texhax009) large: displaying text within * brackets (texhax045) large: re: displaying text within * square brackets (texhax049) laser: verityper vt600 (600 dpi) * printer and tex (texhax010) laser: .tfm files for hewlett-packard series ii * printer (texhax023) laser: re: .tfm files for hewlett-packard series ii * printer (texhax028) laser: driver for ibm 4216 * printer? (texhax046) laser: vaxstation 2000 previewer/ atari * printer driver (texhax092) laserjet: hp * (texhax003) laserjet: dvi to sun and hp * series ii (texhax022) laserjet: hp * ii dvi postprocessor for sun ? (texhax072) laserjet: needed: mode_def for the hp *+ (texhax102) laserjet: looking for a dvi driver/fonts for hp * 2000 (texhax110) laserprep: re: including macdraw and * (texhax105) laserprinter: postscript - ibm - * (texhax025) laserprinter: * query (texhax091) laserwriter: apple * .tfm files available? (texhax005) laserwriter: downloading textures fonts from a mac ii to a * plus. (texhax023) laserwriter: apple * modedefs (texhax053) laserwriter: dvi driver for apple * (under ms-dos) wanted. (texhax101) laserwriters: re: vms and apple * (texhax030) last: * message concerning cross-referencing (texhax039) last: tex88 european conference and courses --- * chance!! (texhax059) latest: * vms tex distribution (texhax001) latest: availability of * vms tex distribution via bitnet???? (texhax012) latest: problem with "page layout in latex" from * tugboat (texhax045) latest: how to get * bibtex? (texhax048) latest: * dvitovdu for vms ? (texhax055) latest: * tex pd version (texhax110) latex's: * \oval's (texhax066) latex's: * \oval's (texhax070) latex(request: producing simple document for online viewing using *) (texhax099) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #29) (texhax000) latex: * notes: lextex available (texhax000) latex: * version number (texhax000) latex: * hacker wanted (texhax001) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v87 #106) (texhax001) latex: re: * for foreign languages (texhax001) latex: re: * notes, part i (texhax digest #105) (texhax001) latex: using \mydate with * letterstyle (texhax001) latex: * and postscript (texhax002) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #01) (texhax002) latex: * warning (texhax002) latex: an arabic *? (texhax002) latex: don't let * grow in size! (re: latex for foreign languages) (texhax002) latex: don't let latex grow in size! (re: * for foreign languages) (texhax002) latex: problem with vskip in appendix (*) (texhax002) latex: re: * for foreign languages (texhax v88 #1) (texhax002) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #02) (texhax003) latex: rcs headers in a title under *? (texhax003) latex: re: * and postscript (texhax004) latex: where can i get * and its previewer for macintosh? (texhax004) latex: \arraystretch command in * (texhax005) latex: three column output in * or tex. (texhax005) latex: * headers wider than text style hack wanted (texhax006) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #05) (texhax006) latex: * source formatter? (texhax006) latex: *, postscript and interpress (texhax006) latex: \parskip in * footnotes (texhax006) latex: my date in * letter style (texhax006) latex: pascal in * (texhax006) latex: part labels in * (texhax007) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #06) (texhax008) latex: contents of * style collection, 21st january 1988 (texhax008) latex: subject lines and * letter style (texhax008) latex: * causing tex save space error (texhax009) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #07) (texhax009) latex: mysterious * problem with \marginpar (texhax009) latex: font families in *? (texhax010) latex: re: subject lines and * letter style (texhax010) latex: * eqnarray environment (texhax011) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #09) (texhax011) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #10) (texhax012) latex: inconsistency in score's * files (texhax012) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #12) (texhax014) latex: * figure placement (512) 471-5548 (texhax015) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #13) (texhax015) latex: accents in tabbing environment in * (texhax015) latex: different file types for *, etc. (texhax016) latex: figures in *? (texhax016) latex: (flame) re: * notes (texhax017) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #15) (texhax018) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #17) (texhax018) latex: clatex vs. * (texhax018) latex: new .bst files in * style collection (texhax018) latex: * notes (texhax v88 #18) (texhax020) latex: * style and indented 1st paras (texhax020) latex: re: flame; * notes indentation question (texhax020) latex: strange interaction in * (texhax020) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #19) (texhax021) latex: tib and * interaction (texhax021) latex: * question (texhax023) latex: gosling emacs macros for * (texhax024) latex: site-specific environment in * (?) (texhax024) latex: widows and clubs in * (texhax024) latex: * question (texhax025) latex: a question about figures in * (texhax025) latex: * editing support in gnu emacs (texhax028) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #23) (texhax028) latex: superscripted citations in * (texhax028) latex: * and fonts (texhax029) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #26) (texhax029) latex: * pages in log files. (texhax029) latex: for what paper-sizes are * standard styles/options designed? (texhax029) latex: hyphenation in *, tt font (texhax029) latex: symbols for special sets of numbers in * (texhax029) latex: * naming inconsistency (texhax030) latex: alternate page numbering style in * (texhax030) latex: resetting \textheight in * style-option files (texhax030) latex: error messages in tex and * (texhax031) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #30) (texhax034) latex: tex and * (texhax034) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #31) (texhax035) latex: * footnote problem (texhax036) latex: contents of the * style collection, april 4th 1988 (texhax036) latex: * nastiness (texhax037) latex: plain vs. * (was: plain tex and vms tex installation problems) (texhax037) latex: preventing bibitem from printing [ ] in * (texhax037) latex: problems with figure and table labels using * (texhax037) latex: macros for use with * picture environment. (texhax038) latex: plain vs. * (texhax038) latex: sideways text in * (texhax038) latex: plain tex vs * (texhax039) latex: * macros for springer-verlag now available (texhax040) latex: problems with figure and table labels using * (texhax040) latex: re: preventing bibitem from printing [ ] in * (texhax040) latex: re: v88 #37 problem w/figure and table captions using * (texhax040) latex: wide marks in * ??? (texhax040) latex: * notes (re: texhax digest v88 #40) (texhax041) latex: correction to * - letter.sty (texhax042) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #33 (* notes) (texhax042) latex: * style server breakdown on 4/29 (texhax043) latex: *, \clearpage (texhax043) latex: aps is considering * for their journals (texhax044) latex: * problem with \extracolsep (texhax045) latex: a * problem (texhax045) latex: footnotes in *. (texhax045) latex: need * help - underlining (texhax045) latex: problem with "page layout in *" from latest tugboat (texhax045) latex: underlined and centered text in * macro (texhax045) latex: * problem (texhax046) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #43 (* notes) (texhax046) latex: increasing tex memory for pictex with * (texhax047) latex: * tabbing environment (texhax048) latex: displaying the * keys for cross-references (texhax048) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #45 (* notes) (texhax048) latex: * font set (texhax049) latex: a problem with * (texhax049) latex: expanding tex and * memory (texhax049) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #46 (* notes) (texhax049) latex: two-sided documents in * (texhax049) latex: wanted: info on 'idxtex', automated index generation for * (texhax049) latex: wanted: info on 'idxtex', automated index generation for * (texhax049) latex: * arrowheads and vectors (texhax050) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #48 (* notes) (texhax050) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #49 (* notes) (texhax051) latex: * + sgml (texhax052) latex: * bug (texhax052) latex: bizarre * problem with \{ \} in section names and such (texhax052) latex: doing a magazine in * (texhax052) latex: text to very top of page with *? (texhax052) latex: * "bug" (texhax053) latex: * style files for apple lw built-in fonts (texhax053) latex: alternative equation numberings in * (texhax053) latex: no * warning about illegal arguments to \line (texhax053) latex: re: * bug (texhax 1988 #52) (texhax053) latex: updates to * files for unix (texhax053) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #52 (* notes) (texhax054) latex: using * \index in a \newcommand (texhax054) latex: * raggedright and textheight (texhax055) latex: fig code to * picture environment translator (texhax055) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #53 (* notes) (texhax055) latex: underlined and centred text in * (revisited) (texhax055) latex: * phantom zero macro problems. (texhax056) latex: * vs theses--for brian mork (texhax056) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #52 * bug (texhax057) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #54 (* notes) (texhax057) latex: * diff's (texhax058) latex: * footnotes (texhax058) latex: * version of tgrind. (texhax058) latex: double spacing with * (texhax058) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #55 (* notes) (texhax058) latex: i got the * blues. . . . (texhax059) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #56 (* notes) (texhax059) latex: three column style for * (texhax059) latex: page numbers in * (texhax060) latex: reading files from vms sub-directories in * (texhax060) latex: * figure captions vs line buffer size (texhax061) latex: equation labelling in * (texhax061) latex: * question - vertical alignment. (texhax062) latex: tgrind for * (texhax062) latex: * footnotes (texhax063) latex: *: for what paper-sizes are standard styles/options designed? (texhax063) latex: problem with caption in * (texhax063) latex: * table of contents bug? (texhax064) latex: contents of the * style collection, july 1st 1988 (texhax064) latex: re: * figure captions vs. buffer size (texhax064) latex: * question (texhax065) latex: re: * footnotes (texhax065) latex: re: page numbering in * (texhax065) latex: * question (^textheight) (texhax066) latex: nested braces in * (texhax066) latex: * problem? (texhax067) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #64 (* notes) (texhax067) latex: improved `page layout in *' program (texhax070) latex: re: * question (\textheight) (texhax070) latex: * style for ieee cs book? (texhax071) latex: * "short verbatim" mode (texhax072) latex: *: indentation after sectioning (texhax072) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #66 (* notes) (texhax072) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #67 (* notes) (texhax072) latex: a) lw ii ntx modes b) two column * (texhax073) latex: page-breaks in * eqnarray environments. (texhax073) latex: * meets a different book designer (texhax075) latex: * question (texhax075) latex: * question (texhax075) latex: re: *: indenting after sectioning (texhax076) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #72 (* notes) (texhax076) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #73 (* notes) (texhax076) latex: * style for arizona state univ. thesis wanted (texhax077) latex: danish letters in * headings (texhax077) latex: * style questions (texhax079) latex: re: danish letters in * headings (texhax v88 #77) (texhax079) latex: * eqnarray environment troubles (texhax080) latex: boxes in * (texhax080) latex: * distribution? (texhax081) latex: has this * maybe-bug been fixed already? (texhax081) latex: infinite looping in * (texhax081) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #72 (* notes) (texhax081) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #77 (* notes) (texhax081) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #78 (* notes) (texhax081) latex: * fonts (texhax082) latex: * footnote macros (texhax082) latex: boxes in * (texhax084) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #81 (* notes) (texhax084) latex: * bug (texhax085) latex: contents of the * style collection, sep 23 1988 (texhax085) latex: looking for * book.sty w/mcgraw-hill specs (texhax085) latex: "n of m" pagination * style option (texhax087) latex: * question (texhax087) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #84 (* notes) (texhax087) latex: * macros for lisp (texhax088) latex: does * handle fonts incorrectly? (texhax088) latex: no numbers allowed in * commands (texhax088) latex: re: * fonts (texhax #82) (texhax088) latex: \dotfill in tabular mode in * (texhax089) latex: rochester * archives (texhax089) latex: * bug (?) (texhax090) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #88 (* notes) (texhax091) latex: * theorem-like environments (texhax092) latex: no numbers in * commands, thanks for the help. (texhax092) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #89 (* notes) (texhax092) latex: tex and * on the mac ii (texhax092) latex: re: no numbers allowed in * commands (texhax093) latex: utility for conversion from * to troff wanted (texhax093) latex: font attributes (re: texhax digest v88 #88 (* notes)) (texhax094) latex: troff to * conversion (texhax094) latex: prettyprinting c using * (texhax095) latex: * problems (texhax096) latex: ams-fonts in * (texhax096) latex: re: * theorem-like environments v88.92 (texhax096) latex: re: flow charts in * (texhax096) latex: re: font attributes (re: texhax digest v88 #88 (* notes)) (texhax096) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #95 (* notes) (texhax097) latex: tex and * on the mac ii (texhax 92 query) (texhax097) latex: making all displayed equations numbered in * (texhax098) latex: numbering in * (texhax098) latex: * files and journal submissions (texhax099) latex: boxed math in * (texhax099) latex: possible * bug?? (texhax099) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #97 (* notes) (texhax099) latex: waterloo script conversion to * or tex (texhax099) latex: re: waterloo script conversion to * or tex (texhax100) latex: * and \raggedright (texhax101) latex: texhax digest v88#97 * notes (texhax101) latex: re: * display on an ascii terminal (texhax102) latex: using macintosh figures in * -> dvi2ps (texhax102) latex: a new and improved * manual? (texhax104) latex: including a macdraw file in a * document (texhax104) latex: math fonts in a * document (texhax104) latex: new * environment, subeqnarray (texhax104) latex: possible * bug??? (texhax104) latex: separate chapter bibliographies with * and bibtex (texhax104) latex: yet another * bug? (texhax104) latex: * \stackrel for chemical equations (texhax105) latex: problems with * picture environment (texhax105) latex: a problem with pictures in * ?? (texhax107) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #104 (possible * bug) (texhax107) latex: separate chapter bibliographies with * & bibtex (texhax107) latex: absolute positioning in tex and * (texhax109) latex: equations.sty -- macros for equations in * (texhax109) latex: re: texhax digest v88 #107 (a problem with pictures in *) (texhax109) latex: * style for unix man pages (texhax110) latex: needed: public domain versions of tex and * for ibm pc (texhax110) latex: new * manual (suggestions) (texhax110) latex: assorted questions about problems with * (texhax111) latex: tabs in * (texhax111) latex--\includeonly: * with \cite (texhax104) latex--the: * small caps command (texhax104) latex-15sep_to_3jan.diffs: * (texhax006) latex-3jan_to_22feb.diffs: * (texhax026) latex.tex: * (texhax004) latex/tex: help please with creating a number of boxes (*) (texhax088) layout: problem with "page * in latex" from latest tugboat (texhax045) layout: improved `page * in latex' program (texhax070) layout: reference work for document * standards (texhax078) layout: reference works for document * (texhax081) layout: re: reference works for document * (texhax81.88) (texhax087) layout.sty: problems with * (texhax045) lbp: driver for canon * (texhax081) lbp8ii: problems with canon * dr (texhax049) lcg01: slides, slitex and *...? (texhax058) left: mixing rith to * text in tex. (texhax015) left-justifying: * enumeration labels (texhax031) legal: * documents plus re: texhax digest v88 #46 (texhax051) legal: pentastich numbering (was: * documents plus ...) (texhax052) let's: * tolerate famous men (texhax050) let: don't * latex grow in size! (re: latex for foreign languages) (texhax002) letter: dropped capital * macro (texhax005) letter: re: dropped capital * macro (texhax005) letter: my date in latex * style (texhax006) letter: subject lines and latex * style (texhax008) letter: re: subject lines and latex * style (texhax010) letter: form letters using * macros in tex book (texhax081) letter: * style file (texhax084) letter.sty: correction to latex - * (texhax042) letter.sty: modifying * for our department letterhead. (texhax072) letter.sty: * and merge.sty (texhax077) letter.sty: merge.sty and * again (texhax089) letterhead: modifying letter.sty for our department *. (texhax072) letters: macro for dropping and enlarging the first * of a paragraph (texhax016) letters: hanging * (texhax020) letters: lowercase greek * in bold (texhax025) letters: lowercase greek * in bold (texhax029) letters: re: bold greek * (texhax034) letters: painless greek *? (texhax042) letters: danish * in latex headings (texhax077) letters: date in * (texhax077) letters: re: danish * in latex headings (texhax v88 #77) (texhax079) letters: re: date in * (texhax079) letters: danish * (texhax081) letters: dates in * (texhax081) letters: form * using letter macros in tex book (texhax081) letters: re: date in * (texhax084) letters: re: dates in * (texhax084) letters: form * (texhax086) letters: bibliography in * (texhax089) letterstyle: using \mydate with latex * (texhax001) lextex: latex notes: * available (texhax000) lfonts.tex: amcsc10 in * (texhax048) like: bug in bibtex: doesn't * umlauts (texhax011) like: footnotes, set * a paragraph (texhax056) limitations: dostex * (texhax071) limited: first release of *, reasonable, tex support for hebrew. (texhax007) limits: tex memory * : support for virtual memory systems. (texhax070) limits: increasing tex's memory * (texhax072) limits: re: increasing tex's memory * (texhax076) limits: re: problem installing tex (v88 #80): compiler * (texhax086) line: two * footers? (texhax018) line: * numbering tex output - a partial solution (texhax035) line: * breaking in programs. (texhax042) line: tex for * printers (texhax042) line: * numbering paragraphs (texhax054) line: re: * spacing (texhax056) line: latex figure captions vs * buffer size (texhax061) line: preventing * break and line feed (texhax065) line: preventing line break and * feed (texhax065) line: rest of * as macro argument (texhax065) line: multiple * indents (texhax066) line: re: rest of * as macro argument (texhax067) line: re: rest of * as macro argument (texhax069) line: circle and * fonts for tex - help me find them (texhax089) line: * numbers and critical apparatus (texhax092) lines: subject * and latex letter style (texhax008) lines: allowing broken * within citations (texhax010) lines: re: subject * and latex letter style (texhax010) lines: arrow * in tabular environment (texhax056) lines: blank * between footnotes (texhax082) lines: macros for printing words, * and files verbatim (texhax085) lining: * up a column of numbers, and re: hypenation (texhax062) linotron: tex on a * 300 (texhax008) linotron: mode_defs for * 300 ? (texhax011) linotron: tex on a * 300 / postscript dvi driver (texhax011) linotron: psdvi announcement (was: * 300) (texhax015) linotron300: question: tex on the * (texhax006) linotronic: query re downloadable fonts for * 300 (texhax012) linotronic: tex on * l300 (texhax034) linotronic: mode_def for * 300 (texhax097) lisp: schemetex---simple support for literate programming in *. (texhax039) lisp: latex macros for * (texhax088) lisp: * pretty printer (texhax105) list: dvi2ln3 garbling problem fixed thanks to texhax *. (texhax004) list: mailing *: graphuk (texhax025) list: new discussion * for xerox printers (texhax036) list: blutex discussion * (texhax105) lists: re: directory pointers? [vms logical name search *] (texhax061) listserv: help for * (texhax000) listserv: ftping tex from score / * (texhax089) literals: how do i get flexible font runoff style * in tex? (texhax048) literate: schemetex---simple support for * programming in lisp. (texhax039) little: a * more on bold math (texhax034) little: a * extra space ? (texhax050) little: re: a * extra space ? (texhax051) lm-300: tex screen driver for princeton graphic systems * with (texhax023) ln01: tex for vax/vms and an * (texhax063) ln01: re: tex for vax/vms ... * (texhax065) ln03's: different fonts for * (texhax029) ln03: new * driver (texhax005) ln03: does anyone have a good * mode definition? (texhax018) ln03: making fonts for * (texhax022) ln03: making fonts for * (texhax026) ln03: newffc for the * (texhax026) ln03: problem creating suitable tex fonts for * on ultrix (texhax055) ln03: creating suitable tex fonts for * (re: texhax 55) (texhax057) ln03: re: problem creating suitable tex fonts for * on ultrix (texhax058) ln03: bitstream fonts on * (texhax060) ln03: cyrillic fonts for * printer (texhax063) ln03: problems (again) with * printer on vax/vms (texhax078) ln03: mf parameters for * (texhax095) ln03a: the * fonts strike again...(not enough) (texhax079) ln03plus: tex for vms & dvi for dec * (texhax006) ln03r: problem creating suitable tex fonts for * on vms (texhax047) lno3: personal tex inc/bitstream fonts for microvax ii and * (texhax056) local.mf: replies to my problem with * and metafont. (texhax076) local.mf: making metafont read * and write the right output files (texhax078) locally: tex inputs declare.tex (allocating registers *) (texhax102) location: * of mf.vms_changes (texhax000) locations: texware ftp * (texhax085) log: wanted: hyphenation exception * from tugboat v next8 no 3 (texhax003) log: latex pages in * files. (texhax029) logical: re: directory pointers? [vms * name search lists] (texhax061) logo: united nations * (texhax031) long: question about very * tables (texhax028) long: re: "standard" collection of cm fonts [* message] (texhax047) long: query: how do you get the czech * u (circle over a u)? (texhax107) longrightarrow: * (texhax048) look: * at cat'codes while defining a macro (texhax070) looking: * for dviimp (texhax011) looking: * for (la)tex styles to typeset music (texhax015) looking: * for ams-tex style files (texhax015) looking: * for 8 pt caps-and-small-caps font (texhax016) looking: * for tex for the amiga... (texhax045) looking: * for latex book.sty w/mcgraw-hill specs (texhax085) looking: * for tex on apollo (texhax098) looking: re: * for tex on apollo (texhax099) looking: * for a dvi driver/fonts for hp laserjet 2000 (texhax110) looking: * for a good book on typography (texhax111) lookup: problem with table * algorithm in tex (texhax036) lookup: problem with table * algorithm in tex (texhax036) lookup: problem with table * algorithm in tex (texhax037) loop: when is a * not a loop? (texhax067) loop: when is a loop not a *? (texhax067) loop: tex inputs loopy.tex (nested * constructs) (texhax102) looping: infinite * in latex (texhax081) loopy.tex: tex inputs * (nested loop constructs) (texhax102) lost: questions * (texhax044) lots: immoderate notes: * of texhax (texhax017) low: * resolution cmr fonts (texhax078) lowercase: * greek letters in bold (texhax025) lowercase: * greek letters in bold (texhax029) lowercase: re: * greek character in bold (texhax v88#25) (texhax030) lps-40: \tex\ output on dec * (texhax012) lps40: tex and dec's (postscript) printserver40 (*) (texhax010) lps40: metafont parameters for dec *? (texhax046) lps40: tex + * (texhax048) lq-500: re: driver for epson * printer (texhax101) lq500: driver for epson *, necp6 (texhax061) lucida: tfm file for adobe's * math font (texhax090) lzr-2665: metafont mode_def settings for dataproducts * (texhax020) mac: downloading textures fonts from a * ii to a laserwriter plus. (texhax023) mac: using tex on * ii (texhax031) mac: * tex? drivers for ibm ps/80? (texhax045) mac: translating * postscript to tex? (texhax047) mac: request for pd tex on the * (texhax080) mac: tex and latex on the * ii (texhax092) mac: tex on a * ii (texhax094) mac: bibtex for * available (texhax096) mac: tex and latex on the * ii (texhax 92 query) (texhax097) macdraw: including * documents in tex files (texhax098) macdraw: including a * file in a latex document (texhax104) macdraw: re: including * and laserprep (texhax105) machines: how to make tex on gould * (texhax047) macii: tex on * (texhax025) macintosh: where can i get latex and its previewer for *? (texhax004) macintosh: tex compatibility among *, vax and ibm (texhax005) macintosh: bibtex for * (texhax015) macintosh: converting metafont fonts to * format (texhax029) macintosh: * illustrations and psfig (texhax100) macintosh: using * figures in latex -> dvi2ps (texhax102) macro: dropped capital letter * (texhax005) macro: re: dropped capital letter * (texhax005) macro: re: table of content * in tex (texhax009) macro: table of content * in tex (texhax009) macro: hanging sectionhead * (texhax010) macro: * to trim spaces (texhax011) macro: * to trim spaces, 2 (texhax011) macro: hanging sectionhead * of david f rogers, texhax 88(10) (texhax014) macro: * for dropping and enlarging the first letters of a paragraph (texhax016) macro: a challenge for tex * wizards (texhax023) macro: dropped capital * (texhax024) macro: fill-in-the-blanks * (texhax036) macro: tex * package (texhax038) macro: v88#36 (answer *) (texhax039) macro: underlined and centered text in latex * (texhax045) macro: latex phantom zero * problems. (texhax056) macro: style option * for indentation after section heads (texhax058) macro: rest of line as * argument (texhax065) macro: re: rest of line as * argument (texhax067) macro: \insertplot graphics * for arbortext's dvips postscript driver (texhax068) macro: re: rest of line as * argument (texhax069) macro: look at cat'codes while defining a * (texhax070) macro: token-by-token processing of * arguments (texhax073) macro: \chemical * (texhax076) macro: most common * error (texhax082) macro: keeping extraneous blanks out of * definitions (texhax085) macro: modifying the \answer * (neophyte needs help) (texhax089) macro: structured tex * programmming (texhax102) macro: a * that allows you to define your own characters (sprite.sty) (texhax106) macro: * documentation: examples please (texhax110) macros: need help with hanging title * (texhax009) macros: re: need help with hanging title * (texhax015) macros: update on * for producing chemical structural formulae (texhax022) macros: gosling emacs * for latex (texhax024) macros: request for "thesis" * and a naive question (texhax029) macros: * for use with latex picture environment. (texhax038) macros: latex * for springer-verlag now available (texhax040) macros: texhax digest #48 - runoff * (texhax051) macros: re: tugboat * (texhax058) macros: tugboat * (texhax058) macros: pictex * (texhax062) macros: wanted: program to remove tex * from files... (texhax065) macros: end-of-line delimited * in (plain) tex. (texhax068) macros: chemical formulae * (repeat) (texhax079) macros: some \catcode changing * should be \outer (texhax079) macros: form letters using letter * in tex book (texhax081) macros: latex footnote * (texhax082) macros: murdered footnote * (texhax084) macros: * for printing words, lines and files verbatim (texhax085) macros: dominik wujastyk's footnote * (texhax088) macros: latex * for lisp (texhax088) macros: * for poems? (texhax089) macros: footnote numbering * (texhax094) macros: re: * for poems? (texhax v88 #89) (texhax095) macros: a small idea for short name * (with correction) (texhax100) macros: tex inputs cellular.tex (table-generating *) (texhax103) macros: equations.sty -- * for equations in latex (texhax109) macsyma: tex/latex math <=> * (texhax086) macsyma: re: * -> tex (texhax089) macsyma: re: tex/latex math <=> * (texhax090) macsyma: tex/latex math <=> * (summary of responses) (texhax109) magazine: doing a * in latex (texhax052) magstep2: cmtt10 gets bad pos at * (metafont) (texhax010) magsteps: /* allowed (texhax038) magsteps: cmss/i/bx at * 6/7/8/9 (texhax038) magsteps: re: /* allowed (texhax039) magsteps: re: cmss/i/bx at * 6/7/8/9 (texhax040) mailer: font quest (repeat submission, * is iffy) (texhax079) mailer: the * chaos (texhax106) mailing: * list: graphuk (texhax025) make: how to * tex on gould machines (texhax047) make-up: page * chalenge (texhax086) make-up: re: page * challenge (texhax090) make-up: re:page * challenge (texhax097) makeindex: * (texhax022) makeindex: * (texhax digest v88 #22) (texhax026) makeindex: * (texhax027) makeindex: * (texhax031) makeindex: * distribution (texhax031) makeindex: * (texhax digest v88 #31) (texhax035) makeindex: * on ibm pc (texhax061) makeindex: * problem (texhax088) makeindex: * bug (texhax097) makeindex.arc: * @ science.utah needs editing (texhax045) making: * fonts for ln03 (texhax022) making: * fonts for ln03 (texhax026) making: need help about slide *. (texhax047) making: * metafont read local.mf and write the right output files (texhax078) making: * all displayed equations numbered in latex (texhax098) male: female and * (texhax039) man: * style (texhax028) man: latex style for unix * pages (texhax110) man.sty: * ? (texhax046) management: bibtex "*" utilities? (texhax000) manual: vax vms * typesetting (texhax045) manual: vax vms * typesetting (texhax048) manual: pictex * (texhax101) manual: a new and improved latex *? (texhax104) manual: new latex * (suggestions) (texhax110) manualfeed: * with arbortext dvilaser (texhax110) manuals: vms * in tex (texhax042) manuals: re: vms * in tex (texhax043) manuals: re: vms * in tex/ string operations? (texhax044) manuals: tex style for vms * (texhax044) manuals: tex style for vms * (retraction) (texhax053) manuals: availability of pictex * (texhax106) maple: * to tex conversion... (texhax092) maple: re: * to tex conversion... (texhax095) maple: * to tex conversions (texhax 92 query) (texhax097) maple: re: * to tex and a question (texhax097) maple: * to tex conversion, texhax 95 note (texhax098) mar: dd form 1473, 84 *: report documentation page (texhax035) margin: vertical sentences in the *? (texhax071) margins,margins: * (texhax040) maria: * code/stanford tex tape distribution (texhax013) marks: book * (texhax004) marks: wide * in latex ??? (texhax040) marks: * (texhax054) marks: re: * (texhax054) marks: re: * (texhax063) marriage: compress utility & tex - a *... (texhax109) math: dot-under accent in * mode? (texhax002) math: postscript and * (texhax004) math: response to bold * symbols (texhax029) math: a little more on bold * (texhax034) math: font in * mode (texhax035) math: grammar-school * texts (texhax053) math: * mode is tieing me down (texhax072) math: question about * in 'huge' size (texhax073) math: tex/latex * <=> macsyma (texhax086) math: re: tex/latex * <=> macsyma (texhax090) math: tfm file for adobe's lucida * font (texhax090) math: boxed * in latex (texhax099) math: * fonts in a latex document (texhax104) math: needed: bold * symbols in script style (texhax104) math: re: bold * symbols obtained (texhax104) math: tex/latex * <=> macsyma (summary of responses) (texhax109) math: typography, *, greek (texhax110) maths: finding the height and depth of * stuff (texhax075) matter: dvi2ps on a sun 386i (and a previewer for that *) (texhax099) may: tfm checksums * not be a tex-to-c problem. (texhax digest v88 #39) (texhax041) may: re: tfm checksums * not be a tex-to-c problem (texhax042) may: gutenberg meeting in paris in * 89 (texhax110) maybe-bug: has this latex * been fixed already? (texhax081) mcclelland: wanted (alive): gary * (texhax077) medal: don knuth awarded the franklin * (texhax023) meeting: tex users group * inquiry (texhax086) meeting: gutenberg * in paris in may 89 (texhax110) meets: latex * a different book designer (texhax075) membership: tex users group * information request form. (texhax110) memorandum: * on tex fonts (texhax012) memory: increasing tex * for pictex with latex (texhax047) memory: microtex, '386, and expanded * problem & solution (texhax047) memory: expanding tex and latex * (texhax049) memory: not enough allocated * ? (texhax053) memory: tex * limits : support for virtual memory systems. (texhax070) memory: tex memory limits : support for virtual * systems. (texhax070) memory: increasing tex's * limits (texhax072) memory: re: increasing tex's * limits (texhax076) men: let's tolerate famous * (texhax050) merge.sty: letter.sty and * (texhax077) merge.sty: re: * & multiline addresses, texhax digest v88 #77 (texhax080) merge.sty: * and letter.sty again (texhax089) message: last * concerning cross-referencing (texhax039) message: re: "standard" collection of cm fonts [long *] (texhax047) message: re: david f. rogers's *, v88 #47 (texhax049) message: re: bibtex 0.99c (a response to the above *) (texhax106) messages: error * in tex and latex (texhax031) metafile/pixel/style-files: needed: * for cyrillic (texhax102) metafont: new * fonts available (texhax000) metafont: re: * on sun3/50-60 (texhax001) metafont: enlarging * (texhax002) metafont: * on sun3/50-60 (texhax digest v88 #01) (texhax003) metafont: * on sun3/50-60 (texhax digest v88 #01) (texhax003) metafont: re: * on sun3/50-60 (texhax digest v88 #01) (texhax003) metafont: * in c (texhax004) metafont: need help with * proof font (texhax009) metafont: cmtt10 gets bad pos at magstep2 (*) (texhax010) metafont: problem with vms distribution of * (texhax015) metafont: error in * 1.3.. (texhax016) metafont: problems with vms version of * (texhax018) metafont: * mode_def settings for dataproducts lzr-2665 (texhax020) metafont: possible fix for vms * v1.3(?) (texhax020) metafont: times roman in * (texhax020) metafont: re: times roman in * (texhax022) metafont: converting * fonts to macintosh format (texhax029) metafont: * & ibm3812 (texhax030) metafont: re: * & 3812 (texhax037) metafont: * settings for qume scripten; tex on pcs (texhax043) metafont: * parameters for dec lps40? (texhax046) metafont: gargantuan * (texhax050) metafont: * problems in vms (texhax059) metafont: need reference to * fix for \leftarrow, \rightarrow (texhax061) metafont: dvi3820 & * questions (texhax065) metafont: * cm files (texhax067) metafont: tex and * on span (texhax067) metafont: * question (texhax070) metafont: re: * question (texhax072) metafont: * answers (texhax073) metafont: answers to my * question (texhax076) metafont: replies to my problem with local.mf and *. (texhax076) metafont: making * read local.mf and write the right output files (texhax078) metafont: * change #536 and fillin=0 (texhax079) metafont: * vindicated (texhax080) metafont: * and bitmaps (texhax084) metafont: re: * modes (texhax087) metafont: ams font * sources wanted... (texhax092) metafont: * and postscript (texhax097) metafont: re: * & postscript (texhax097) metafont: use of * to design chinese characters? (texhax097) metafont: problems with * on vax/vms (texhax102) metafont: combining the functions of * and postscript (texhax106) metafont: * & postscript: why not? (texhax109) metafont: postscript outline fonts from * (texhax109) metafonting: * at 78 dpi (or, where did my pixels go?) (texhax011) metafonting: re: * at 78 dpi ... (texhax013) metric: adobe font * to tex font metric converters? (texhax002) metric: adobe font metric to tex font * converters? (texhax002) mf.vms_changes: location of * (texhax000) mft: *: does anybody use it? (texhax056) micro-tex: addison-wesley's * (texhax096) microcomputer: * tex (texhax004) microsoft: * rich text format (texhax000) microsoft: * rich text format (texhax digest v88 #33) (texhax035) microsoft: * rich text format, rtf (texhax078) microtex: * epson fonts (texhax017) microtex: addison-wesley and * (texhax022) microtex: pc-tex vs * (texhax025) microtex: addison-wesley and * and textures (texhax026) microtex: pctex and * (texhax037) microtex: re: pctex and * (texhax037) microtex: *, '386, and expanded memory problem & solution (texhax047) microvax: personal tex inc/bitstream fonts for * ii and lno3 (texhax056) migration: immoderate notes: forced * of bitnet subscribers (texhax036) minor: * insect in dvi2ln3 v13.0 (texhax077) minus: height of the * sign in cmsy fonts (texhax106) mirror-image: * fonts (texhax059) mirror-image: * fonts (texhax065) mirror-image: * fonts (texhax067) miscellaneous: '*' font directory (texhax025) miscellaneous: re: '*' font directory (texhax029) miseries: bitnet * (texhax027) mismatching: re: tfm * (texhax044) misnaming: re mf * gf files (texhax002) missing: * reply (texhax016) mix-up: fig * fix-up (texhax090) mixing: * right-to-left texts with stxet thgir-ot-tfel (texhax012) mixing: * rith to left text in tex. (texhax015) mixing: * landscape and regular fonts in a picture (texhax102) mode: dot-under accent in math *? (texhax002) mode: does anyone have a good ln03 * definition? (texhax018) mode: wanted: gnu emacs bibtex *; bibtex 0.99c (texhax030) mode: font in math * (texhax035) mode: ftp tenex vs binary * between tops-20 and unix (texhax050) mode: verbatim * (texhax065) mode: re: verbatim * [texhax digest v88 #65] (texhax067) mode: re: verbatim * [texhax digest v88 #65] (texhax069) mode: latex "short verbatim" * (texhax072) mode: math * is tieing me down (texhax072) mode: a verbatim * for computer programs (texhax079) mode: \dotfill in tabular * in latex (texhax089) mode: problem with picture * (texhax110) mode_def: metafont * settings for dataproducts lzr-2665 (texhax020) mode_def: * for linotronic 300 (texhax097) mode_def: needed: * for the hp laserjet+ (texhax102) mode_defs: * for linotron 300 ? (texhax011) mode_specials: * in gf files (texhax006) modedefs: apple laserwriter * (texhax053) modern: computer * fonts in rom? (texhax048) modern: standard set of computer *. (texhax050) modern: re: standard set of computer * (texhax052) modern: computer * for aps typesetter (texhax091) modern: re: computer * for aps typesetter. (texhax094) modes: font * (texhax digest v87 #106) (texhax001) modes: a) lw ii ntx * b) two column latex (texhax073) modes: re: metafont * (texhax087) modifying: * letter.sty for our department letterhead. (texhax072) modifying: * the \answer macro (neophyte needs help) (texhax089) month: interesting note of the * (texhax014) more: * on extensions (texhax018) more: * common tex vs. tex-to-c benchmarks (texhax020) more: * on transferring dvi files to vax vms (texhax020) more: * puzzles (texhax030) more: a little * on bold math (texhax034) more: * on bug in tex (texhax090) mork: latex vs theses--for brian * (texhax056) most: * common macro error (texhax082) moving: photoready copy, * forward? (texhax082) mpsx: \obeylines and * input files (texhax036) mpsx: re: \obeylines and * input files (texhax039) ms-dos: generic pd tex for * (texhax021) ms-dos: tex for * vs. pc-dos (texhax93.88) (texhax096) ms-dos: dvi driver for apple laserwriter (under *) wanted. (texhax101) ms-dos: a new * tex (texhax104) ms-dos/pc: request for tex/latex for * environment (texhax110) msdos: new tex implementation for *: dostex (texhax001) msdos: dvican for *? (texhax075) mssymb.tex: changes to * at score (texhax035) multi-hyphen: "* patch" (texhax073) multi-lingual: problem: * parallel text (texhax000) multi-page: * tables with column-headings on each page? (texhax100) multi-page: re: * tables with page headings on each page (texhax105) multiline: re: merge.sty & * addresses, texhax digest v88 #77 (texhax080) multilingual: * tex/latex (texhax040) multilingual: * tex/latex (texhax digest v88 #40) (texhax042) multipage: * split tables (texhax105) multiple: unix sites: changes for * copies in "iptex" (texhax040) multiple: * line indents (texhax066) multiple: software for * change files (texhax073) murdered: * footnote macros (texhax084) music: * typesetting in tex (texhax005) music: looking for (la)tex styles to typeset * (texhax015) music: tex and * printing? (texhax069) music: * in tex and webtoc. (texhax072) mysterious: * latex problem with \marginpar (texhax009) mystery: tex * (texhax041) mystery: re: tex * (texhax #41) (texhax042) mystery: tex * (texhax079) mystery: re: tex * (texhax #79) (texhax084) n.23,27,29: doublespacing and singlespacing (v.88, *) (texhax034) n.52: texhax v.88, * (re: inbook problem) (texhax053) n.67: re: problem with problems (v.88 *) (texhax069) n.72: indented first paragraphs for sections (re: v.88, *) (texhax075) n103: is a preloaded tex necessary? (re: texhax v87 *) (texhax002) n23: reply: single and double spacing in figures (v88 *) (texhax027) naive: request for "thesis" macros and a * question (texhax029) name: re: directory pointers? [vms logical * search lists] (texhax061) name: a small idea for short * macros (with correction) (texhax100) names: bizarre latex problem with \{ \} in section * and such (texhax052) names: registering mf * (texhax075) names: registering mf * (texhax075) names: re: registering mf * (texhax078) names: cryptic * (texhax095) naming: latex * inconsistency (texhax030) naming: standardizing (*) tfms derived from adobe afms (texhax071) narrow: re: very * columns in plain tex (texhax024) narrow: very * columns in plain tex (texhax024) nastiness: latex * (texhax037) nations: united * logo (texhax031) native: using * fonts (texhax024) ncr: undump.c needed for * tower 32 (texhax009) neat: * use of \left and \right delimiters (texhax066) nec: * p6 driver wanted (texhax097) nec: where are * drivers dvineclq available ? (texhax098) nec/esnext/edit: tex driver for * (texhax093) necessary: is a preloaded tex *? (re: texhax v87 n103) (texhax002) necp6: driver for epson lq500, * (texhax061) needs: texas * triangles (texhax000) needs: makeindex.arc @ science.utah * editing (texhax045) needs: tex novice * installation advice (texhax075) needs: modifying the \answer macro (neophyte * help) (texhax089) nelson's: * not here now. (texhax058) neophyte: modifying the \answer macro (* needs help) (texhax089) nested: problem with * footnotes (texhax045) nested: re: underlining; problem with * footnotes (texhax049) nested: * braces in latex (texhax066) nested: tex inputs loopy.tex (* loop constructs) (texhax102) networks: tex redistribution for other *. (texhax006) new: * metafont fonts available (texhax000) new: * tex implementation for msdos: dostex (texhax001) new: * ln03 driver (texhax005) new: * versions (texhax007) new: * bibtex (texhax011) new: * bibtex (texhax015) new: * bibtex (texhax015) new: crudetype * version (texhax015) new: * bibtex (texhax016) new: * .bst files in latex style collection (texhax018) new: where and how to get * bibtex (texhax023) new: * bibtex (texhax024) new: * bibtex.web (texhax026) new: re: * bibtex (texhax028) new: * discussion list for xerox printers (texhax036) new: * version of aftopl now available (texhax042) new: * bibtex styles (texhax059) new: immoderate notes: * version of the fontmemo available (texhax063) new: re: * bibtex styles (texhax064) new: * version of dostex (texhax083) new: need a * (cm) version of dviqms driver (texhax090) new: \topinsert without * paragraph (texhax #98) (texhax099) new: a * postscript driver (texhax100) new: * latex environment, subeqnarray (texhax104) new: a * and improved latex manual? (texhax104) new: a * ms-dos tex (texhax104) new: * latex manual (suggestions) (texhax110) newer: need dvi2ps v2.0 or * for vax/vms (texhax065) newffc: * for the ln03 (texhax026) news: dvi driver * (texhax040) news: re: dvi previewers for vax/vms (dvi * no. 2) (texhax069) newsletter: doing a * in tex & full page calendar (any samples?) (texhax068) next8: wanted: hyphenation exception log from tugboat v * no 3 (texhax003) non-official: commontex 2.9 patches (*) (texhax071) nonbreaking: * hyphens (texhax045) northwest: the first * issue of texhax (texhax100) nos/ve: crudetype changes for * (texhax063) nos/ve: tex running on cdc's * (texhax110) not: tfm checksums may * be a tex-to-c problem. (texhax digest v88 #39) (texhax041) not: re: tfm checksums may * be a tex-to-c problem (texhax042) not: * enough allocated memory ? (texhax053) not: nelson's * here now. (texhax058) not: when is a loop * a loop? (texhax067) not: metafont & postscript: why *? (texhax109) note: interesting * of the month (texhax014) note: maple to tex conversion, texhax 95 * (texhax098) noted: immoderately * (texhax085) notes/texhax: immoderate * on bitnet (texhax007) notes/we're: immoderate * back! (texhax079) novell: pctex on * (texhax075) novice: tex * needs installation advice (texhax075) nroff: overfull hboxes and "*" (texhax026) nsf: * proposal tools (texhax063) ntx: dvi2ps with * (texhax062) ntx: a) lw ii * modes b) two column latex (texhax073) nubs: * on tables (texhax078) nubs: re: * on tables (texhax080) number: latex version * (texhax000) number: vol 88 * 32 (texhax035) number: help please with creating a * of boxes (latex/tex) (texhax088) numbered: making all displayed equations * in latex (texhax098) numbering: varying the * style in enumerate environments. (texhax022) numbering: varying the * style in enumerate environments. (texhax026) numbering: alternate page * style in latex (texhax030) numbering: re: varying the * style in enumerate environments. (texhax030) numbering: chapter # - page # * for book style (texhax031) numbering: line * tex output - a partial solution (texhax035) numbering: re: chapter # - page # * for book style (texhax035) numbering: section-page page * (texhax037) numbering: page * question (texhax039) numbering: section-page page * (texhax040) numbering: pentastich * (was: legal documents plus ...) (texhax052) numbering: line * paragraphs (texhax054) numbering: re: page * in latex (texhax065) numbering: footnote * per page (texhax085) numbering: re: footnote * per page (texhax #85) (texhax089) numbering: re: footnote * per page (texhax089) numbering: re: footnote * per page (texhax #85,#89) (texhax092) numbering: footnote * macros (texhax094) numbering: * in latex (texhax098) numberings: alternative equation * in latex (texhax053) numbers: symbols for special sets of * in latex (texhax029) numbers: placement of page * with tex (texhax050) numbers: page * in latex (texhax060) numbers: lining up a column of *, and re: hypenation (texhax062) numbers: no * allowed in latex commands (texhax088) numbers: line * and critical apparatus (texhax092) numbers: no * in latex commands, thanks for the help. (texhax092) numbers: re: no * allowed in latex commands (texhax093) numerals: oldstyle * for small caps (texhax058) obtained: re: bold math symbols * (texhax104) offense: no * taken (texhax036) olde: * english fonts (texhax079) oldstyle: * numerals for small caps (texhax058) on-line: tuglist * (texhax042) on-line: re: tuglist * (texhax043) one: four topics with * submission (texhax004) one: * page calendar (texhax072) online: producing simple document for * viewing using latex(request) (texhax099) online: re: producing simple document for * viewing.... (texhax100) operations: string *? (texhax042) operations: re: vms manuals in tex/ string *? (texhax044) operator: space around * in eqnarray (solution) (texhax057) option: warning: pctex v2.1 /i + /z * (texhax016) option: re: re: pc tex v2.1 /i + /z * (texhax025) option: problems: \tableofcontents command and [titlepage] * (texhax042) option: problems: \tableofcontents command and [titlepage] * (texhax048) option: style * macro for indentation after section heads (texhax058) option: the "fixup" style * (texhax062) option: "n of m" pagination latex style * (texhax087) oration: don knuth's * (texhax063) order: using dvilaser to print tex pages in random * (texhax056) oriental: problem of representing * languages (texhax038) os/2: pctex and * (texhax054) other: tex redistribution for * networks. (texhax006) our: modifying letter.sty for * department letterhead. (texhax072) out: keeping extraneous blanks * of macro definitions (texhax085) out: printing * box coordinates (texhax093) outdated: tex 2.0 -- how * is it? (texhax100) outline: postscript * fonts from metafont (texhax109) output: three column * in latex or tex. (texhax005) output: * from tangle (texhax011) output: \tex\ * on dec lps-40 (texhax012) output: re: * from tangle (texhax012) output: half-tone * using tex (texhax031) output: line numbering tex * - a partial solution (texhax035) output: terminal * and mf (texhax065) output: making metafont read local.mf and write the right * files (texhax078) output: dvi * on the hp deskjet (why you probably don't want it) (texhax086) output: previewer bitmap * to a file ? (texhax088) output: rotating * (texhax094) output: rotating portions of tex * (in textures) (texhax094) over: query: how do you get the czech long u (circle * a u)? (texhax107) overfull: * hboxes and "nroff" (texhax026) overfull: * citation labels (texhax043) overfull: * citation labels (texhax047) overfull: re: * citation labels (texhax047) own: a macro that allows you to define your * characters (sprite.sty) (texhax106) p600: driver for a printronics *? (texhax063) package: tex macro * (texhax038) packard: driver for hewlett * deskjet (texhax083) padding: * dvi files (texhax020) padding: * of dvi files (texhax093) padding: re: unix, typesetter & dvi * format (texhax093) padding: re: unix, typesetter & dvi * format (texhax093) page's: stephen * "umlauts eaten by qms printer" (texhax011) page: alternate * numbering style in latex (texhax030) page: chapter # - * # numbering for book style (texhax031) page: dd form 1473, 84 mar: report documentation * (texhax035) page: re: chapter # - * # numbering for book style (texhax035) page: section-page * numbering (texhax037) page: * numbering question (texhax039) page: section-page * numbering (texhax040) page: problem with "* layout in latex" from latest tugboat (texhax045) page: placement of * numbers with tex (texhax050) page: text to very top of * with latex? (texhax052) page: * imposition from .dvi files (texhax053) page: * imposition for dvi files (texhax055) page: * imposition (texhax056) page: * numbers in latex (texhax060) page: * # of # pages (texhax065) page: re: * numbering in latex (texhax065) page: * # of # pages (texhax067) page: * # of # pages (texhax65.88) (texhax067) page: * # of # pages (texhax65.88) (texhax068) page: doing a newsletter in tex & full * calendar (any samples?) (texhax068) page: summary of * # of # (texhax068) page: improved `* layout in latex' program (texhax070) page: one * calendar (texhax072) page: footnote numbering per * (texhax085) page: * make-up chalenge (texhax086) page: re: footnote numbering per * (texhax #85) (texhax089) page: re: footnote numbering per * (texhax089) page: re: * make-up challenge (texhax090) page: full * bitmap of dvi file (texhax091) page: question about * breaks (texhax092) page: re: footnote numbering per * (texhax #85,#89) (texhax092) page: four column * (texhax093) page: multi-page tables with column-headings on each *? (texhax100) page: re: multi-page tables with * headings on each page (texhax105) page: re: multi-page tables with page headings on each * (texhax105) page: hard tex-hacking question concerning fitting figures on a * (texhax106) page-breaks: * in latex eqnarray environments. (texhax073) pageinserts: * (texhax036) pages: latex * in log files. (texhax029) pages: reserving two blank *? (texhax041) pages: using dvilaser to print tex * in random order (texhax056) pages: page # of # * (texhax065) pages: page # of # * (texhax067) pages: page # of # * (texhax65.88) (texhax067) pages: page # of # * (texhax65.88) (texhax068) pages: latex style for unix man * (texhax110) pagination: "n of m" * latex style option (texhax087) painless: * way to typeset everything in sans-serif (texhax000) painless: * greek letters? (texhax042) painless: * way to typeset everything in sans-serif (texhax045) paintjet: dvi-driver for hp deskjet and hp * (texhax094) paper-sizes: for what * are latex standard styles/options designed? (texhax029) paper-sizes: latex: for what * are standard styles/options designed? (texhax063) paragraph: macro for dropping and enlarging the first letters of a * (texhax016) paragraph: footnotes, set like a * (texhax056) paragraph: \topinsert without new * (texhax #98) (texhax099) paragraphed: * footnotes (texhax082) paragraphs: * in horizontal alignments (texhax031) paragraphs: line numbering * (texhax054) paragraphs: indented first * for sections (re: v.88, n.72) (texhax075) parallel: problem: multi-lingual * text (texhax000) parameters: gf specials for font * (texhax digest v88 #06) (texhax008) parameters: style * revisited (texhax022) parameters: metafont * for dec lps40? (texhax046) parameters: mf * for ln03 (texhax095) paras: latex style and indented 1st * (texhax020) parbox: * in tabbing enviroments (texhax057) paris: gutenberg meeting in * in may 89 (texhax110) part: re: latex notes, * i (texhax digest #105) (texhax001) part: * labels in latex (texhax007) partial: line numbering tex output - a * solution (texhax035) pascal: * in latex (texhax006) pascal: unix distribution and * (texhax009) pascal: tex * vs. tex in c (texhax014) patch: common tex * 2.7 (texhax024) patch: re: common tex * 2.7 (texhax024) patch: dvialw * to workaround ultrascript bug (texhax045) patch: commontex * (texhax056) patch: "multi-hyphen *" (texhax073) patches: commontex 2.9 * (non-official) (texhax071) patgen: * (texhax026) patgen: re: * (texhax030) patgen: * (texhax056) paths: search * (font files) for drivers (texhax008) paths: tex inputs and formats * (texhax071) patterns: hyphenation * for hungarian, anyone? (texhax025) patterns: spanish hyphenation * (texhax049) patterns: alternate hyphenation * for ctex (texhax065) pause: immoderate notes: brief * in texhax; issue 17 sliced up (texhax018) pause: immoderate notes: texhax to "*" again (texhax034) pause: brief * in texhax publication (texhax078) pc's: erratic behavior of addison-wesley tex on * (texhax096) pc-based: * implementation of \tex\--$\mu$\tex\ (texhax102) pc-dos: tex for ms-dos vs. * (texhax93.88) (texhax096) pc-hercules: * previewer. (texhax079) pc-tex: * vs microtex (texhax025) pc-writex: * driver (texhax052) pc-writex: * v2.2 (texhax075) pc/at: beebe's dvieps.c on the * (texhax061) pc/ms-dos: dvi previewer for * (texhax063) pc/ms-dos: tex source for * (texhax063) pc/ms-dos: tex stuff for * (texhax63.88) (texhax067) pc/ms-dos: tex stuff for * (texhax63.88) (texhax068) pcs: tex for * (texhax001) pcs: metafont settings for qume scripten; tex on * (texhax043) pcs: common tex on *? (texhax048) pcs: professor ward's dview for *: cm fonts are available. (texhax064) pctex: warning: * v2.1 /i + /z option (texhax016) pctex: re: * v2.1 /i + /z (texhax021) pctex: * and microtex (texhax037) pctex: re: * and microtex (texhax037) pctex: * and os/2 (texhax054) pctex: * on novell (texhax075) pentastich: * numbering (was: legal documents plus ...) (texhax052) people: what * call ``small capitals'' (texhax082) per: footnote numbering * page (texhax085) per: re: footnote numbering * page (texhax #85) (texhax089) per: re: footnote numbering * page (texhax089) per: re: footnote numbering * page (texhax #85,#89) (texhax092) performance: pc ramdisk * (texhax094) perhaps: .mf files (or * .pk, .tfm) (texhax092) perhaps: re: .mf files (or * .pk, .tfm) (texhax095) period: how wide is a *? (texhax041) personal: * tex's ptips won't work with psfig.tex (texhax028) personal: * tex's ptilaser/ps and psfig (texhax034) personal: * tex inc/bitstream fonts for microvax ii and lno3 (texhax056) personal: re: usage of * tex inc/bitstream fonts (texhax060) pert: * charts (texhax040) peter: some answers to * flynn's recent questions. (texhax035) phantom: latex * zero macro problems. (texhax056) phonetic: * symbols (texhax005) phonetic: ipa * font? (texhax092) phonetic: re: ipa * font (texhax095) photoready: * copy, moving forward? (texhax082) phyzzx: request for information on * (texhax053) pic: tex graphics - fig, *, fig2* (texhax015) pic: is there a tpic based on dwb 2.0 * ? (texhax095) pictex: curves in * (texhax001) pictex: wanted: * (texhax005) pictex: fig, fig2tex, * (texhax012) pictex: * request (texhax014) pictex: * bug (texhax039) pictex: increasing tex memory for * with latex (texhax047) pictex: * macros (texhax062) pictex: we are having trouble using * (texhax080) pictex: "turbo" * (texhax101) pictex: * manual (texhax101) pictex: availability of * manuals (texhax106) picture: macros for use with latex * environment. (texhax038) picture: fig code to latex * environment translator (texhax055) picture: mixing landscape and regular fonts in a * (texhax102) picture: problems with latex * environment (texhax105) picture: problem with * mode (texhax110) pictures: * in tex (texhax005) pictures: re: * in tex (texhax007) pictures: electronic font for * (texhax070) pictures: the best way to do * in tex (texhax073) pictures: re: the best way to do * in tex (texhax075) pictures: re: the best way to do * in tex (texhax076) pictures: re: the best way to do * in tex (texhax076) pictures: re: the best way to do * in tex (texhax076) pictures: the best way to do the best way to do * in tex (texhax076) pictures: re: the best way to do * in tex. (texhax079) pictures: re: the best way to do * in tex (texhax083) pictures: a problem with * in latex ?? (texhax107) pictures: re: texhax digest v88 #107 (a problem with * in latex) (texhax109) pixel: dvitovdu and pk * files (texhax005) pixels: metafonting at 78 dpi (or, where did my * go?) (texhax011) pixels: vanishing * (texhax023) pixels: vanishing * (or write-white fonts) texhax digest v88 #23 (texhax027) pk-reading: * version of dvi2ln3 (v13.0) (texhax068) pktogf: * (texhax039) pktopx: bug in k&s * version 2.2.0 (texhax007) pktopx: bug in k&s * version 2.2.0 (texhax008) pktopx: * (texhax078) pktor--request: * for information (texhax022) placement: latex figure * (512) 471-5548 (texhax015) placement: * of page numbers with tex (texhax050) placement: section heading *... (texhax053) plain: * tex and vms tex installation problems (texhax000) plain: inquiry about a \botinsert for * tex (texhax003) plain: * tex question: automatic italic corrections (texhax004) plain: * bug (feature?) (texhax010) plain: re: very narrow columns in * tex (texhax024) plain: very narrow columns in * tex (texhax024) plain: * vs. latex (was: plain tex and vms tex installation problems) (texhax037) plain: plain vs. latex (was: * tex and vms tex installation problems) (texhax037) plain: * vs. latex (texhax038) plain: * tex vs latex (texhax039) plain: end-of-line delimited macros in (*) tex. (texhax068) plain: alignment in in * (question) (texhax089) plain: re: alignment in * (question) (texhax092) planned: special issue of texmag * (texhax056) plea: a * for sanity (texhax018) please: help * with creating a number of boxes (latex/tex) (texhax088) please: afm-files needed * (texhax099) please: macro documentation: examples * (texhax110) plot: dviimp specials and * on tops-20 (texhax003) plus: downloading textures fonts from a mac ii to a laserwriter *. (texhax023) plus: legal documents * re: texhax digest v88 #46 (texhax051) plus: pentastich numbering (was: legal documents * ...) (texhax052) poemes: bilingual poems / * bilingues (texhax096) poems: macros for *? (texhax089) poems: re: macros for *? (texhax v88 #89) (texhax095) poems: bilingual * / poemes bilingues (texhax096) pointers: directory *? (texhax057) pointers: re: directory *? (texhax060) pointers: directory * (texhax061) pointers: re: directory *? [vms logical name search lists] (texhax061) policy: vortex upgrade * (texhax015) portable: transfig - * figures for tex (texhax023) portions: rotating * of tex output (in textures) (texhax094) pos: cmtt10 gets bad * at magstep2 (metafont) (texhax010) positioning: absolute * in tex and latex (texhax109) possible: * fix for vms metafont v1.3(?) (texhax020) possible: * bug in doublespace.sty (texhax096) possible: * latex bug?? (texhax099) possible: * latex bug??? (texhax104) possible: re: texhax digest v88 #104 (* latex bug) (texhax107) post: dvi * processor for vax/vms - hplaserjet (texhax066) postprocessor: hp laserjet ii dvi * for sun ? (texhax072) postscript: latex and * (texhax002) postscript: * and math (texhax004) postscript: re: latex and * (texhax004) postscript: latex, * and interpress (texhax006) postscript: qms * printer. (texhax010) postscript: tex and dec's (*) printserver40 (lps40) (texhax010) postscript: tex on a linotron 300 / * dvi driver (texhax011) postscript: tex and * (texhax021) postscript: * - ibm - laserprinter (texhax025) postscript: tektronix to * for tex (texhax034) postscript: survey of * fonts in tex (texhax035) postscript: high-speed * printers (texhax039) postscript: * for dec scriptwriter (texhax042) postscript: dvi -> * on vms (texhax042) postscript: re: * for dec scriptwriter (texhax044) postscript: translating mac * to tex? (texhax047) postscript: using * fonts instead of cmxx (texhax048) postscript: re: using * fonts (texhax050) postscript: dvi to * driver (texhax055) postscript: standardizing on * tfms (texhax060) postscript: dvi to * for cms (texhax063) postscript: re: standardizing on * tfms (texhax064) postscript: re: standardizing on * tfms (texhax067) postscript: \insertplot graphics macro for arbortext's dvips * driver (texhax068) postscript: re: standardizing on * tfms (texhax069) postscript: re: standardizing on * tfms (texhax67.88) (texhax069) postscript: re: re: standardizing on * tfm (texhax070) postscript: * emulators for common printers (texhax075) postscript: * emulation for common printers (clarification) (texhax078) postscript: * emulation for common printers (texhax080) postscript: *, figures, and typesetters (texhax084) postscript: re: *, figures, and typesetters (texhax086) postscript: re: *, figures, and typesetters (texhax088) postscript: re: *, figures, and typesetters (texhax088) postscript: metafont and * (texhax097) postscript: re: metafont & * (texhax097) postscript: a new * driver (texhax100) postscript: combining the functions of metafont and * (texhax106) postscript: * outline fonts from metafont (texhax109) postscript: metafont & *: why not? (texhax109) postscript: * specials (texhax110) power: the * of tex (texhax106) powernode: tex/latex on a gould * 9080 (texhax042) powernode: tex/latex on a gould * 9080 (texhax digest v88 #42) (texhax044) powernode: tex/latex on a gould * 9080 (texhax digest v88 #42) (texhax044) powernode: tex/latex on a gould * 9080 (texhax digest v88 #42) (texhax044) pre-loaded: common tex, tex in c, core dumping for * versions (texhax010) preloaded: is a * tex necessary? (re: texhax v87 n103) (texhax002) preprocessor: wanted: c * for vax/vms (texhax021) preprocessor: c * for vms (texhax025) preprocessor: c * for bibtex style files (texhax041) present: a suggestion to font designers * and future. (texhax037) pretty: * printing using tex (texhax040) pretty: * printing with tex (texhax043) pretty: re: * printing using tex (texhax40.88) (texhax043) pretty: lisp * printer (texhax105) prettyprinting: * c using latex (texhax095) preventing: * bibitem from printing [ ] in latex (texhax037) preventing: re: * bibitem from printing [ ] in latex (texhax040) preventing: * line break and line feed (texhax065) preview: wanted: tektronix 41xx * for vax/vms (texhax030) preview: bibtex and * requests (texhax066) previewer: where can i get latex and its * for macintosh? (texhax004) previewer: x-window-10 * (texhax005) previewer: vax station dvi * (texhax015) previewer: bibtex, *, slitex (texhax016) previewer: public domain * wanted/and a puzzle (texhax018) previewer: tex (?) * on a pc (texhax028) previewer: dvi * for t40xx (texhax043) previewer: dvi * for hds terminal or tek 4014 (texhax048) previewer: dview dvi * (texhax059) previewer: dvi * for pc/ms-dos (texhax063) previewer: re: dview * (texhax063) previewer: cdvi *, tex changes (texhax065) previewer: x11 *, ps previewer and vortex (texhax070) previewer: x11 previewer, ps * and vortex (texhax070) previewer: dvi * for ibm-pc's (texhax071) previewer: dvi * for vms (texhax071) previewer: need of a tex * and driver (texhax073) previewer: tex * (texhax076) previewer: pc-hercules *. (texhax079) previewer: cdvi * (texhax080) previewer: how to get the pc * dview? (texhax087) previewer: * bitmap output to a file ? (texhax088) previewer: x11 dvi * (texhax088) previewer: vaxstation 2000 */ atari laser printer driver (texhax092) previewer: dvi2ps on a sun 386i (and a * for that matter) (texhax099) previewer: * for tektronix 4010/4014 wanted (texhax106) previewer: needed: tex * for a vax/vms (texhax110) previewers: dvi * (texhax025) previewers: re: dvi * for vax/vms (dvi news no. 2) (texhax069) previewers: * for ibm rt pc and for cga screens (texhax083) primos: dvi to ps driver for * (texhax038) princeton: tex screen driver for * graphic systems lm-300 with (texhax023) print: ibm ala * train via tex? (texhax005) print: using dvilaser to * tex pages in random order (texhax056) printed: wrong characters * (texhax009) printer: umlauts eaten by qms * (texhax007) printer: umlauts eaten by qms * (texhax008) printer: qms postscript *. (texhax010) printer: verityper vt600 (600 dpi) laser * and tex (texhax010) printer: stephen page's "umlauts eaten by qms *" (texhax011) printer: .tfm files for hewlett-packard series ii laser * (texhax023) printer: re: .tfm files for hewlett-packard series ii laser * (texhax028) printer: driver for ibm 4216 laser *? (texhax046) printer: * resident adobe fonts with tex (texhax056) printer: cyrillic fonts for ln03 * (texhax063) printer: * drivers that supports tpic specials (texhax071) printer: problems (again) with ln03 * on vax/vms (texhax078) printer: vaxstation 2000 previewer/ atari laser * driver (texhax092) printer: re: driver for epson lq-500 * (texhax101) printer: lisp pretty * (texhax105) printers: new discussion list for xerox * (texhax036) printers: dvi-to-text and * (texhax039) printers: high-speed postscript * (texhax039) printers: re: dvi-to-text and * (texhax041) printers: tex for line * (texhax042) printers: postscript emulators for common * (texhax075) printers: postscript emulation for common * (clarification) (texhax078) printers: postscript emulation for common * (texhax080) printers: ams fonts for higher resolution * (texhax087) printing: preventing bibitem from * [ ] in latex (texhax037) printing: pretty * using tex (texhax040) printing: re: preventing bibitem from * [ ] in latex (texhax040) printing: pretty * with tex (texhax043) printing: re: pretty * using tex (texhax40.88) (texhax043) printing: tex and music *? (texhax069) printing: sideways * (texhax083) printing: macros for * words, lines and files verbatim (texhax085) printing: * out box coordinates (texhax093) printronics: driver for a * p600? (texhax063) printserver40: tex and dec's (postscript) * (lps40) (texhax010) probably: dvi output on the hp deskjet (why you * don't want it) (texhax086) problem--a: japanese kanji input * review (texhax035) procedure: tex/metafont vms installation * (texhax107) proceedings: ieee conference * style (texhax012) proceedings: re: ieee conference * style (texhax012) processing: token-by-token * of macro arguments (texhax073) processing: * .idx files / \myheadings bug ? (texhax084) processing: unix style tex *? (texhax110) processor: dvi post * for vax/vms - hplaserjet (texhax066) producing: update on macros for * chemical structural formulae (texhax022) producing: * simple document for online viewing using latex(request) (texhax099) producing: re: * simple document for online viewing.... (texhax100) professor: * ward's dview for pcs: cm fonts are available. (texhax064) proffesional: tex for * 380 (texhax087) program: scribe to tex conversion *? (texhax012) program: wanted: dvi re-ordering * for unix (texhax051) program: re: wanted: dvi re-ordering * for unix (texhax053) program: wanted: * to remove tex macros from files... (texhax065) program: improved `page layout in latex' * (texhax070) programming: schemetex---simple support for literate * in lisp. (texhax039) programmming: structured tex macro * (texhax102) programs: line breaking in *. (texhax042) programs: a verbatim mode for computer * (texhax079) proof: need help with metafont * font (texhax009) proof: help: need "*" environment (texhax030) proof: re: help: need "*" environment (texhax037) proof: putting a qed at the end of a * in amstex. (texhax052) proof: re: putting a qed at the end of a * in amstex. (texhax053) proof: re: putting a qed at the end of a * (texhax055) proof: putting a qed box at the end of a * (texhax073) proposal: nsf * tools (texhax063) proprinter(x24: needed: dvi2proprinter driver for the ibm *) family (texhax105) ps-800: tex on the qms *+ (texhax017) ps/80: mac tex? drivers for ibm *? (texhax045) psdf: need * filter for sun (texhax042) psdvi: * announcement (was: linotron 300) (texhax015) psfig: personal tex's ptilaser/ps and * (texhax034) psfig: beta test dvi2ps with * support. (texhax047) psfig: macintosh illustrations and * (texhax100) psfig.tex: personal tex's ptips won't work with * (texhax028) psfig/tex: * (texhax049) psprint: re: * and dvitovdu (texhax086) psprint: ***bug in all versions of dvitovdu and **** (texhax110) pstex: * needed (texhax055) pstex: re: * (sic) needed (texhax058) pstodvi: wanted: * (texhax105) ptilaser/ps: personal tex's * and psfig (texhax034) ptips: personal tex's * won't work with psfig.tex (texhax028) public: * domain previewer wanted/and a puzzle (texhax018) public: needed: a * domain dvi2ps (texhax104) public: a * domain dvi to ascii (texhax106) public: needed: * domain versions of tex and latex for ibm pc (texhax110) publication: brief pause in texhax * (texhax078) punctuation: hung *; index for texhax (texhax000) putting: * a qed at the end of a proof in amstex. (texhax052) putting: re: * a qed at the end of a proof in amstex. (texhax053) putting: re: * a qed at the end of a proof (texhax055) putting: * a qed box at the end of a proof (texhax073) puzzle: an interesting *. (texhax014) puzzle: texhax14.88 an interesting * (texhax017) puzzle: public domain previewer wanted/and a * (texhax018) puzzles: more * (texhax030) pxl: salvaging * fonts (texhax095) pxl: re: salvaging * fonts (texhax098) pxtogf: pxtopk or * change file for vax/vms wanted. (texhax095) pxtopk: * problems on vms (texhax014) pxtopk: * changes for vax/vms (texhax024) pxtopk: where's * {\bf version 2.3}?? (texhax028) pxtopk: * or pxtogf change file for vax/vms wanted. (texhax095) pxtopx: bug in kellerman & smith version 2.2.0 of * (texhax024) pyramids: tex on * (texhax006) pyramids: tex on * (texhax008) qed: putting a * at the end of a proof in amstex. (texhax052) qed: re: putting a * at the end of a proof in amstex. (texhax053) qed: re: putting a * at the end of a proof (texhax055) qed: putting a * box at the end of a proof (texhax073) qms: * software now available (texhax006) qms: umlauts eaten by * printer (texhax007) qms: umlauts eaten by * printer (texhax008) qms: * postscript printer. (texhax010) qms: stephen page's "umlauts eaten by * printer" (texhax011) qms: * software now available (texhax012) qms: tpic support added to * driver (texhax013) qms: tex on the * ps-800+ (texhax017) qms/talaris: dvi -> * (texhax060) query: answer to changebar * 88 #108) (texhax111) query: * re downloadable fonts for linotronic 300 (texhax012) query: write-white fonts * (texhax023) query: dvi2ln3 * (texhax058) query: laserprinter * (texhax091) query: 11pt fonts * (texhax095) query: maple to tex conversions (texhax 92 *) (texhax097) query: tex and latex on the mac ii (texhax 92 *) (texhax097) query: 11pt fonts * (texhax digest v88 #95) (texhax100) query: *: how do you get the czech long u (circle over a u)? (texhax107) query: * regarding texsun installation (texhax109) quest: font * (repeat submission, mailer is iffy) (texhax079) questions: some * about fonts (texhax007) questions: re: some * about fonts (texhax014) questions: some answers to peter flynn's recent *. (texhax035) questions: your * about tex versions. (texhax039) questions: * lost (texhax044) questions: two * (texhax044) questions: bibtex *: summary of response (texhax045) questions: dvi3820 & metafont * (texhax065) questions: latex style * (texhax079) questions: various * (texhax085) questions: * (texhax088) questions: * (texhax099) questions: * in textures (texhax105) questions: assorted * about problems with latex (texhax111) questions/requests: two bibtex * (texhax039) qume: metafont settings for * scripten; tex on pcs (texhax043) r2bib: bib stuff: * & keys (texhax062) raggedright: re: * (texhax052) raggedright: latex * and textheight (texhax055) ramdisk: pc * performance (texhax094) random: using dvilaser to print tex pages in * order (texhax056) random: * notes and complaints (texhax067) random: re: * notes and complaints (texhax069) raster: info in cmfont * files. (texhax004) rcs: * headers in a title under latex? (texhax003) re-ordering: wanted: dvi * program for unix (texhax051) re-ordering: re: wanted: dvi * program for unix (texhax053) re:page: * make-up challenge (texhax097) read: making metafont * local.mf and write the right output files (texhax078) reading: \newread and * and writing the same file. (texhax042) reading: re: \newread and * and writing the same file. (texhax043) reading: * files from vms sub-directories in latex (texhax060) reasonable: first release of limited, *, tex support for hebrew. (texhax007) reasonable: a * detex (texhax104) recent: some answers to peter flynn's * questions. (texhax035) recent: lamport's * answers (texhax047) recent: re: lamport's * answers (texhax050) recent: re: lamport's * answers (texhax050) recompiling: problems * mf for vax/vms (texhax054) redistribution: tex * for other networks. (texhax006) redistribution: (unix-) tex * (texhax039) redistribution: (unix-) tex * (texhax digest v88 #39) (texhax041) ref2bib: * (texhax092) refer: * to bibtex conversion (texhax079) refer: * to bibtex conversion (texhax083) refer: conversion of * database (texhax084) refer: * -> bibtex conversion (texhax095) refer(troff)-to-bibtex: * filter wanted (texhax111) reference: apa * style (texhax041) reference: need * to metafont fix for \leftarrow, \rightarrow (texhax061) reference: * work for document layout standards (texhax078) reference: * works for document layout (texhax081) reference: re: * works for document layout (texhax81.88) (texhax087) regard: error * bibtex in texhax #98, 1988 (texhax099) regarding: query * texsun installation (texhax109) registering: * mf names (texhax075) registering: * mf names (texhax075) registering: re: * mf names (texhax078) registers: tex inputs declare.tex (allocating * locally) (texhax102) regular: mixing landscape and * fonts in a picture (texhax102) release: first * of limited, reasonable, tex support for hebrew. (texhax007) release: tex * (texhax012) release: vax/vms * tapes (texhax013) release: announcement: fig 1.4.fs and transfig 1.4 * 3 (texhax076) remark: * on volume 88, issue 92 (texhax094) remarks: tex on decnet/span: * (texhax038) remove: wanted: program to * tex macros from files... (texhax065) removing: re: * the rightmost elements of a token-list (texhax078) renewcounter: * (texhax001) repeat: chemical formulae macros (*) (texhax079) repeat: font quest (* submission, mailer is iffy) (texhax079) replies: * to my problem with local.mf and metafont. (texhax076) reply: missing * (texhax016) reply: *: single and double spacing in figures (v88 n23) (texhax027) report: including gemdrawings: * (texhax014) report: dd form 1473, 84 mar: * documentation page (texhax035) repository: re: tex file * for europe (texhax093) representing: problem of * oriental languages (texhax038) request: @file * (texhax008) request: @file * rscsencode (texhax008) request: @file * uuencode (texhax008) request: pictex * (texhax014) request: * for "thesis" macros and a naive question (texhax029) request: @file * (texhax036) request: @file * rscsencode (texhax036) request: @file * uuencode (texhax036) request: * for vms change file for dvidoc (texhax048) request: * for information on phyzzx (texhax053) request: @file * (texhax064) request: @file * rscsencode (texhax064) request: @file * uuencode (texhax064) request: chemistry tex: * for advice and suggestions. (texhax064) request: * for pd tex on the mac (texhax080) request: * for ctex sources. (texhax096) request: * for e-mail access on behalf of third-party (texhax102) request: * for tex/latex for ms-dos/pc environment (texhax110) request: font * (univers 65 and univers 55) (texhax110) request: tex users group membership information * form. (texhax110) requests: bibtex and preview * (texhax066) rere: *: \immediate\write problem (texhax038) research: * assistant sought (texhax000) reserving: * two blank pages? (texhax041) resetting: * \textheight in latex style-option files (texhax030) resident: printer * adobe fonts with tex (texhax056) resolution: low * cmr fonts (texhax078) resolution: ams fonts for higher * printers (texhax087) response: * to bold math symbols (texhax029) response: bibtex questions: summary of * (texhax045) response: re: bibtex 0.99c (a * to the above message) (texhax106) responses: tex/latex math <=> macsyma (summary of *) (texhax109) rest: * of line as macro argument (texhax065) rest: re: * of line as macro argument (texhax067) rest: re: * of line as macro argument (texhax069) retaining: * font style when changing size (texhax095) retraction: tex style for vms manuals (*) (texhax053) reversing: * indentation (texhax009) review: japanese kanji input problem--a * (texhax035) revisited: style parameters * (texhax022) revisited: indexing the unix way -- * (texhax053) revisited: underlined and centred text in latex (*) (texhax055) rich: microsoft * text format (texhax000) rich: microsoft * text format (texhax digest v88 #33) (texhax035) rich: microsoft * text format, rtf (texhax078) ricoh: * engine shadowing (texhax012) ricoh: dvi to * 4081-r1 ? (texhax045) right: making metafont read local.mf and write the * output files (texhax078) right: floating * hand figures (texhax110) right-to-left: mixing * texts with stxet thgir-ot-tfel (texhax012) rightmost: re: removing the * elements of a token-list (texhax078) rith: mixing * to left text in tex. (texhax015) rochester: * latex archives (texhax089) rogers's: re: david f. * message, v88 #47 (texhax049) rogers: hanging sectionhead macro of david f *, texhax 88(10) (texhax014) role: lamport's * (texhax050) rom: computer modern fonts in *? (texhax048) rom: cm fonts in * (texhax#48) (texhax052) roman: times * in metafont (texhax020) roman: re: times * in metafont (texhax022) rotating: * output (texhax094) rotating: * portions of tex output (in textures) (texhax094) rotation: text * (texhax051) rscsencode: @file request * (texhax008) rscsencode: @file request * (texhax036) rscsencode: @file request * (texhax064) rt/pc: web2c works on ibm * running aos 4.3 (texhax089) rtf: microsoft rich text format, * (texhax078) run: on what systems will tib *? (texhax047) running: getting tex up and * on sun-3 (texhax055) running: any trip tested versions of tex * under xenix (texhax059) running: web2c works on ibm rt/pc * aos 4.3 (texhax089) running: tex * on cdc's nos/ve (texhax110) runoff: how do i get flexible font * style literals in tex? (texhax048) runoff: texhax digest #48 - * macros (texhax051) salvaging: * pxl fonts (texhax095) salvaging: re: * pxl fonts (texhax098) same: \newread and reading and writing the * file. (texhax042) same: re: \newread and reading and writing the * file. (texhax043) samples: doing a newsletter in tex & full page calendar (any *?) (texhax068) sanity: a plea for * (texhax018) sans-serif: painless way to typeset everything in * (texhax000) sans-serif: painless way to typeset everything in * (texhax045) sas/graph: * on tex (texhax021) save: latex causing tex * space error (texhax009) save: * stack woes. . . . (texhax082) saving: * space for specials? (texhax011) sbtex: availability of * and cdvi (texhax110) schemetex---simple: * support for literate programming in lisp. (texhax039) science.utah: makeindex.arc @ * needs editing (texhax045) score's: inconsistency in * latex files (texhax012) score: changes to mssymb.tex at * (texhax035) score: immoderate notes: * had some disk problems (texhax039) score: instructions for ftping tex from * (texhax075) score: instructions for ftping tex from * (texhax085) score: ftping tex from * / listserv (texhax089) score: ftping from *: here is europe! (texhax092) score: ftping tex from * (texhax v88 #89) (texhax092) screen: tex * driver for princeton graphic systems lm-300 with (texhax023) screen: * driver for tex for vax 8530 (texhax035) screen: x-10.4 * driver? (texhax082) screens: previewers for ibm rt pc and for cga * (texhax083) scribe: convert from bibtex or * .bib files to tib databases (texhax004) scribe: * to tex conversion program? (texhax012) script: 1. enumerate 2. * fonts (texhax027) script: re: 1. enumerate 2. * fonts (texhax031) script: waterloo * conversion to latex or tex (texhax099) script: re: waterloo * conversion to latex or tex (texhax100) script: needed: bold math symbols in * style (texhax104) scripten: metafont settings for qume *; tex on pcs (texhax043) scripts: shell * for .bib files (texhax008) scripts: two texhax shell * (texhax057) scriptwriter: postscript for dec * (texhax042) scriptwriter: re: postscript for dec * (texhax044) search: * paths (font files) for drivers (texhax008) search: re: directory pointers? [vms logical name * lists] (texhax061) section: no indent after * header (texhax012) section: no indent after * header (texhax014) section: no indent after * header (texhax015) section: bizarre latex problem with \{ \} in * names and such (texhax052) section: * heading placement... (texhax053) section: indentation after a * heading (texhax055) section: style option macro for indentation after * heads (texhax058) section-page: * page numbering (texhax037) section-page: * page numbering (texhax040) sectionhead: hanging * macro (texhax010) sectionhead: hanging * macro of david f rogers, texhax 88(10) (texhax014) sectioning: latex: indentation after * (texhax072) sectioning: re: latex: indenting after * (texhax076) sections: indented first paragraphs for * (re: v.88, n.72) (texhax075) seems: how high is this box (\ht\boxno * to be wrong) (texhax071) selection: bibtex's * of "widest label" (texhax070) selection: re: bibtex's * of "widest label" (texhax070) semitic.sty: * (texhax080) sentences: vertical * in the margin? (texhax071) sep: contents of the latex style collection, * 23 1988 (texhax085) separate: * chapter bibliographies with latex and bibtex (texhax104) separate: * chapter bibliographies with latex & bibtex (texhax107) series: dvi to sun and hp laserjet * ii (texhax022) series: .tfm files for hewlett-packard * ii laser printer (texhax023) series: re: .tfm files for hewlett-packard * ii laser printer (texhax028) server: archive * users - stop using wiscwm as a bitnet gateway (texhax006) server: latex style * breakdown on 4/29 (texhax043) set: chinese character * (texhax040) set: latex font * (texhax049) set: standard * of computer modern. (texhax050) set: re: standard * of computer modern (texhax052) set: footnotes, * like a paragraph (texhax056) sets: symbols for special * of numbers in latex (texhax029) setting: * undertildes (texhax018) settings: metafont mode_def * for dataproducts lzr-2665 (texhax020) settings: metafont * for qume scripten; tex on pcs (texhax043) sgml: latex + * (texhax052) sgml: * to tex converter (texhax082) sgml/tex: * (texhax003) shadowing: ricoh engine * (texhax012) sharing: * a bibtex database (texhax106) shell: * scripts for .bib files (texhax008) shell: two texhax * scripts (texhax057) shopping: comparison * for workstations (texhax015) short: latex "* verbatim" mode (texhax072) short: a small idea for * name macros (with correction) (texhax100) should: some \catcode changing macros * be \outer (texhax079) sic: re: pstex (*) needed (texhax058) sideways: * text in latex (texhax038) sideways: * printing (texhax083) sign: height of the minus * in cmsy fonts (texhax106) signed: * halfwords (texhax047) similar: something * to the dangerous bend (texhax014) similar: somthing * . . . == dropinitial (texhax digest v88 #14) (texhax017) similar: something * to the dangerous bend (texhax018) simple: producing * document for online viewing using latex(request) (texhax099) simple: re: producing * document for online viewing.... (texhax100) sines: computing * in tex (texhax036) sines: re: computing * in tex (texhax039) single: file extensions, and having a * tex.exe (texhax016) single: * and double spacing in figures (texhax023) single: reply: * and double spacing in figures (v88 n23) (texhax027) single-spaced: double-spaced document with * captions. (texhax034) singlespacing: doublespacing and * (v.88, n.23,27,29) (texhax034) site-specific: * environment in latex (?) (texhax024) sites: unix *: changes for multiple copies in "iptex" (texhax040) size: don't let latex grow in *! (re: latex for foreign languages) (texhax002) size: latex figure captions vs line buffer * (texhax061) size: re: latex figure captions vs. buffer * (texhax064) size: question about math in 'huge' * (texhax073) size: retaining font style when changing * (texhax095) skin: lamport, gurus, thicker * (texhax050) sliced: immoderate notes: brief pause in texhax; issue 17 * up (texhax018) slide: need help about * making. (texhax047) slides: *, slitex and lcg01...? (texhax058) slitex: bibtex, previewer, * (texhax016) slitex: * on unix (texhax030) slitex: * on unix (texhax030) slitex: * font problem (texhax052) slitex: a problem with dvitovdu and * usin \large fonts (texhax058) slitex: slides, * and lcg01...? (texhax058) slitex: \begin{picture} or \beginpicture in *? (texhax110) small: oldstyle numerals for * caps (texhax058) small: what people call ``* capitals'' (texhax082) small: re: texhax digest v88 #82 (``* capitalists'') (texhax084) small: * caps (texhax digest v88 #84) (texhax086) small: * capitals (texhax84.88) (texhax087) small: a * idea for short name macros (with correction) (texhax100) small: latex--the * caps command (texhax104) smith: bug in kellerman & * version 2.2.0 of pxtopx (texhax024) smp: utility for conversion from * format to tex/latex wanted. (texhax089) snakebit: this issue is *! (texhax045) software: qms * now available (texhax006) software: qms * now available (texhax012) software: * for multiple change files (texhax073) solution: aligning eqnarray terms - * (texhax010) solution: * of "table of contents" problem (texhax029) solution: line numbering tex output - a partial * (texhax035) solution: microtex, '386, and expanded memory problem & * (texhax047) solution: space around operator in eqnarray (*) (texhax057) solution: re: problems with problems (*) (texhax071) some: * questions about fonts (texhax007) some: re: * questions about fonts (texhax014) some: * answers to peter flynn's recent questions. (texhax035) some: immoderate notes: score had * disk problems (texhax039) some: bug in * versions of dvi2ps/dvips? (texhax066) some: * \catcode changing macros should be \outer (texhax079) something: * similar to the dangerous bend (texhax014) something: * similar to the dangerous bend (texhax018) somthing: * similar . . . == dropinitial (texhax digest v88 #14) (texhax017) son: * of texpictex.tex (texhax105) sorting: bibtex * (texhax088) sorting: re: bibtex * (texhax091) sought: research assistant * (texhax000) source: latex * formatter? (texhax006) source: tex * for pc/ms-dos (texhax063) source: * for dvi driver (texhax078) sources: tex * for bitnet users (texhax005) sources: ams font metafont * wanted... (texhax092) sources: request for ctex *. (texhax096) space: latex causing tex save * error (texhax009) space: saving * for specials? (texhax011) space: a little extra * ? (texhax050) space: re: a little extra * ? (texhax051) space: * around operator in eqnarray (solution) (texhax057) space: where's the hidden *? (texhax095) spaces: macro to trim * (texhax011) spaces: macro to trim *, 2 (texhax011) spacing: single and double * in figures (texhax023) spacing: reply: single and double * in figures (v88 n23) (texhax027) spacing: re: line * (texhax056) spacing: double * with latex (texhax058) spacing: tolling the bell on theses double * (texhax060) spacing: vertical * in tables (texhax060) spacing: double * in theses (texhax062) spacing: uneven * in \tt\obeyspaces (texhax080) spacing: * question (texhax097) span: tex and metafont on * (texhax067) spanish: * hyphenation (texhax035) spanish: * hyphenation patterns (texhax049) special: symbols for * sets of numbers in latex (texhax029) special: * characters and mf in cms (texhax055) special: * issue of texmag planned (texhax056) special: immoderate notes: * issue of texhax (texhax074) specials: dviimp * and plot on tops-20 (texhax003) specials: gf * for font parameters (texhax digest v88 #06) (texhax008) specials: saving space for *? (texhax011) specials: printer drivers that supports tpic * (texhax071) specials: dvi (with tpic *) drivers -- summary (texhax077) specials: dvi (w/ tpic *) drivers update (texhax081) specials: postscript * (texhax110) specs: looking for latex book.sty w/mcgraw-hill * (texhax085) split: multipage * tables (texhax105) springer-verlag: latex macros for * now available (texhax040) sprite.sty: a macro that allows you to define your own characters (*) (texhax106) square: * brackets (texhax045) square: re: displaying text within large * brackets (texhax049) stack: save * woes. . . . (texhax082) standard: for what paper-sizes are latex * styles/options designed? (texhax029) standard: * fonts (texhax041) standard: "*" collection of cm fonts (texhax044) standard: re: "*" collection of cm fonts [long message] (texhax047) standard: * set of computer modern. (texhax050) standard: re: * set of computer modern (texhax052) standard: latex: for what paper-sizes are * styles/options designed? (texhax063) standardizing: * dvi2ps (texhax020) standardizing: * on postscript tfms (texhax060) standardizing: re: * on postscript tfms (texhax064) standardizing: re: * on postscript tfms (texhax067) standardizing: re: * on postscript tfms (texhax069) standardizing: re: * on postscript tfms (texhax67.88) (texhax069) standardizing: re: re: * on postscript tfm (texhax070) standardizing: * (naming) tfms derived from adobe afms (texhax071) standards: reference work for document layout * (texhax078) start: announcement in texhax of * of dutch users group (texhax049) state: latex style for arizona * univ. thesis wanted (texhax077) station: vax * dvi previewer (texhax015) stephen: * page's "umlauts eaten by qms printer" (texhax011) sticky: * problem (texhax052) stop: archive server users - * using wiscwm as a bitnet gateway (texhax006) story: floppy tex: the whole * (texhax069) strange: * interaction in latex (texhax020) strike: the ln03a fonts * again...(not enough) (texhax079) string: * operations? (texhax042) string: re: vms manuals in tex/ * operations? (texhax044) stripping: re: * comments from .sty files (texhax020) structural: update on macros for producing chemical * formulae (texhax022) structured: * tex macro programmming (texhax102) stuff: bib *: r2bib & keys (texhax062) stuff: re: bib *: keys (texhax065) stuff: tex * for pc/ms-dos (texhax63.88) (texhax067) stuff: tex * for pc/ms-dos (texhax63.88) (texhax068) stuff: finding the height and depth of maths * (texhax075) stuff: hercules driver using beebe's *? (texhax077) stuff: access to tex-related * by anonymous ftp from yale (texhax083) stxet: mixing right-to-left texts with * thgir-ot-tfel (texhax012) sty: .doc vs .* (texhax008) sty: re: stripping comments from .* files (texhax020) style: latex headers wider than text * hack wanted (texhax006) style: my date in latex letter * (texhax006) style: contents of latex * collection, 21st january 1988 (texhax008) style: subject lines and latex letter * (texhax008) style: acm * file (texhax010) style: re: subject lines and latex letter * (texhax010) style: ieee conference proceedings * (texhax012) style: re: ieee conference proceedings * (texhax012) style: looking for ams-tex * files (texhax015) style: new .bst files in latex * collection (texhax018) style: latex * and indented 1st paras (texhax020) style: * parameters revisited (texhax022) style: varying the numbering * in enumerate environments. (texhax022) style: need a bib * file (texhax025) style: varying the numbering * in enumerate environments. (texhax026) style: * files for bib (texhax027) style: man * (texhax028) style: chemistry journal bibtex * (texhax029) style: alternate page numbering * in latex (texhax030) style: re: varying the numbering * in enumerate environments. (texhax030) style: chapter # - page # numbering for book * (texhax031) style: bibtex chem journal * (texhax035) style: re: chapter # - page # numbering for book * (texhax035) style: contents of the latex * collection, april 4th 1988 (texhax036) style: amstex * files available (texhax038) style: apa reference * (texhax041) style: c preprocessor for bibtex * files (texhax041) style: latex * server breakdown on 4/29 (texhax043) style: tex * for vms manuals (texhax044) style: how do i get flexible font runoff * literals in tex? (texhax048) style: ? bibtex * file (.bst) wanted for annotated bibliographies ? (texhax049) style: latex * files for apple lw built-in fonts (texhax053) style: tex * for vms manuals (retraction) (texhax053) style: threecolumn *? (texhax057) style: * option macro for indentation after section heads (texhax058) style: three column * for latex (texhax059) style: the "fixup" * option (texhax062) style: contents of the latex * collection, july 1st 1988 (texhax064) style: latex * for ieee cs book? (texhax071) style: latex * for arizona state univ. thesis wanted (texhax077) style: latex * questions (texhax079) style: apa * (texhax084) style: letter * file (texhax084) style: contents of the latex * collection, sep 23 1988 (texhax085) style: "n of m" pagination latex * option (texhax087) style: retaining font * when changing size (texhax095) style: telephone directory document *? (texhax099) style: needed: bold math symbols in script * (texhax104) style: latex * for unix man pages (texhax110) style: unix * tex processing? (texhax110) style-option: resetting \textheight in latex * files (texhax030) styles: alternate bibliography * (texhax000) styles: texhax digest v87 #105 - thesis * (texhax002) styles: bug in bibtex alphabetic *? (texhax011) styles: re: updated bibtex * (texhax012) styles: re: bug in bibtex alphabetic *? (texhax014) styles: looking for (la)tex * to typeset music (texhax015) styles: aaai-88 * (texhax039) styles: alternative * to "article" (texhax058) styles: new bibtex * (texhax059) styles: re: new bibtex * (texhax064) styles/options: for what paper-sizes are latex standard * designed? (texhax029) styles/options: latex: for what paper-sizes are standard * designed? (texhax063) sub-directories: reading files from vms * in latex (texhax060) subeqnarray: new latex environment, * (texhax104) subject: * lines and latex letter style (texhax008) subject: re: * lines and latex letter style (texhax010) subject: * cross-referencing bibtex databases (texhax047) submission: four topics with one * (texhax004) submission: font quest (repeat *, mailer is iffy) (texhax079) submission---merge: texhax * substyle (texhax081) submissions: latex files and journal * (texhax099) submissions: tex for journal * (texhax099) subscribers: immoderate notes: forced migration of bitnet * (texhax036) subset: web/pascal * (texhax098) substitution: font * tables (texhax002) substyle: texhax submission---merge * (texhax081) such: bizarre latex problem with \{ \} in section names and * (texhax052) suggestion: a * to font designers present and future. (texhax037) suggestions: chemistry tex: request for advice and *. (texhax064) suggestions: *, anyone? (texhax099) suggestions: new latex manual (*) (texhax110) suitable: problem creating * tex fonts for ln03r on vms (texhax047) suitable: problem creating * tex fonts for ln03 on ultrix (texhax055) suitable: creating * tex fonts for ln03 (re: texhax 55) (texhax057) suitable: re: problem creating * tex fonts for ln03 on ultrix (texhax058) summary: bibtex questions: * of response (texhax045) summary: * of page # of # (texhax068) summary: dvi (with tpic specials) drivers -- * (texhax077) summary: tex/latex math <=> macsyma (* of responses) (texhax109) sums: check * (texhax050) sums: re: check * (texhax051) sun: dvi to * and hp laserjet series ii (texhax022) sun: common tex 2.9 and * os 3.5 (texhax037) sun: * 4 undump (texhax038) sun: need psdf filter for * (texhax042) sun: installing tex on a * 3 (texhax060) sun: hp laserjet ii dvi postprocessor for * ? (texhax072) sun: dvi2ps on a * 386i (and a previewer for that matter) (texhax099) sun-3: getting tex up and running on * (texhax055) sun-3: unix tex for the * (texhax068) sun-3: unix tex for the * (texhax069) sun3/50-60: re: metafont on * (texhax001) sun3/50-60: metafont on * (texhax digest v88 #01) (texhax003) sun3/50-60: metafont on * (texhax digest v88 #01) (texhax003) sun3/50-60: re: metafont on * (texhax digest v88 #01) (texhax003) sun4: undump for the * (texhax058) sunos: tex on * version 4 (texhax072) suns: where do i get tex for my *? (texhax017) sunview: imagen and * "gf" drivers (texhax015) superscripted: * citation format (texhax027) superscripted: * citations in latex (texhax028) supertabular: * (texhax038) supertabular: * (texhax042) support: first release of limited, reasonable, tex * for hebrew. (texhax007) support: tpic * added to qms driver (texhax013) support: latex editing * in gnu emacs (texhax028) support: schemetex---simple * for literate programming in lisp. (texhax039) support: beta test dvi2ps with psfig *. (texhax047) support: tex memory limits : * for virtual memory systems. (texhax070) support: dutch hyphenation, xerox 8700 *, digital's document (texhax080) supports: printer drivers that * tpic specials (texhax071) survey: * of postscript fonts in tex (texhax035) svi2ps: * with lw fonts (texhax090) switch: * of fonts in verbatim (texhax011) symbols: phonetic * (texhax005) symbols: * for special sets of numbers in latex (texhax029) symbols: response to bold math * (texhax029) symbols: needed: bold math * in script style (texhax104) symbols: re: bold math * obtained (texhax104) symmetry: * undump (texhax025) symmetry: tex in c on * (texhax025) symmetry: tex in c on * (texhax025) system: tex-to-c on * v (texhax031) system: availability of tex for unix * v (texhax052) system: unix_tex undump for tahoe * v (texhax054) systems: transferring dvi files across * (texhax018) systems: tex screen driver for princeton graphic * lm-300 with (texhax023) systems: big tex/latex for vax/vms *. (texhax044) systems: on what * will tib run? (texhax047) systems: tex memory limits : support for virtual memory *. (texhax070) t40xx: dvi previewer for * (texhax043) tab: fig and * enhancements.. (texhax110) tabbing: accents in * environment in latex (texhax015) tabbing: latex * environment (texhax048) tabbing: parbox in * enviroments (texhax057) table: * of content macro in tex (texhax009) table: re: * of content macro in tex (texhax009) table: solution of "* of contents" problem (texhax029) table: problem with * lookup algorithm in tex (texhax036) table: problem with * lookup algorithm in tex (texhax036) table: problem with * lookup algorithm in tex (texhax037) table: problems with figure and * labels using latex (texhax037) table: problems with figure and * labels using latex (texhax040) table: re: v88 #37 problem w/figure and * captions using latex (texhax040) table: latex * of contents bug? (texhax064) table: landscaped * (texhax099) table-generating: tex inputs cellular.tex (* macros) (texhax103) tables: font substitution * (texhax002) tables: figures and * with \twocolumn (texhax008) tables: question about very long * (texhax028) tables: tex hyphenation * (texhax060) tables: vertical spacing in * (texhax060) tables: boxed * (texhax071) tables: re: boxed * (texhax075) tables: nubs on * (texhax078) tables: re: nubs on * (texhax080) tables: figure inserts, and * (texhax089) tables: full width figures and * in twocolumn.sty (texhax090) tables: multi-page * with column-headings on each page? (texhax100) tables: multipage split * (texhax105) tables: re: multi-page * with page headings on each page (texhax105) tabs: * in latex (texhax111) tabular: * problem? (texhax055) tabular: arrow lines in * environment (texhax056) tabular: \dotfill in * mode in latex (texhax089) tahoe: unix_tex undump for * system v (texhax054) taken: no offense * (texhax036) tangle: output from * (texhax011) tangle: re: output from * (texhax012) tangle.p: * (texhax034) tangle.p: * (texhax digest v88 #34) (texhax036) tape: maria code/stanford tex * distribution (texhax013) tapes: vax/vms release * (texhax013) tbl: * to tex halign wanted (texhax020) technical: how to become a * writer (texhax061) technical: re: how to become a * writer (texhax066) tek: dvi previewer for hds terminal or * 4014 (texhax048) tektronix: wanted: * 41xx preview for vax/vms (texhax030) tektronix: * to postscript for tex (texhax034) tektronix: previewer for * 4010/4014 wanted (texhax106) telephone: * directory document style? (texhax099) tenex: ftp * vs binary mode between tops-20 and unix (texhax050) terminal: dvitovdu * drivers (texhax039) terminal: dvi previewer for hds * or tek 4014 (texhax048) terminal: * output and mf (texhax065) terminal: re: latex display on an ascii * (texhax102) terms: aligning eqnarray * - solution (texhax010) test: beta * dvi2ps with psfig support. (texhax047) test: a * with key (texhax083) tested: any trip * versions of tex running under xenix (texhax059) tex$input: changing * under vms (texhax061) tex's: personal * ptips won't work with psfig.tex (texhax028) tex's: personal * ptilaser/ps and psfig (texhax034) tex's: increasing * memory limits (texhax072) tex's: re: increasing * memory limits (texhax076) tex's: extending * alphabet from 128 to 256 characters (texhax091) tex's: re: extending * alphabet from 128 to 256 characters (texhax095) tex's: re: extending * alphabet from 128 to 256 characters (texhax096) tex(+others: vms(+others) *) bug (was: 256-char tex) (texhax100) tex: * 0.99 now available (texhax000) tex: * on apollo workstations (texhax000) tex: * on decnet: errata (texhax000) tex: * users on apollo (texhax000) tex: plain * and vms tex installation problems (texhax000) tex: plain tex and vms * installation problems (texhax000) tex: * document (texhax001) tex: * for pcs (texhax001) tex: latest vms * distribution (texhax001) tex: new * implementation for msdos: dostex (texhax001) tex: adobe font metric to * font metric converters? (texhax002) tex: is a preloaded * necessary? (re: texhax v87 n103) (texhax002) tex: * on individual workstations (texhax003) tex: inquiry about a \botinsert for plain * (texhax003) tex: microcomputer * (texhax004) tex: plain * question: automatic italic corrections (texhax004) tex: * compatibility among macintosh, vax and ibm (texhax005) tex: * sources for bitnet users (texhax005) tex: * version 2.9 (texhax005) tex: ibm ala print train via *? (texhax005) tex: music typesetting in * (texhax005) tex: pictures in * (texhax005) tex: three column output in latex or *. (texhax005) tex: * for vms & dvi for dec ln03plus (texhax006) tex: * on pyramids (texhax006) tex: * redistribution for other networks. (texhax006) tex: question: * on the linotron300 (texhax006) tex: * on the apollo (texhax007) tex: first release of limited, reasonable, * support for hebrew. (texhax007) tex: re: pictures in * (texhax007) tex: * on a linotron 300 (texhax008) tex: * on pyramids (texhax008) tex: vms * distribution? (texhax008) tex: * and dvi2ps on a convex c1-xp (texhax009) tex: latex causing * save space error (texhax009) tex: re: table of content macro in * (texhax009) tex: table of content macro in * (texhax009) tex: * and dec's (postscript) printserver40 (lps40) (texhax010) tex: common *, tex in c, core dumping for pre-loaded versions (texhax010) tex: common tex, * in c, core dumping for pre-loaded versions (texhax010) tex: verityper vt600 (600 dpi) laser printer and * (texhax010) tex: * on a linotron 300 / postscript dvi driver (texhax011) tex: * release (texhax012) tex: availability of latest vms * distribution via bitnet???? (texhax012) tex: memorandum on * fonts (texhax012) tex: scribe to * conversion program? (texhax012) tex: maria code/stanford * tape distribution (texhax013) tex: * for ctos... (texhax014) tex: * pascal vs. tex in c (texhax014) tex: tex pascal vs. * in c (texhax014) tex: * graphics - fig, pic, fig2* (texhax015) tex: mixing rith to left text in *. (texhax015) tex: update for * on decnet/span (texhax016) tex: * on the qms ps-800+ (texhax017) tex: icelandic * (texhax017) tex: where do i get * for my suns? (texhax017) tex: 2 c compilations of * (texhax018) tex: unix * distribution (texhax018) tex: more common * vs. tex-to-c benchmarks (texhax020) tex: tbl to * halign wanted (texhax020) tex: * and postscript (texhax021) tex: 2 c compilations of * (texhax021) tex: generic pd * for ms-dos (texhax021) tex: sas/graph on * (texhax021) tex: word ==> * (texhax021) tex: a problem with \immediate and \write in * (texhax022) tex: common * annoyance bug (texhax022) tex: re: icelandic * (texhax#19) (texhax022) tex: * for vms, xerox drivers (texhax023) tex: * screen driver for princeton graphic systems lm-300 with (texhax023) tex: a challenge for * macro wizards (texhax023) tex: implicit \global in * (texhax023) tex: transfig - portable figures for * (texhax023) tex: common * patch 2.7 (texhax024) tex: how to get common *? (texhax024) tex: re: common * patch 2.7 (texhax024) tex: re: very narrow columns in plain * (texhax024) tex: very narrow columns in plain * (texhax024) tex: * in c on symmetry (texhax025) tex: * in c on symmetry (texhax025) tex: * on macii (texhax025) tex: apl font for * (texhax025) tex: re: re: pc * v2.1 /i + /z option (texhax025) tex: vax/vms * on decnet/span (texhax027) tex: * (?) previewer on a pc (texhax028) tex: re: a problem with \immediate and \write in * (texhax028) tex: !* on 3b2/400's (texhax030) tex: * for at&t 3b1. (texhax030) tex: re: !* on 3b2/400's (texhax030) tex: error messages in * and latex (texhax031) tex: filter from * files to wordperfect (texhax031) tex: half-tone output using * (texhax031) tex: using * on mac ii (texhax031) tex: * and latex (texhax034) tex: * on linotronic l300 (texhax034) tex: tektronix to postscript for * (texhax034) tex: * on the 3b1 (texhax035) tex: * users on apollo (texhax digest v88 #33) (texhax035) tex: line numbering * output - a partial solution (texhax035) tex: screen driver for * for vax 8530 (texhax035) tex: survey of postscript fonts in * (texhax035) tex: * version (texhax036) tex: * vms change files (texhax036) tex: computing sines in * (texhax036) tex: problem with table lookup algorithm in * (texhax036) tex: problem with table lookup algorithm in * (texhax036) tex: xywrite and * (texhax036) tex: common * 2.9 and sun os 3.5 (texhax037) tex: plain vs. latex (was: plain * and vms tex installation problems) (texhax037) tex: plain vs. latex (was: plain tex and vms * installation problems) (texhax037) tex: problem with table lookup algorithm in * (texhax037) tex: * macro package (texhax038) tex: * on decnet/span: remarks (texhax038) tex: warning: unix * in c writes to file descriptors > 2 (texhax038) tex: (unix-) * redistribution (texhax039) tex: * driver for xerox 3700 in vms (texhax039) tex: plain * vs latex (texhax039) tex: re: computing sines in * (texhax039) tex: re: warning: unix * in c writes to file descriptors > 2 (texhax039) tex: warning: unix * in c writes to file descriptors > 2 (texhax039) tex: your questions about * versions. (texhax039) tex: common * (texhax040) tex: pretty printing using * (texhax040) tex: (unix-) * redistribution (texhax digest v88 #39) (texhax041) tex: * mystery (texhax041) tex: * for line printers (texhax042) tex: flogging * (texhax042) tex: problem with * (texhax042) tex: re: * mystery (texhax #41) (texhax042) tex: vms manuals in * (texhax042) tex: metafont settings for qume scripten; * on pcs (texhax043) tex: pretty printing with * (texhax043) tex: re: pretty printing using * (texhax40.88) (texhax043) tex: re: vms manuals in * (texhax043) tex: * style for vms manuals (texhax044) tex: re: vms manuals in */ string operations? (texhax044) tex: looking for * for the amiga... (texhax045) tex: mac *? drivers for ibm ps/80? (texhax045) tex: how to make * on gould machines (texhax047) tex: increasing * memory for pictex with latex (texhax047) tex: problem creating suitable * fonts for ln03r on vms (texhax047) tex: translating mac postscript to *? (texhax047) tex: * + lps40 (texhax048) tex: common * on pcs? (texhax048) tex: how do i get flexible font runoff style literals in *? (texhax048) tex: dutch * users group (texhax049) tex: expanding * and latex memory (texhax049) tex: placement of page numbers with * (texhax050) tex: availability of * for unix system v (texhax052) tex: bad hyphen in * (texhax052) tex: bug in arbor text * (texhax052) tex: labels for * (texhax052) tex: * style for vms manuals (retraction) (texhax053) tex: re: labels in * (texhax053) tex: * for the archimedes? (texhax054) tex: * headline (texhax054) tex: arbortext * is fixed (texhax054) tex: arbortext's * fixed (texhax054) tex: getting * up and running on sun-3 (texhax055) tex: problem creating suitable * fonts for ln03 on ultrix (texhax055) tex: personal * inc/bitstream fonts for microvax ii and lno3 (texhax056) tex: printer resident adobe fonts with * (texhax056) tex: using dvilaser to print * pages in random order (texhax056) tex: * in the big world (texhax057) tex: * under a/ux (texhax057) tex: creating suitable * fonts for ln03 (re: texhax 55) (texhax057) tex: re: * headline (texhax057) tex: re: problem creating suitable * fonts for ln03 on ultrix (texhax058) tex: * for a pc without hard disk (texhax059) tex: * on vax under vms (texhax059) tex: any trip tested versions of * running under xenix (texhax059) tex: bug in * (texhax059) tex: * hyphenation tables (texhax060) tex: * on apollo workstations (texhax060) tex: installing * on a sun 3 (texhax060) tex: re: usage of personal * inc/bitstream fonts (texhax060) tex: * in c (texhax061) tex: * for a pc without hard disk (texhax063) tex: * for vax/vms and an ln01 (texhax063) tex: * source for pc/ms-dos (texhax063) tex: bug in common * (texhax064) tex: chemistry *: request for advice and suggestions. (texhax064) tex: * files on boston bulletin board (texhax065) tex: * for the ti explorer lx (texhax065) tex: cdvi previewer, * changes (texhax065) tex: re: * for vax/vms ... ln01 (texhax065) tex: wanted: program to remove * macros from files... (texhax065) tex: floppy * (texhax066) tex: * and metafont on span (texhax067) tex: * stuff for pc/ms-dos (texhax63.88) (texhax067) tex: * to c/web to c (texhax067) tex: * stuff for pc/ms-dos (texhax63.88) (texhax068) tex: doing a newsletter in * & full page calendar (any samples?) (texhax068) tex: end-of-line delimited macros in (plain) *. (texhax068) tex: getting * (texhax068) tex: unix * for the sun-3 (texhax068) tex: * and music printing? (texhax069) tex: \halign, \valign in * (texhax069) tex: floppy *: the whole story (texhax069) tex: unix * for the sun-3 (texhax069) tex: * memory limits : support for virtual memory systems. (texhax070) tex: * inputs and formats paths (texhax071) tex: * on sunos version 4 (texhax072) tex: music in * and webtoc. (texhax072) tex: compiling c * with gcc version 1.21 (texhax073) tex: need of a * previewer and driver (texhax073) tex: the best way to do pictures in * (texhax073) tex: tp4 * (texhax073) tex: * novice needs installation advice (texhax075) tex: instructions for ftping * from score (texhax075) tex: re: the best way to do pictures in * (texhax075) tex: * previewer (texhax076) tex: re: the best way to do pictures in * (texhax076) tex: re: the best way to do pictures in * (texhax076) tex: re: the best way to do pictures in * (texhax076) tex: the best way to do the best way to do pictures in * (texhax076) tex: * mystery (texhax079) tex: re: the best way to do pictures in *. (texhax079) tex: * and vax/vms 5.0 (texhax080) tex: problem installing * on a 3b2/400 (texhax080) tex: re: * implementation language zero (texhax080) tex: request for pd * on the mac (texhax080) tex: * for amiga wanted (texhax081) tex: form letters using letter macros in * book (texhax081) tex: sgml to * converter (texhax082) tex: * and genealogy (2nd try) (texhax083) tex: index help for *? (texhax083) tex: re: problem installing * on a 3b2/400 (texhax083) tex: re: the best way to do pictures in * (texhax083) tex: * for the amiga (texhax084) tex: * on fax (texhax084) tex: eel for * (texhax084) tex: problem installing * on a 3b2/400 (texhax digest v88 #80) (texhax084) tex: re: * mystery (texhax #79) (texhax084) tex: instructions for ftping * from score (texhax085) tex: * users group meeting inquiry (texhax086) tex: re: problem installing * (v88 #80): compiler limits (texhax086) tex: unix * in c (texhax086) tex: * at i.p.sharp inquiry (texhax087) tex: * for proffesional 380 (texhax087) tex: journals that accept * (flame) (texhax087) tex: re: * digest no. 82 (texhax088) tex: * on atari st (texhax089) tex: circle and line fonts for * - help me find them (texhax089) tex: ftping * from score / listserv (texhax089) tex: re: macsyma -> * (texhax089) tex: more on bug in * (texhax090) tex: re: journals that accept * (flame) (texhax090) tex: * dumps core! (texhax091) tex: further on * dumps core (texhax091) tex: re: problems with journals that accept * (texhax091) tex: tp4 version of * (texhax091) tex: * and latex on the mac ii (texhax092) tex: ftping * from score (texhax v88 #89) (texhax092) tex: maple to * conversion... (texhax092) tex: re: * digest no. 82 (texhax #88) (texhax092) tex: * driver for nec/esnext/edit (texhax093) tex: journals that accept/request/require * input (bucket of water) (texhax093) tex: re: * file repository for europe (texhax093) tex: * on a mac ii (texhax094) tex: rotating portions of * output (in textures) (texhax094) tex: textures vs * (texhax094) tex: * file depository (texhax095) tex: * for journals (texhax095) tex: re: maple to * conversion... (texhax095) tex: * for ms-dos vs. pc-dos (texhax93.88) (texhax096) tex: erratic behavior of addison-wesley * on pc's (texhax096) tex: ipa fonts for * (texhax096) tex: (1) colour (2) 256-char * (texhax097) tex: * and latex on the mac ii (texhax 92 query) (texhax097) tex: maple to * conversions (texhax 92 query) (texhax097) tex: re: maple to * and a question (texhax097) tex: * (texhax098) tex: * for journals (texhax098) tex: * for journals. (texhax098) tex: including macdraw documents in * files (texhax098) tex: looking for * on apollo (texhax098) tex: maple to * conversion, texhax 95 note (texhax098) tex: re: journals that accept/request/require * input (v88 #93) (texhax098) tex: * for journal submissions (texhax099) tex: * for vax/vms (texhax099) tex: re: * for journals (texhax099) tex: re: looking for * on apollo (texhax099) tex: waterloo script conversion to latex or * (texhax099) tex: * 2.0 -- how outdated is it? (texhax100) tex: * on vm/cms (texhax100) tex: re: waterloo script conversion to latex or * (texhax100) tex: the * users group (texhax100) tex: vms(+others) tex(+others) bug (was: 256-char *) (texhax100) tex: * inputs declare.tex (allocating registers locally) (texhax102) tex: * inputs loopy.tex (nested loop constructs) (texhax102) tex: structured * macro programmming (texhax102) tex: * inputs cellular.tex (table-generating macros) (texhax103) tex: a new ms-dos * (texhax104) tex: * 2.94 for vms (texhax106) tex: the power of * (texhax106) tex: * question re: alignment of additional text in eqnarray (texhax107) tex: absolute positioning in * and latex (texhax109) tex: compress utility & * - a marriage... (texhax109) tex: * running on cdc's nos/ve (texhax110) tex: * users group membership information request form. (texhax110) tex: latest * pd version (texhax110) tex: needed: * previewer for a vax/vms (texhax110) tex: needed: public domain versions of * and latex for ibm pc (texhax110) tex: unix style * processing? (texhax110) tex-c: * bug or feature? (texhax043) tex-c: re: * bug or feature? (texhax046) tex-hacking: hard * question concerning fitting figures on a page (texhax106) tex-related: access to * stuff by anonymous ftp from yale (texhax083) tex-related: access to various * files at yale (texhax095) tex-to-c: * (texhax020) tex-to-c: more common tex vs. * benchmarks (texhax020) tex-to-c: oh no!!! another *!!! (texhax023) tex-to-c: * (texhax024) tex-to-c: oh no!!! another *!!! (texhax digest v88 #23) (texhax027) tex-to-c: * on system v (texhax031) tex-to-c: * on atari st? (texhax038) tex-to-c: tfm checksums may not be a * problem. (texhax digest v88 #39) (texhax041) tex-to-c: re: tfm checksums may not be a * problem (texhax042) tex-to-c: *, web-to-c (texhax066) tex-to-c: comparison of * and web-to-c wanted (texhax070) tex-to-c: * (texhax088) tex-xet: * (texhax digest v88 #12) (texhax015) tex.exe: file extensions, and having a single * (texhax016) tex.texhax>springer.txh: <* (texhax042) tex/latex: multilingual * (texhax040) tex/latex: * on a gould powernode 9080 (texhax042) tex/latex: multilingual * (texhax digest v88 #40) (texhax042) tex/latex: * on a gould powernode 9080 (texhax digest v88 #42) (texhax044) tex/latex: * on a gould powernode 9080 (texhax digest v88 #42) (texhax044) tex/latex: * on a gould powernode 9080 (texhax digest v88 #42) (texhax044) tex/latex: big * for vax/vms systems. (texhax044) tex/latex: * circuit diagrams (texhax045) tex/latex: * training (texhax054) tex/latex: * on an encore (texhax064) tex/latex: * math <=> macsyma (texhax086) tex/latex: utility for conversion from smp format to * wanted. (texhax089) tex/latex: re: * math <=> macsyma (texhax090) tex/latex: * math <=> macsyma (summary of responses) (texhax109) tex/latex: request for * for ms-dos/pc environment (texhax110) tex/metafont: * on icl clan 7 (texhax076) tex/metafont: * vms installation procedure (texhax107) tex/vms: * installation (texhax072) tex88: * european conference and courses --- last chance!! (texhax059) texas: * needs triangles (texhax000) texbib: * in bibtex 0.99 (texhax102) texdraw: * ? (texhax064) texfont.memo: additions to * (texhax026) texhax#19: re: icelandic tex (*) (texhax022) texhax#48: cm fonts in rom (*) (texhax052) texhax14.88: * an interesting puzzle (texhax017) texhax30.88: ``word hy-phen-a-tion by com-put-er'' (*) (texhax034) texhax40.88: re: pretty printing using tex (*) (texhax043) texhax63.88: tex stuff for pc/ms-dos (*) (texhax067) texhax63.88: tex stuff for pc/ms-dos (*) (texhax068) texhax65.88: page # of # pages (*) (texhax067) texhax65.88: page # of # pages (*) (texhax068) texhax67.88: re: standardizing on postscript tfms (*) (texhax069) texhax81.88: re: reference works for document layout (*) (texhax087) texhax84.88: small capitals (*) (texhax087) texhax92.88: bibtex for ibm pc (*) (texhax095) texhax93.88: tex for ms-dos vs. pc-dos (*) (texhax096) texindex.pas: * for vms (texhax088) texindex.pas: * for vms (texhax088) texmag: special issue of * planned (texhax056) texpic: * (texhax006) texpictex.tex: son of * (texhax105) texsun: query regarding * installation (texhax109) text: microsoft rich * format (texhax000) text: problem: multi-lingual parallel * (texhax000) text: latex headers wider than * style hack wanted (texhax006) text: mixing rith to left * in tex. (texhax015) text: microsoft rich * format (texhax digest v88 #33) (texhax035) text: sideways * in latex (texhax038) text: displaying * within large brackets (texhax045) text: underlined and centered * in latex macro (texhax045) text: re: displaying * within large square brackets (texhax049) text: * rotation (texhax051) text: * to very top of page with latex? (texhax052) text: bug in arbor * tex (texhax052) text: underlined and centred * in latex (revisited) (texhax055) text: microsoft rich * format, rtf (texhax078) text: upside-down * (texhax097) text: needed: a \special for dvi2ps that will invert * (texhax104) text: tex question re: alignment of additional * in eqnarray (texhax107) textheight: latex raggedright and * (texhax055) textheight: latex question (^*) (texhax066) textheight: re: ^* (texhax078) textoc: * - checksun problem (texhax039) texts: mixing right-to-left * with stxet thgir-ot-tfel (texhax012) texts: grammar-school math * (texhax053) textures: bibtex for * (texhax016) textures: downloading * fonts from a mac ii to a laserwriter plus. (texhax023) textures: addison-wesley and microtex and * (texhax026) textures: * vs tex (texhax094) textures: rotating portions of tex output (in *) (texhax094) textures: questions in * (texhax105) textwidth: beginners question: how to change the * on the fly (texhax057) textwidth: beginners question: how to change * within a document (texhax065) textyl: availability of * by anonymous ftp (texhax001) texware: distribution of * (texhax029) texware: * ftp locations (texhax085) tfm: apple laserwriter .* files available? (texhax005) tfm: afm to * (texhax digest v88 #11) (texhax013) tfm: .* files for hewlett-packard series ii laser printer (texhax023) tfm: generating * files for hp fonts (texhax028) tfm: re: .* files for hewlett-packard series ii laser printer (texhax028) tfm: * checksums may not be a tex-to-c problem. (texhax digest v88 #39) (texhax041) tfm: re: * checksums may not be a tex-to-c problem (texhax042) tfm: re: zero * checksums (texhax v88 #41) (texhax043) tfm: re: * mismatching (texhax044) tfm: re: zero * checksums (texhax #41,#43) (texhax046) tfm: zero * checksums (texhax #41,#43) (texhax047) tfm: re: re: standardizing on postscript * (texhax070) tfm: * file for adobe's lucida math font (texhax090) tfm: .mf files (or perhaps .pk, .*) (texhax092) tfm: re: .mf files (or perhaps .pk, .*) (texhax095) tfm/pk: checksum errors between * files (texhax092) tfms: standardizing on postscript * (texhax060) tfms: re: standardizing on postscript * (texhax064) tfms: re: standardizing on postscript * (texhax067) tfms: re: standardizing on postscript * (texhax069) tfms: re: standardizing on postscript * (texhax67.88) (texhax069) tfms: standardizing (naming) * derived from adobe afms (texhax071) tgrind: latex version of *. (texhax058) tgrind: * for latex (texhax062) tgrind.sty: *, xxxslides.sty, xxxcustom.tex (texhax011) than: latex headers wider * text style hack wanted (texhax006) thanks: dvi2ln3 garbling problem fixed * to texhax list. (texhax004) thanks: * and comments (texhax051) thanks: no numbers in latex commands, * for the help. (texhax092) that: printer drivers * supports tpic specials (texhax071) that: journals * accept tex (flame) (texhax087) that: re: journals * accept tex (flame) (texhax090) that: re: problems with journals * accept tex (texhax091) that: journals * accept/request/require tex input (bucket of water) (texhax093) that: re: journals * accept/request/require tex input (v88 #93) (texhax098) that: dvi2ps on a sun 386i (and a previewer for * matter) (texhax099) that: needed: a \special for dvi2ps * will invert text (texhax104) that: a macro * allows you to define your own characters (sprite.sty) (texhax106) their: aps is considering latex for * journals (texhax044) them: circle and line fonts for tex - help me find * (texhax089) theorem-like: latex * environments (texhax092) theorem-like: re: latex * environments v88.92 (texhax096) theses: tolling the bell on * double spacing (texhax060) theses: double spacing in * (texhax062) theses--for: latex vs * brian mork (texhax056) thesis: texhax digest v87 #105 - * styles (texhax002) thesis: request for "*" macros and a naive question (texhax029) thesis: latex style for arizona state univ. * wanted (texhax077) thgir-ot-tfel: mixing right-to-left texts with stxet * (texhax012) thicker: lamport, gurus, * skin (texhax050) third-party: request for e-mail access on behalf of * (texhax102) this: * issue is snakebit! (texhax045) this: how high is * box (\ht\boxno seems to be wrong) (texhax071) this: has * latex maybe-bug been fixed already? (texhax081) three: * column output in latex or tex. (texhax005) three: * problems with (la)tex (texhax013) three: * column style for latex (texhax059) threecolumn: * style? (texhax057) tib: convert from bibtex or scribe .bib files to * databases (texhax004) tib: large common bibliography: bibtex or *? (texhax006) tib: * and latex interaction (texhax021) tib: * notes (texhax030) tib: on what systems will * run? (texhax047) tib: * (texhax051) tieing: math mode is * me down (texhax072) times: * roman in metafont (texhax020) times: re: * roman in metafont (texhax022) title: rcs headers in a * under latex? (texhax003) title: need help with hanging * macros (texhax009) title: re: need help with hanging * macros (texhax015) titlepage: problems: \tableofcontents command and [*] option (texhax042) titlepage: problems: \tableofcontents command and [*] option (texhax048) titlepage: * and footnotetext aren't unnumbered (texhax055) token-by-token: * processing of macro arguments (texhax073) token-list: re: removing the rightmost elements of a * (texhax078) tolerate: let's * famous men (texhax050) tolling: * the bell on theses double spacing (texhax060) tools: nsf proposal * (texhax063) top: text to very * of page with latex? (texhax052) topics: four * with one submission (texhax004) tops-20: dviimp specials and plot on * (texhax003) tops-20: ftp tenex vs binary mode between * and unix (texhax050) tower: undump.c needed for ncr * 32 (texhax009) tp4: * tex (texhax073) tp4: * version of tex (texhax091) tpic: re: * (texhax002) tpic: * support added to qms driver (texhax013) tpic: printer drivers that supports * specials (texhax071) tpic: dvi (with * specials) drivers -- summary (texhax077) tpic: dvi (w/ * specials) drivers update (texhax081) tpic: is there a * based on dwb 2.0 pic ? (texhax095) train: ibm ala print * via tex? (texhax005) training: tex/latex * (texhax054) transfer: unix to vax vms dvi file * (texhax016) transferring: * dvi files across systems (texhax018) transferring: more on * dvi files to vax vms (texhax020) transfig: * - portable figures for tex (texhax023) transfig: * version 1.4 available (texhax049) transfig: announcement: fig 1.4.fs and * 1.4 release 3 (texhax076) translating: * mac postscript to tex? (texhax047) translator: fig code to latex picture environment * (texhax055) translators: dvi * (texhax110) treachery: *? (texhax100) triangles: texas needs * (texhax000) tricks: dirty * wanted (texhax071) trim: macro to * spaces (texhax011) trim: macro to * spaces, 2 (texhax011) trip: any * tested versions of tex running under xenix (texhax059) troff: utility for conversion from latex to * wanted (texhax093) troff: * to latex conversion (texhax094) trouble: we are having * using pictex (texhax080) trouble: epic/eepic * (texhax089) trouble: re: epic/eepic * (texhax092) troubles: * with floats (texhax045) troubles: latex eqnarray environment * (texhax080) try: tex and genealogy (2nd *) (texhax083) tug: * ix (texhax061) tug: general information from * (texhax109) tugboat: wanted: hyphenation exception log from * v next8 no 3 (texhax003) tugboat: hyphenation exceptions from * 8#3 (texhax004) tugboat: problem with "page layout in latex" from latest * (texhax045) tugboat: * macros (texhax058) tugboat: re: * macros (texhax058) tugboat: contents of * 9#2 (texhax065) tuglist: * on-line (texhax042) tuglist: re: * on-line (texhax043) turbo: "*" pictex (texhax101) turbolaser/ps: beware of ast * (texhax009) two: * line footers? (texhax018) two: * bibtex questions/requests (texhax039) two: reserving * blank pages? (texhax041) two: * questions (texhax044) two: * texhax shell scripts (texhax057) two: a) lw ii ntx modes b) * column latex (texhax073) two-sided: * documents in latex (texhax049) twocolumn.sty: full width figures and tables in * (texhax090) txmapper: cnaf * (texhax042) type: generalizing \boxit with \leaders * construction for border (texhax020) types: different file * for latex, etc. (texhax016) typeset: painless way to * everything in sans-serif (texhax000) typeset: looking for (la)tex styles to * music (texhax015) typeset: painless way to * everything in sans-serif (texhax045) typesetter: question (unix, *) (texhax087) typesetter: re: question (unix, *) (texhax090) typesetter: computer modern for aps * (texhax091) typesetter: re: question (unix, *) (texhax091) typesetter: re: unix, * & dvi padding format (texhax093) typesetter: re: unix, * & dvi padding format (texhax093) typesetter: re: computer modern for aps *. (texhax094) typesetters: postscript, figures, and * (texhax084) typesetters: re: postscript, figures, and * (texhax086) typesetters: re: postscript, figures, and * (texhax088) typesetters: re: postscript, figures, and * (texhax088) typesetting: music * in tex (texhax005) typesetting: vax vms manual * (texhax045) typesetting: vax vms manual * (texhax048) typographical: * calculator (texhax094) typography: *, math, greek (texhax110) typography: looking for a good book on * (texhax111) ultrascript: dvialw patch to workaround * bug (texhax045) ultrix: problem creating suitable tex fonts for ln03 on * (texhax055) ultrix: re: problem creating suitable tex fonts for ln03 on * (texhax058) umlauts: * eaten by qms printer (texhax007) umlauts: * eaten by qms printer (texhax008) umlauts: bug in bibtex: doesn't like * (texhax011) umlauts: stephen page's "* eaten by qms printer" (texhax011) under: rcs headers in a title * latex? (texhax003) under: tex * a/ux (texhax057) under: any trip tested versions of tex running * xenix (texhax059) under: tex on vax * vms (texhax059) under: changing tex$input * vms (texhax061) under: xdvi * x11? (texhax066) under: dvi driver for apple laserwriter (* ms-dos) wanted. (texhax101) under-twiddle: ? * ? (texhax016) under-twiddle: re: ? * ? (texhax017) underline: * environment (texhax058) underlined: * and centered text in latex macro (texhax045) underlined: * and centred text in latex (revisited) (texhax055) underlining: need latex help - * (texhax045) underlining: re: *; problem with nested footnotes (texhax049) underlining: * (texhax052) underscore: * in identifiers (texhax062) underscore: re: * in identifiers (texhax062) undertildes: setting * (texhax018) undump: problem with unix-tex, *. (texhax007) undump: symmetry * (texhax025) undump: sun 4 * (texhax038) undump: unix_tex * for tahoe system v (texhax054) undump: * for the sun4 (texhax058) undump.c: * needed for ncr tower 32 (texhax009) unending: * \bf; texhax 88#59 (texhax061) uneven: * spacing in \tt\obeyspaces (texhax080) united: * nations logo (texhax031) univ: latex style for arizona state *. thesis wanted (texhax077) univers: font request (* 65 and univers 55) (texhax110) univers: font request (univers 65 and * 55) (texhax110) unix: * distribution and pascal (texhax009) unix: * to vax vms dvi file transfer (texhax016) unix: * tex distribution (texhax018) unix: bibtex change files for * (vax,sun) (texhax018) unix: slitex on * (texhax030) unix: slitex on * (texhax030) unix: warning: * tex in c writes to file descriptors > 2 (texhax038) unix: (*-) tex redistribution (texhax039) unix: re: warning: * tex in c writes to file descriptors > 2 (texhax039) unix: warning: * tex in c writes to file descriptors > 2 (texhax039) unix: * sites: changes for multiple copies in "iptex" (texhax040) unix: (*-) tex redistribution (texhax digest v88 #39) (texhax041) unix: crudetype on * (texhax041) unix: ftp tenex vs binary mode between tops-20 and * (texhax050) unix: wanted: dvi re-ordering program for * (texhax051) unix: availability of tex for * system v (texhax052) unix: indexing the * way -- revisited (texhax053) unix: re: wanted: dvi re-ordering program for * (texhax053) unix: updates to latex files for * (texhax053) unix: * tex for the sun-3 (texhax068) unix: * tex for the sun-3 (texhax069) unix: * tex in c (texhax086) unix: question (*, typesetter) (texhax087) unix: re: question (*, typesetter) (texhax090) unix: re: question (*, typesetter) (texhax091) unix: re: *, typesetter & dvi padding format (texhax093) unix: re: *, typesetter & dvi padding format (texhax093) unix: * style tex processing? (texhax110) unix: latex style for * man pages (texhax110) unix-style: flame of the week: * command interfaces (texhax017) unix-tex: problem with *, undump. (texhax007) unix_dvi: * to vms_dvi conversion (texhax014) unix_tex: * undump for tahoe system v (texhax054) unixtex: * bad files. (texhax095) unnumbered: titlepage and footnotetext aren't * (texhax055) update: c-tex * (texhax004) update: * for tex on decnet/span (texhax016) update: * on macros for producing chemical structural formulae (texhax022) update: dvi (w/ tpic specials) drivers * (texhax081) updated: re: * bibtex styles (texhax012) updates: * to latex files for unix (texhax053) upgrade: vortex * policy (texhax015) upside-down: * text (texhax097) urgent: * \vcenter...\ialign help needed (texhax031) usage: re: * of personal tex inc/bitstream fonts (texhax060) use: macros for * with latex picture environment. (texhax038) use: mft: does anybody * it? (texhax056) use: neat * of \left and \right delimiters (texhax066) use: * of metafont to design chinese characters? (texhax097) usenet: texhax and * (texhax029) users: tex * on apollo (texhax000) users: tex sources for bitnet * (texhax005) users: archive server * - stop using wiscwm as a bitnet gateway (texhax006) users: tex * on apollo (texhax digest v88 #33) (texhax035) users: announcement in texhax of start of dutch * group (texhax049) users: dutch tex * group (texhax049) users: tex * group meeting inquiry (texhax086) users: the tex * group (texhax100) users: tex * group membership information request form. (texhax110) uses: wanted: dviqms which * pk format fonts (texhax003) usin: a problem with dvitovdu and slitex * \large fonts (texhax058) utilities: bibtex "management" *? (texhax000) utility: * for conversion from smp format to tex/latex wanted. (texhax089) utility: * for conversion from latex to troff wanted (texhax093) utility: compress * & tex - a marriage... (texhax109) uuencode: @file request * (texhax008) uuencode: @file request * (texhax036) uuencode: @file request * (texhax064) v.88: doublespacing and singlespacing (*, n.23,27,29) (texhax034) v.88: texhax *, n.52 (re: inbook problem) (texhax053) v.88: re: problem with problems (* n.67) (texhax069) v.88: indented first paragraphs for sections (re: *, n.72) (texhax075) v1.3: possible fix for vms metafont *(?) (texhax020) v12.2: dvi2ln3 * (texhax003) v12.3: dvi2ln3 * (texhax020) v13.0: pk-reading version of dvi2ln3 (*) (texhax068) v13.0: minor insect in dvi2ln3 * (texhax077) v2.0: need dvi2ps * or newer for vax/vms (texhax065) v2.1: warning: pctex * /i + /z option (texhax016) v2.1: re: pctex * /i + /z (texhax021) v2.1: re: re: pc tex * /i + /z option (texhax025) v2.2: pc-writex * (texhax075) v88#25: re: lowercase greek character in bold (texhax *) (texhax030) v88#36: * (answer macro) (texhax039) v88#97: texhax digest * latex notes (texhax101) v88.92: re: latex theorem-like environments * (texhax096) values: extraordinary chardx * in cm fonts (texhax101) vanishing: * pixels (texhax023) vanishing: * pixels (or write-white fonts) texhax digest v88 #23 (texhax027) various: * (texhax018) various: * questions (texhax085) various: access to * tex-related files at yale (texhax095) varityper: initial impressions of * vt600 (texhax011) varityper: initial impressions of * vt600 (texhax digest v88 #11) (texhax013) varying: * the numbering style in enumerate environments. (texhax022) varying: * the numbering style in enumerate environments. (texhax026) varying: re: * the numbering style in enumerate environments. (texhax030) vax: tex compatibility among macintosh, * and ibm (texhax005) vax: * station dvi previewer (texhax015) vax: unix to * vms dvi file transfer (texhax016) vax: more on transferring dvi files to * vms (texhax020) vax: screen driver for tex for * 8530 (texhax035) vax: * vms manual typesetting (texhax045) vax: * vms manual typesetting (texhax048) vax: tex on * under vms (texhax059) vax,sun: bibtex change files for unix (*) (texhax018) vax/vms: gftopk is the a change file for *? (texhax008) vax/vms: * release tapes (texhax013) vax/vms: wanted: c preprocessor for * (texhax021) vax/vms: pxtopk changes for * (texhax024) vax/vms: * tex on decnet/span (texhax027) vax/vms: wanted: tektronix 41xx preview for * (texhax030) vax/vms: bibtex 0.99c for * (texhax042) vax/vms: big tex/latex for * systems. (texhax044) vax/vms: problems recompiling mf for * (texhax054) vax/vms: tex for * and an ln01 (texhax063) vax/vms: need dvi2ps v2.0 or newer for * (texhax065) vax/vms: re: tex for * ... ln01 (texhax065) vax/vms: dvi post processor for * - hplaserjet (texhax066) vax/vms: re: dvi previewers for * (dvi news no. 2) (texhax069) vax/vms: problems (again) with ln03 printer on * (texhax078) vax/vms: tex and * 5.0 (texhax080) vax/vms: pxtopk or pxtogf change file for * wanted. (texhax095) vax/vms: tex for * (texhax099) vax/vms: problems with metafont on * (texhax102) vax/vms: needed: tex previewer for a * (texhax110) vaxen: ftp'ing dvi files to * (texhax039) vaxinated: * dvidis (texhax037) vaxstation: * 2000 previewer/ atari laser printer driver (texhax092) vectors: latex arrowheads and * (texhax050) verbatim: switch of fonts in * (texhax011) verbatim: * and alltt (texhax059) verbatim: * mode (texhax065) verbatim: re: * mode [texhax digest v88 #65] (texhax067) verbatim: re: * mode [texhax digest v88 #65] (texhax069) verbatim: latex "short *" mode (texhax072) verbatim: a * mode for computer programs (texhax079) verbatim: macros for printing words, lines and files * (texhax085) verityper: * vt600 (600 dpi) laser printer and tex (texhax010) version: latex * number (texhax000) version: tex * 2.9 (texhax005) version: bug in k&s pktopx * 2.2.0 (texhax007) version: bug in k&s pktopx * 2.2.0 (texhax008) version: crudetype new * (texhax015) version: problems with vms * of metafont (texhax018) version: bug in kellerman & smith * 2.2.0 of pxtopx (texhax024) version: where's pxtopk {\bf * 2.3}?? (texhax028) version: tex * (texhax036) version: new * of aftopl now available (texhax042) version: vms change file for bibtex * .99c (texhax044) version: transfig * 1.4 available (texhax049) version: dvi2ps : how can i get a better *?? (texhax054) version: latex * of tgrind. (texhax058) version: re: dvi2ps : how can i get a better *?? (texhax060) version: immoderate notes: new * of the fontmemo available (texhax063) version: pk-reading * of dvi2ln3 (v13.0) (texhax068) version: tex on sunos * 4 (texhax072) version: compiling c tex with gcc * 1.21 (texhax073) version: new * of dostex (texhax083) version: need a new (cm) * of dviqms driver (texhax090) version: tp4 * of tex (texhax091) version: latest tex pd * (texhax110) versions: new * (texhax007) versions: common tex, tex in c, core dumping for pre-loaded * (texhax010) versions: your questions about tex *. (texhax039) versions: any trip tested * of tex running under xenix (texhax059) versions: bug in some * of dvi2ps/dvips? (texhax066) versions: ***bug in all * of dvitovdu and psprint*** (texhax110) versions: needed: public domain * of tex and latex for ibm pc (texhax110) vertical: * spacing in tables (texhax060) vertical: latex question - * alignment. (texhax062) vertical: * sentences in the margin? (texhax071) via: ibm ala print train * tex? (texhax005) via: availability of latest vms tex distribution * bitnet???? (texhax012) via: mf * web2 problem - help? (texhax058) via: pd implementation for dos, any available * ftp? (texhax076) viewing: producing simple document for online * using latex(request) (texhax099) viewing: re: producing simple document for online *.... (texhax100) vindicated: metafont * (texhax080) virtual: tex memory limits : support for * memory systems. (texhax070) vm/cms: tex on * (texhax100) vms(+others: *) tex(+others) bug (was: 256-char tex) (texhax100) vms: plain tex and * tex installation problems (texhax000) vms: latest * tex distribution (texhax001) vms: tex for * & dvi for dec ln03plus (texhax006) vms: * tex distribution? (texhax008) vms: bugfixes for * dvitype (texhax010) vms: availability of latest * tex distribution via bitnet???? (texhax012) vms: dvips for * (texhax012) vms: pxtopk problems on * (texhax014) vms: problem with * distribution of metafont (texhax015) vms: * and applelaserwriters (texhax016) vms: unix to vax * dvi file transfer (texhax016) vms: problems with * version of metafont (texhax018) vms: more on transferring dvi files to vax * (texhax020) vms: possible fix for * metafont v1.3(?) (texhax020) vms: tex for *, xerox drivers (texhax023) vms: c preprocessor for * (texhax025) vms: re: * and apple laserwriters (texhax030) vms: tex * change files (texhax036) vms: plain vs. latex (was: plain tex and * tex installation problems) (texhax037) vms: tex driver for xerox 3700 in * (texhax039) vms: * manuals in tex (texhax042) vms: dvi -> postscript on * (texhax042) vms: re: * manuals in tex (texhax043) vms: * change file for bibtex version .99c (texhax044) vms: * changes for bibtex 0.99c (texhax044) vms: re: * manuals in tex/ string operations? (texhax044) vms: tex style for * manuals (texhax044) vms: vax * manual typesetting (texhax045) vms: problem creating suitable tex fonts for ln03r on * (texhax047) vms: request for * change file for dvidoc (texhax048) vms: vax * manual typesetting (texhax048) vms: dvidoc for * (texhax052) vms: tex style for * manuals (retraction) (texhax053) vms: latest dvitovdu for * ? (texhax055) vms: metafont problems in * (texhax059) vms: tex on vax under * (texhax059) vms: reading files from * sub-directories in latex (texhax060) vms: changing tex$input under * (texhax061) vms: re: directory pointers? [* logical name search lists] (texhax061) vms: dvi previewer for * (texhax071) vms: * weave (texhax073) vms: help with pk files on * (texhax073) vms: gftopk change file for * (texhax077) vms: dvidoc for * (texhax078) vms: gftopk for * (texhax079) vms: wanted: dvi-to-ps drivers for * (texhax080) vms: re: dvi-to-ps drivers for * (texhax083) vms: texindex.pas for * (texhax088) vms: texindex.pas for * (texhax088) vms: * gftopxl bug (texhax102) vms: tex 2.94 for * (texhax106) vms: tex/metafont * installation procedure (texhax107) vms_dvi: unix_dvi to * conversion (texhax014) vol: * 88 number 32 (texhax035) volume: remark on * 88, issue 92 (texhax094) vortex: * upgrade policy (texhax015) vortex: x11 previewer, ps previewer and * (texhax070) vortex: * delays cleared up (texhax088) vskip: problem with * in appendix (latex) (texhax002) vt600: verityper * (600 dpi) laser printer and tex (texhax010) vt600: initial impressions of varityper * (texhax011) vt600: initial impressions of varityper * (texhax digest v88 #11) (texhax013) w/figure: re: v88 #37 problem * and table captions using latex (texhax040) w/mcgraw-hill: looking for latex book.sty * specs (texhax085) want: dvi output on the hp deskjet (why you probably don't * it) (texhax086) wanted/and: public domain previewer * a puzzle (texhax018) ward's: professor * dview for pcs: cm fonts are available. (texhax064) warning: latex * (texhax002) warning: *: pctex v2.1 /i + /z option (texhax016) warning: *: unix tex in c writes to file descriptors > 2 (texhax038) warning: *: unix tex in c writes to file descriptors > 2 (texhax039) warning: re: *: unix tex in c writes to file descriptors > 2 (texhax039) warning: no latex * about illegal arguments to \line (texhax053) wars: camera-ready * (texhax023) water: journals that accept/request/require tex input (bucket of *) (texhax093) waterloo: * script conversion to latex or tex (texhax099) waterloo: re: * script conversion to latex or tex (texhax100) way: painless * to typeset everything in sans-serif (texhax000) way: painless * to typeset everything in sans-serif (texhax045) way: indexing the unix * -- revisited (texhax053) way: the best * to do pictures in tex (texhax073) way: re: the best * to do pictures in tex (texhax075) way: re: the best * to do pictures in tex (texhax076) way: re: the best * to do pictures in tex (texhax076) way: re: the best * to do pictures in tex (texhax076) way: the best * to do the best way to do pictures in tex (texhax076) way: the best way to do the best * to do pictures in tex (texhax076) way: re: the best * to do pictures in tex. (texhax079) way: re: the best * to do pictures in tex (texhax083) weave: vms * (texhax073) web: * for ada (texhax000) web: * differences -> change-file ? (texhax102) web: * to c on hp9000/300 (texhax106) web-source: wanted: * for dvi-canon driver (texhax054) web-to-c: tex-to-c, * (texhax066) web-to-c: comparison of tex-to-c and * wanted (texhax070) web/pascal: * subset (texhax098) web2: mf via * problem - help? (texhax058) web2c's: bug in * change file for bibtex (texhax078) web2c: * is here! (texhax043) web2c: bibtex 0.99c change file for * (texhax047) web2c: bibtex 0.99c change file for * (texhax digest v88 #47) (texhax050) web2c: re: bibtex 0.99c change file for * (texhax050) web2c: ?has anyone compiled gftopk using *? (texhax064) web2c: bug in ctex.ch (* 2.2)? (texhax088) web2c: * works on ibm rt/pc running aos 4.3 (texhax089) web2c: re: bug in ctex.ch (* 2.2)? (texhax091) webtoc: music in tex and *. (texhax072) week: flame of the *: unix-style command interfaces (texhax017) what: * is amssmc40 ? (texhax013) what: re: * is amssmc40? (texhax017) what: for * paper-sizes are latex standard styles/options designed? (texhax029) what: on * systems will tib run? (texhax047) what: latex: for * paper-sizes are standard styles/options designed? (texhax063) what: * people call ``small capitals'' (texhax082) when: "\addtocontents" doesn't work * there are \include files (texhax007) when: * is a loop not a loop? (texhax067) when: retaining font style * changing size (texhax095) whence: * an ftpable dostex? (texhax090) where's: * pxtopk {\bf version 2.3}?? (texhax028) where's: * the hidden space? (texhax095) while: look at cat'codes * defining a macro (texhax070) whole: floppy tex: the * story (texhax069) why: dvi output on the hp deskjet (* you probably don't want it) (texhax086) why: metafont & postscript: * not? (texhax109) wide: * marks in latex ??? (texhax040) wide: how * is a period? (texhax041) wide: * labels and bibtex (texhax073) wider: latex headers * than text style hack wanted (texhax006) widest: bibtex's selection of "* label" (texhax070) widest: re: bibtex's selection of "* label" (texhax070) widows: * and clubs in latex (texhax024) width: * of columns in \halign (texhax036) width: full * figures and tables in twocolumn.sty (texhax090) will: on what systems * tib run? (texhax047) will: needed: a \special for dvi2ps that * invert text (texhax104) win: bibtex 0.99c is a big *! (texhax049) wiscwm: archive server users - stop using * as a bitnet gateway (texhax006) within: allowing broken lines * citations (texhax010) within: displaying text * large brackets (texhax045) within: re: displaying text * large square brackets (texhax049) within: beginners question: how to change textwidth * a document (texhax065) within: boxes * boxes within boxes (texhax081) within: boxes within boxes * boxes (texhax081) without: tex for a pc * hard disk (texhax059) without: tex for a pc * hard disk (texhax063) without: \topinsert * new paragraph (texhax #98) (texhax099) wizards: a challenge for tex macro * (texhax023) woes: save stack *. . . . (texhax082) won't: personal tex's ptips * work with psfig.tex (texhax028) word: * ==> tex (texhax021) word: ``* hy-phen-a-tion by com-put-er'' (texhax30.88) (texhax034) wordperfect: filter from tex files to * (texhax031) words: macros for printing *, lines and files verbatim (texhax085) work: "\addtocontents" doesn't * when there are \include files (texhax007) work: personal tex's ptips won't * with psfig.tex (texhax028) work: reference * for document layout standards (texhax078) workaround: dvialw patch to * ultrascript bug (texhax045) works: reference * for document layout (texhax081) works: re: reference * for document layout (texhax81.88) (texhax087) works: web2c * on ibm rt/pc running aos 4.3 (texhax089) workstations: tex on apollo * (texhax000) workstations: tex on individual * (texhax003) workstations: comparison shopping for * (texhax015) workstations: tex on apollo * (texhax060) world: tex in the big * (texhax057) wrap: * your flat files! (texhax062) write: making metafont read local.mf and * the right output files (texhax078) write-white: * fonts query (texhax023) write-white: vanishing pixels (or * fonts) texhax digest v88 #23 (texhax027) writer: how to become a technical * (texhax061) writer: re: how to become a technical * (texhax066) writes: warning: unix tex in c * to file descriptors > 2 (texhax038) writes: re: warning: unix tex in c * to file descriptors > 2 (texhax039) writes: warning: unix tex in c * to file descriptors > 2 (texhax039) writing: \newread and reading and * the same file. (texhax042) writing: re: \newread and reading and * the same file. (texhax043) wrong: * characters printed (texhax009) wrong: how high is this box (\ht\boxno seems to be *) (texhax071) wujastyk's: dominik * footnote macros (texhax088) x-10.4: * screen driver? (texhax082) x-window-10: * previewer (texhax005) x11: xdvi under *? (texhax066) x11: xdvi for * (texhax069) x11: * previewer, ps previewer and vortex (texhax070) x11: * dvi previewer (texhax088) xdvi: * under x11? (texhax066) xdvi: * for x11 (texhax069) xenix: any trip tested versions of tex running under * (texhax059) xerox: * 4050/9700 font file formats (texhax022) xerox: tex for vms, * drivers (texhax023) xerox: new discussion list for * printers (texhax036) xerox: tex driver for * 3700 in vms (texhax039) xerox: * 2700 ii dvi driver (texhax072) xerox: dutch hyphenation, * 8700 support, digital's document (texhax080) xxxcustom.tex: tgrind.sty, xxxslides.sty, * (texhax011) xxxslides.sty: tgrind.sty, *, xxxcustom.tex (texhax011) xywrite: * and tex (texhax036) yaffb: * (yet another format for bibtex) (texhax080) yaffb: re: * (yet another format for bibtex) (texhax083) yale: access to tex-related stuff by anonymous ftp from * (texhax083) yale: access to various tex-related files at * (texhax095) yet: yaffb (* another format for bibtex) (texhax080) yet: re: yaffb (* another format for bibtex) (texhax083) yet: * another latex bug? (texhax104) you: dvi output on the hp deskjet (why * probably don't want it) (texhax086) you: a macro that allows * to define your own characters (sprite.sty) (texhax106) you: query: how do * get the czech long u (circle over a u)? (texhax107) zero: re: * tfm checksums (texhax v88 #41) (texhax043) zero: re: * tfm checksums (texhax #41,#43) (texhax046) zero: * tfm checksums (texhax #41,#43) (texhax047) zero: latex phantom * macro problems. (texhax056) zero: re: tex implementation language * (texhax080)