% This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1993 @i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES! @i gb_types.w \def\title{MULTIPLY} \prerequisite{GB\_\,GATES} @* Introduction. This demonstration program uses graphs constructed by the |prod| procedure in the {\sc GB\_\,GATES} module to produce an interactive program called \.{multiply}, which multiplies and divides small numbers the slow way---by simulating the behavior of a logical circuit, one gate at a time. The program assumes that \UNIX/ conventions are being used. Some code in sections listed under `\UNIX/ dependencies' in the index might need to change if this program is ported to other operating systems. \def\<#1>{$\langle${\rm#1}$\rangle$} To run the program under \UNIX/, say `\.{multiply} $m$ $n$ [|seed|]', where $m$ and $n$ are the sizes of the numbers to be multiplied, in bits, and where |seed| is given if and only if you want the multiplier to be a special-purpose circuit for multiplying a given $m$-bit number by a randomly chosen $n$-bit constant. The program will prompt you for two numbers (or for just one, if the random constant option has been selected), and it will use the gate network to compute their product. Then it will ask for more input, and so on. @ Here is the general layout of this program, as seen by the \CEE/ compiler: @^UNIX dependencies@> @p #include "gb_graph.h" /* the standard GraphBase data structures */ #include "gb_gates.h" /* routines for gate graphs */ @h@# @@; @@; main(argc,argv) int argc; /* the number of command-line arguments */ char *argv[]; /* an array of strings containing those arguments */ { @; @; @; if (seed<0) /* no seed given */ printf("Here I am, ready to multiply %ld-bit numbers by %ld-bit numbers.\n", m,n); else { g=partial_gates(g,m,0L,seed,buffer); if (g) { @; printf("OK, I'm ready to multiply any %ld-bit number by %s.\n",m,y); }@+else { /* there was enough memory to make the original |g|, but not enough to reduce it; this probably can't happen, but who knows? */ printf("Sorry, I couldn't process the graph (trouble code %ld)!\n", panic_code); return -9; } } printf("(I'm simulating a logic circuit with %ld gates, depth %ld.)\n", g->n,depth(g)); while(1) { @; @; printf("%sx%s=%s%s.\n",x,y,(strlen(x)+strlen(y)>35?"\n ":""),z); } return 0; /* normal exit */ } @ @= if (m<2) m=2; if (n<2) n=2; if (m>999 || n>999) { printf("Sorry, I'm set up only for precision less than 1000 bits.\n"); return -1; } if ((g=prod(m,n))==NULL) { printf("Sorry, I couldn't generate the graph (not enough memory for %s)!\n", panic_code==no_room? "the gates": panic_code==alloc_fault? "the wires": "local optimization"); return -3; } @ To figure the maximum length of strings |x| and |y|, we note that $2^{999}\approx5.4\times10^{300}$. @= Graph *g; /* graph that defines a logical network for multiplication */ long m,n; /* length of binary numbers to be multiplied */ long seed; /* optional seed value, or $-1$ */ char x[302], y[302], z[603]; /* input and output numbers, as decimal strings */ char buffer[2000]; /* workspace for communication between routines */ @ @= register char *p,*q,*r; /* pointers for string manipulation */ register long a,b; /* amounts being carried over while doing radix conversion */ @ @= @^UNIX dependencies@> if (argc<3 || argc>4 || sscanf(argv[1],"%ld",&m)!=1 || sscanf(argv[2],"%ld",&n)!=1) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s m n [seed]\n",argv[0]); return -2; } if (m<0) m=-m; /* maybe the user attached |'-'| to the argument */ if (n<0) n=-n; seed=-1; if (argc==4 && sscanf(argv[3],"%ld",&seed)==1 && seed<0) seed=-seed; @ This program may not be user-friendly, but at least it is polite. @d prompt(s) {@+printf(s);@+fflush(stdout); /* make sure the user sees the prompt */ if (fgets(buffer,999,stdin)==NULL) break;@+} @d retry(s,t) {@+printf(s);@+goto t;@+} @= step1: prompt("\nNumber, please? "); for (p=buffer;*p=='0';p++) ; /* bypass leading zeroes */ if (*p=='\n') { if (p>buffer) p--; /* zero is acceptable */ else break; /* empty input terminates the run */ } for (q=p;*q>='0' && *q<='9';q++) ; /* check for digits */ if (*q!='\n') retry( "Excuse me... I'm looking for a nonnegative sequence of decimal digits.", step1); *q=0; if (strlen(p)>301) retry("Sorry, that's too big.",step1); strcpy(x,p); if (seed<0) { @; } @ @= step2: prompt("Another? "); for (p=buffer;*p=='0';p++) ; /* bypass leading zeroes */ if (*p=='\n') { if (p>buffer) p--; /* zero is acceptable */ else break; /* empty input terminates the run */ } for (q=p;*q>='0' && *q<='9';q++) ; /* check for digits */ if (*q!='\n') retry( "Excuse me... I'm looking for a nonnegative sequence of decimal digits.", step2); *q=0; if (strlen(p)>301) retry("Sorry, that's too big.",step2); strcpy(y,p); @ The binary value chosen at random by |partial_gates| appears as a string of 0s and 1s in |buffer|, in little-endian order. We compute the corresponding decimal value by repeated doubling. If the value turns out to be zero, the whole network will have collapsed. Otherwise, however, the |m| inputs from the first operand will all remain present, because they all affect the output. @= *y='0';@+*(y+1)=0; /* now |y| is |"0"| */ for (r=buffer+strlen(buffer)-1;r>=buffer;r--) { /* we will set $y=2y+t$ where $t$ is the next bit, |*r| */ if (*y>='5') a=0,p=y; else a=*y-'0',p=y+1; for (q=y;*p;a=b,p++,q++) { if (*p>='5') { b=*p-'5'; *q=2*a+'1'; }@+else { b=*p-'0'; *q=2*a+'0'; } } if (*r=='1') *q=2*a+'1'; else *q=2*a+'0'; *++q=0; /* terminate the string */ } if (strcmp(y,"0")==0) { printf("Please try another seed value; %d makes the answer zero!\n",seed); return(-5); } @* Using the network. The reader of the code in the previous section will have noticed that we are representing high-precision decimal numbers as strings. We might as well do that, since the only operations we need to perform on them are input, output, doubling, and halving. In fact, arithmetic on strings is kind of fun, if you like that sort of thing. Here is a subroutine that converts a decimal string to a binary string. The decimal string is big-endian as usual, but the binary string is little-endian. The decimal string is decimated in the process; it should end up empty, unless the original value was too big. @= decimal_to_binary(x,s,n) char *x; /* decimal string */ char *s; /* binary string */ long n; /* length of |s| */ {@+register long k; register char *p,*q; /* pointers for string manipulation */ register long r; /* remainder */ for (k=0;k'1') p=x,r=0; else p=x+1,r=*x-'0'; for (q=x;*p;p++,q++) { r=10*r+*p-'0'; *q=(r>>1)+'0'; r=r&1; } *q=0; /* terminate string |x| */ *s='0'+r; } } *s=0; /* terminate the output string */ } @ @= strcpy(z,x); decimal_to_binary(z,buffer,m); if (*z) { printf("(Sorry, %s has more than %ld bits.)\n",x,m); continue; } if (seed<0) { strcpy(z,y); decimal_to_binary(z,buffer+m,n); if (*z) { printf("(Sorry, %s has more than %ld bits.)\n",y,n); continue; } } if (gate_eval(g,buffer,buffer)<0) { printf("??? An internal error occurred!"); return 666; /* this can't happen */ } @; @ The remaining task is almost identical to what we needed to do when computing the value of |y| after a random seed was specified. But this time the binary number in |buffer| is big-endian. @= *z='0';@+*(z+1)=0; for (r=buffer;*r;r++) { /* we'll set $z=2z+t$ where $t$ is the next bit, |*r| */ if (*z>='5') a=0,p=z; else a=*z-'0',p=z+1; for (q=z;*p;a=b,p++,q++) { if (*p>='5') { b=*p-'5'; *q=2*a+'1'; }@+else { b=*p-'0'; *q=2*a+'0'; } } if (*r=='1') *q=2*a+'1'; else *q=2*a+'0'; *++q=0; /* terminate the string */ } @* Calculating the depth. The depth of a gate network produced by {\sc GB\_\,GATES} is easily discovered by making one pass over the vertices. An input gate or a constant has depth~0; every other gate has depth one greater than the maximum of its inputs. This routine is more general than it needs to be for the circuits output by |prod|. The result of a latch is considered to have depth~0. Utility field |u.I| is set to the depth of each individual gate. @d dp u.I @= long depth(g) Graph *g; /* graph with gates as vertices */ {@+register Vertex *v; /* the current vertex of interest */ register Arc *a; /* the current arc of interest */ long d; /* depth of current vertex */ if (!g) return -1; /* no graph supplied! */ for (v=g->vertices; vvertices+g->n; v++) { switch (v->typ) { /* branch on type of gate */ case 'I': case 'L': case 'C': v->dp=0;@+break; default: @; v->dp=1+d; } } @; return d; } @ @= d=0; for (a=v->arcs; a; a=a->next) if (a->tip->dp>d) d=a->tip->dp; @ @= d=0; for (a=g->outs; a; a=a->next) if (!is_boolean(a->tip) && a->tip->dp>d) d=a->tip->dp; @* Index. Finally, here's a list that shows where the identifiers of this program are defined and used.