Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 19:59:37 +0600 Subject: Contribution - Compile PCRE 8.10 Windows XP Hello! This is instruction for compile PCRE on Windows. /* Compile PCRE 8.10 with MS Visual C++ 6.0 on Windows XP Author: Oscar - copy config.h.generic config.h write config.h #ifndef SUPPORT_UTF8 #define SUPPORT_UTF8 #endif #ifndef SUPPORT_UCP #define SUPPORT_UCP #endif #define HAVE_STRERROR 1 #define HAVE_MEMMOVE 1 #ifndef NEWLINE #define NEWLINE '\n' #endif copy pcre.h.generic pcre.h cl -DHAVE_CONFIG_H dftables.c dftables.exe pcre_chartables.c cl -DHAVE_CONFIG_H /c pcre_chartables.c pcre_compile.c pcre_config.c pcre_dfa_exec.c pcre_exec.c pcre_fullinfo.c pcre_get.c pcre_globals.c pcre_info.c pcre_maketables.c pcre_newline.c pcre_ord2utf8.c pcre_refcount.c pcre_study.c pcre_tables.c pcre_try_flipped.c pcre_ucd.c pcre_valid_utf8.c pcre_version.c pcre_xclass.c lib /NAME:pcre.dll /DEF /OUT:pcre.lib pcre_chartables.obj pcre_compile.obj pcre_config.obj pcre_dfa_exec.obj pcre_exec.obj pcre_fullinfo.obj pcre_get.obj pcre_globals.obj pcre_info.obj pcre_maketables.obj pcre_newline.obj pcre_ord2utf8.obj pcre_refcount.obj pcre_study.obj pcre_tables.obj pcre_try_flipped.obj pcre_ucd.obj pcre_valid_utf8.obj pcre_version.obj pcre_xclass.obj link /DLL /OUT:pcre.dll pcre_chartables.obj pcre_compile.obj pcre_config.obj pcre_dfa_exec.obj pcre_exec.obj pcre_fullinfo.obj pcre_get.obj pcre_globals.obj pcre_info.obj pcre_maketables.obj pcre_newline.obj pcre_ord2utf8.obj pcre_refcount.obj pcre_study.obj pcre_tables.obj pcre_try_flipped.obj pcre_ucd.obj pcre_valid_utf8.obj pcre_version.obj pcre_xclass.obj cl -DHAVE_CONFIG_H /c pcreposix.c lib /NAME:pcreposix.dll /DEF /OUT:pcreposix.lib pcreposix.obj link /DLL /OUT:pcreposix.dll pcreposix.obj pcre.lib cl -DHAVE_CONFIG_H pcretest.c pcre.lib pcreposix.lib cl -DHAVE_CONFIG_H pcregrep.c pcre.lib // if no unistd.h and dirent.h files, please delete same lines in config.h pcretest testdata\testinput1 testdata\myoutput1 windiff testdata\testoutput1 testdata\myoutput1 */