@article{paterson-jacm94, author = "Michael~J. Fischer and Michael~S. Paterson", title = "Fishspear: A Priority Queue Algorithm", journal = "Journal of the ACM", year = 1994, month = jan, note = "preprint, Paterson folder" } @unpublished{rajagopalan-set-cover93, author = "Sridhar Rajagopalan and Vijay~V. Vazirani", title = "Primal-Dual RNC Approximation Algorithms for(Multi)-Set (Multi)-Cover and Covering Integer Programs", month = oct, year = 1993, note = "presented at FOCS 93, preprint, Rajagopalan folder } @unpublished{shamir-factor-poly93, author = "Adi Shamir", title = "On the Generation of Multivariate Polynomials Which are Hard to Factor", year = 1993, note = "unknown if published, Shamir folder" } @unpublished{shamir-signatures-93, author = "Adi Shamir", title = "Efficient Signature Schemes Based on Birational Permutations", year = 1993, month = mar, note = "unknown if published, Shamir folder" } @unpublished{vazirani-winners-94, author = "David Aldous and Umesh Vazirani", title = "Introducing Interactions into Randomized Optimization Algorithms", month = nov, year = 1993, note = "preprint, Vazirani folder" } @unpublished{williamson-forest-93, author = "Michel~X.\ Goemans and David~P.\ Williamson", title = "A General Approximation Technique for Constrained Forest Problems", note = "appeared in 3rd SODA, pages 307--316, submitted to {\em SIAM Journal on Computing}, Williamson folder" } @unpublished{williamson-network-survival-93, author = "Harold~N.\ Gabow and Michel~X.\ Goemans and David~P.\ Williamson", title = "An Efficient Approximation Algorithm for the Survivable Network Design Problem", note = "unknown if published, Williamson folder" } @unpublished{williamson-steiner-93, author = "David~P.\ Williamson and Michel~X.\ Goemans and Milena Mihail and Vijay~V.\ Vazirani", title = "A Primal-Dual Approximation Algorithm for Generalized Steiner Network Problems", note = "unknown if published, Williamson folder" } @unpublished{williamson-euclidean-93, author = "David~P.\ Williamson and Michel~X.\ Goemans", title = "Computational Experience with an Approximation Algorithm on Large-Scale Euclidean Matching Instances", note = "unknown if published, Williamson folder" } @unpublished{williamson-network-design-93, author = "M.~X.\ Goemans and A.~V.\ Goldberg and S.~Plotkin and D.~B.\ Shmoys and \'{E}.~Tardos and D.~P.\ Williamson", title = "Improved Approximation Algorithms for Network Design Problems", note = "unknown if published, Williamson folder" }